Coupled with that and most of the powers absorbed by Jizo Yusoul, this guy is not an ordinary crotch in terms of will and strength.

"Instead of worrying about what happened to that stupid fox, it's better to worry that some snake in the moth is not dead."

Su Han opened his mouth and said something completely related to the blind spot of anti-entropy knowledge.

Some snake in Moth Chasing Fire?

what is that?

Thunder and Lightning Ryoma opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but before he had time to ask, the boy stretched out his hand towards a certain area in the distance as if he had discovered something.

Then the boy's body released a layer of intense brilliance, and the dark shadow behind him began to expand infinitely.

What is that for?

Thunderbolt Ryoma, who couldn't understand what happened to Su Han's body at all, raised doubts in his heart.

The next moment, his expression changed suddenly.

In his field of vision, the area where the light and shadow crossed, seemed to be distorted by something, changing drastically, like a nuclear bomb being thrown into the Yellowstone Volcano, the youth's aura was climbing infinitely. The spiritual power equivalent to the natural power of the earth for hundreds of thousands of years expands without limit.

The earth trembled, and the tree that pierced through the heavens and the earth appeared here.

Half decay, half prosperity.

Above the tree of gods, the entrance to the domain world called the particle is releasing either bright or dim light.

Everything on the earth seemed to be stagnant in time, motionless, and then distorted into a monochromatic world composed of black and white. The ground was neatly divided into graph paper. The sky stared at everything on the ground.

As if the world had been reset, a new "reality" was overlaid on top of the new reality.

A whole new world was overlaid on this area, and everything was barren in this area that required the owner's consent.

The vast building complex disappeared, and the pedestrians on the street also disappeared, leaving only the thunder and lightning dragon horse standing in the distance staring blankly around, like the country voles who entered the city for the first time,

"what is that?"

The most spectacular battle I've seen so far is the replay of the video of the battle between the leader of the alliance and the second Herrscher. Looking at the method that is completely beyond his own understanding, his expression is as stiff as if he was beaten by Medusa. Look straight.

Not long ago, he thought about using the name of the alliance leader to try to use force to get a little **** to have a good talk with him...

Either decide on the relationship with other women and have a good talk with your daughter, or quit quickly without delaying your daughter.

Now it seems that if you try to use the name of the leader to threaten, it will be a little bit...

To die! !

Thunderbolt Ryoma looked at the boy carefully, because he was focusing on other things before, he hadn't looked at this guy before, but now he's taking a closer look...

The feathers used as a pendant on the neck are part of Yu Duchen. The ceremonial sword on the waist seems to be Heiyuan, which was rebuilt by the circuit because the owner is quite a saber. The longbow on his back seems to have the ruling mentioned in the previous era. The keys are slightly similar...

Your son-in-law must have a very harmonious relationship.jpg.

In a trance, Thunderbolt Ryoma seemed to hear someone reminding him in his ear.

"It's a hunting ground."

I didn't pay attention to the gaffe of the Thunderbolt Ryoma. It was clear that the prerequisite for awakening the Herrscher was that the teenager who released a large amount of Honkai energy casually crushed the crystal clear Honkai beast crystals in front of the Thunderbolt Ryoma, and then guided him. The collapse can flow into the distance.

"Since you are ready to hunt, letting the prey run around the streets will affect the city's appearance too much."

That boy didn't like to involve unrelated people into the battlefield, Shi Shiran said.

==========Dividing Line========

Yae Sakura, the shrine maiden of Yae Village 500 years ago, after Karen, who escaped from the destiny, brought a black box to Yae Village, she became a good friend.

One of the Thirteen Heroes, Unlimited, is a person who pursues evolution, so she can have no bottom line. For some interesting experiments, she destroyed the seal of the Corrosive Herrscher, which had been sealed by her colleagues, and let the Twelfth God seal. The key manufacturing failed.

With the passage of time, this box was passed on to the destiny, and then it was brought to the extreme east by a certain Madhaha saint.

But now, the power of Honkai is spreading over its sleeping area, calling for the extra-legal Herrscher who was born with the Corrosive Herrscher.

Under the stimulation of the huge amount of Honkai energy, Yae Sakura opened her eyes as if she woke up from a dream.

The first thing that came into view was the black and white earth, and when you looked up at the sky, it was pitch black.

There was not a trace of people around.

No, it probably shouldn't be described here as being devoid of people.

There is no grass here.

"Where is this place?"

The pseudo-herrscher, who had just recovered from the seal, was a little confused.

She walked forward blankly, looking at the surrounding environment, scrolling in the black sky, the ground under her feet was flat like a horizontal line, and the scene in her field of vision was like a postmodernist picture scroll.

Everything around her was different from the era she knew... no, it wasn't even the world she knew.

"Looks like we're waking up in weird times."

A rather gloomy voice rang in Yae Sakura's ears, and then, the strange mist dispersed from behind her.

A black fox gradually turned from fantasy to reality. It looked at the scene around it that was completely different from reality, and spoke in amazement, with sarcasm in its voice.

So, are you still alive?

The Miko, who thought she was going to die, held the spirit saber in her hand, recalled the voice in her memory, and remained silent for a long time.

So what about Karen?

"Hey, Sakura, are you still thinking about the woman who has been seriously injured by you and is almost impossible to survive?"

The fox, who lived on the half-finished spirit of the Jizo, chatted endlessly to the shrine maiden beside him.

"Of course I don't know the exact time, but I can also feel that we have been entangled for hundreds of years. After hundreds of years, the woman is absolutely dead."

"The dead can't be resurrected. This is common sense. No matter how much you search for, all you can find are phantoms."

Amid the constant chatter of the black fox, the shrine maiden, who had been silent, turned her head, her voice cold.

"Shut up for me if you just want to say that."

"Your sister died, the villagers you guarded also died, and the person you loved no longer exists. Can you really be considered alive now?"

The black fox screamed in a very eerie voice.

"There is how, not how."

The woman holding the spirit-removing knife calmly asked about this demon who had been entangled with her all her life, and could not even be separated now.

"Anyway, you don't want to live anymore, why don't you give me this body."

The black fox's voice was clearly mocking.

"I'm the last person in the world related to you."

Yae Sakura was silent.

In the seventh year of Wenzheng, there was no rain in Yae Village for a long time, and Rin was chosen by the villagers as a sacrifice to the fox god, and was killed by himself.

In the eleventh year of Wenzheng, she saw that Kalian chose to warm others during the sacrifice, and had the idea of ​​making Kalian a puppet that only belonged to her, and then she was possessed by a fox demon.


Killed all the villagers in Yae Village, and then swung the knife at Karen.

personally bury the people you love, the people you hate, the people you love...

Whether love or hatred, they all return to nothingness with the passage of time, and now there is only the fox who caused her tragedy.

The only one who can accompany him now is this monster.

This monster stirred his heart and made him unable to contain the killing intent and possessiveness.

Looking at the woman who seemed a little shaken, a ferocious smile appeared on the fox's face.

It seems that in the near future, he will get a body.

"You are safe."

The doctor named Mei, assured himself like this.

He believed in the woman who used to be his protector, chose to follow her, and then——

Imprisoned in a dungeon.

Then, the hypocritical human broke into the dungeon, using a short knife, a long sword, a pistol... to brutally kill himself there.

Recalling the pain experienced in the past, if you don't indulge in the past, life will have no meaning in the face of the undead that has never been stronger.

Yes, that's it.

I want to take Sakura's body and restore my power as a Herrscher.

When the time is right, I can once again raise the flag of rebellion against the **** who killed myself and my sister, just like in the past.

"You think...I'll promise you?"

While Higuomaru was thinking about revenge, the woman who was one with the demon fox snorted coldly, interrupting Ling's sweet dream.

"When I find Karen's cemetery and complete the pilgrimage, I will go to Shenzhou to find an expert to seal you..."

"Hehe, as you are."

I don't think that the masters of Shenzhou can laugh at the fox they sealed.

This piece of land has become alienated into something I don't know, and still looking for Karen, looking for the masters of Shenzhou?

This body, she has to settle.

"If you have the ability, go find it. A woman who should have been dead for hundreds of years will mourn a woman who has been dead for hundreds of years. After hundreds of years, you can't even find a trace of Kaslana."

"Waste your time to your heart's content, and then fall down with regret and be supported by me—"

Speaking of which, without warning, the fox stopped extremely unnaturally, like a car braking suddenly.

It was the girl with fox ears who changed the same way as her expression, but she was sad and happy.

In their senses as Herrschers, in the distance, there is the breath of "Karen" wandering.

Chapter 14 Are you, Karen's child?

Karen Kaslana.

The strongest Valkyrie of Destiny 500 years ago, the captain of the Valkyrie Force of Destiny, Kaslana's most outstanding warrior, and a highly controversial character in the Honkai protagonist group.

Because of her father's teaching, Karen was very concerned about the people and was willing to give her life to protect them. For this belief, Karen can betray the destiny and even sacrifice her life, which is the true shield of the people.

However, she's not entirely positive either.

When the Black Death was spreading, she saw that after Otto conducted human experiments, he would not think about whether such a thing was "more pros than cons", and she was slapped when she went up.

She only felt that human experimentation was inappropriate. At the very least, it was extremely bad to experiment with people other than herself.

If possible, this person might be able to match the black whirlwind in Water Margin.

Li Kui is a very pure person.

For hundreds of years, the common people have been very impressed by the character of Li Kui, and he has also become a classic "reckless" image in Chinese literature, and the characters such as Niu Gao, Meng Liang, and Cheng Yaojin in subsequent literary works are all influenced by him.

But would anyone want to meet and get to know this rather popular character?

Anyone who has read the Water Margin a little will definitely refuse,

A guy like Li Kui who can cut from the east to the west of the city appears in modern times. The best solution is to send him directly to the prison to eat peanuts, and no one will take grievances for him.

This product belongs to coal, and it is not easy to wash the dog when it comes.

But if someone asks that Li Kui is the villain who withdraws his head, is he the villain?

It is estimated that many people will fall into the predicament that is difficult to answer.

Li Kui is cruel and bloodthirsty, but his image is different from that of bandits and thieves who "have lost their conscience".

This person is a "little child", typical of the chapter "Li Gui": Li Kui went home to pick up his old mother up the mountain, halfway through, he found that "Li Gui" pretended to be him and cheated. Li Kui was furious and wanted to kill him to vent his anger. But when Li Gui lied that he had an old mother to support him, not only did he not kill anyone, but he also gave him 10 taels of silver, which was turned around.

Brothers were the first to rescue people from an accident. They followed Song Jiang and were loyal and loyal. They never flinched on the battlefield. When someone asked to kill corrupt officials, they would definitely avenge the people without hesitation...

A piece of innocence to the end, this is Li Kui.

Karen's words are also innocent and romantic.

People who see suffering will definitely want to help. They have practiced the concept of knighthood passed down by their ancestors from beginning to end. Even in the face of immortals, they will not back down and fight to the end.

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