However, no matter what, Mei is the best think tank of the moth chasing fire, and also the leader of mankind.

As a soldier, although he doesn't like it, Fu Hua is obviously not influenced by his personal emotions.

"I need an explanation, Tianhui."

Very direct, Fu Hua calmly asked his companion's projection.

Su is the most intelligent among the Thirteen Heroes, and he cannot make an unreasonable request to suspend all the plans of the Forerunners without any reason.

Since he said so, there should be a reason.

"Because what needs to be implemented next is an ark plan based on visitors from another world."

Very straightforward, the man waved his hand, and soon, a projection somewhere in Changkong City appeared in front of Fu Hua.

On the highest floor of the city, a handsome young man was standing there, looking into the distance.

That person, Fu Hua, has seen it before.

He is the new head of St. Freya Academy and the head of the far east branch. He is a man whose whole body is almost covered in mystery.

"Is he a visitor from another world?"

Fu Hua exclaimed.

In any case, the idea of ​​a visitor from another world is a bit surprising.

"Yes, that is a visitor from another world."

Su nodded and gave the correct answer.

"I can confirm that the young man has the power to traverse the world, and can even teleport an entire assembly line of mining machines in an instant."

Speaking of this, Su's expression couldn't help but bring a little weirdness.

To be honest, he didn't quite understand what the purpose of moving mining machines to another world was.

Be a coal boss in another world? To make money to support a sister-in-law or a second room?

This is too outrageous!

However, no matter how outrageous the action is, it will not affect Su's answer to the question.

"Kevin and I will apply to the countries of the world for the resources and necessary talents that civilization needs to survive, and in this plan, what you need to do is to cooperate with the existence of the other world and become a different world. The watchmen of human civilization."

In other words, will the troops be divided into two groups next?

It is generally known how physical Fu Hua's mouth will be twitched by the so-called "application" of Kevin and Su. However, at this time point that is related to the survival of human civilization, it is natural to use the most efficient force to deal with it.

\"So, am I going to Changkong City to find him next?\"

It could be vaguely seen that the boy was asking Fu Hua who was standing on the me club building in Changkong City.

"No, no need."

In Fu Hua's puzzled expression, Su said with a serious face.


"It won't be long before he comes to borrow your body from you."

Borrow your body? !

Shenzhou Immortal's expression fell into a sluggishness.

========Dividing Line========

Changkong City.

A well-known area in the collapsed world view.

If you use the saying in Pokemon, it is probably "where the dream begins".

The famous swindler Cocolia set up a laboratory here, trying to sacrifice Mei in exchange for the return of her daughter.


With the arrival of Su Han, the phantom **** of civil war, who was good at splitting Wang Bing into pairs, was looted of almost all his property, and then sent to the anti-entropy headquarters to be smashed.

Honestly, as a novice map, there should be no need to appear here again.

After all, the largest organization here is nothing but the anti-entropy subordinate organization me, and the most valuable things are nothing more than conquering gems and Raiden Mei, a candidate for Lei Lu.

The former boss, because he saw the scenery of another world, completely believed in "the possibility of re-establishing civilization in another world", and became Su Han's supporter. The conquest gems were sold and became points for Su Han to exchange for props.

To be honest, the valuable things in the entire Changkong City have basically been destroyed by Su Han.

"So, Su Jun, what are you going to do here?"

The best tool person in Changkong City - the father-in-law of the nation, Leidian Longma, looked at the boy who was leaning on the railing and felt that he might fall off at any time, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although they had known each other for a short time, Mr. Raiden really knew the boy in front of him very well.

In Hindu mythology, there are three gods.

Among them, Brahma, the creator god, has the power to give people blessings that they can't take back. That guy who is not afraid of big things can basically create a king of the gods (shame) with every blessing. Demon King, forced the **** of balance Vishnu to reincarnate repeatedly, taking advantage of the loophole to remove the demon.

What can't be done, the first place in the whole life.

And although Su Han is the super-change factor of Vishnu in his body, he is a master of rejuvenation that makes people think of Brahma.

Such a rectifier among rectifiers suddenly appears in his own area, which is worthy of myocardial infarction for every regional manager.

When she thought of her daughter's second-year illness, she suddenly began to look for Lao Shizi's affliction tree, and after continuing the expression of the marriage in the previous life, the depressed expression had completely changed into the expression of myocardial infarction.

What fateful marriage? Watch more morning dramas! !

Seeing that it seemed to be the "boy" chosen by his daughter, Thunderbolt Ryoma only felt that his teeth were aching.

He just went to prison for a few months, and his daughter was arched by a pig.

No, it shouldn't be right to say that it was arched by a pig.

This is the cabbage taking the initiative to hit the pig's head! !

How to fix this.

In the dating world, there was a little sadness on the face of Raiden Ryoma, who saw that the boy had close relations with other girls.

"What's your expression like."

As if he had encountered something very distressing, the young man turned his head and asked the man who was the best tool for anti-entropy, with a surprised expression.


Specially instructed by the leader of the alliance, for the follow-up Ark plan, to meet Su Han's requirements as much as possible, and to stabilize the relationship, Thunder and Lightning Ryoma looked "I'm fine".

"Although it feels like you have something to worry about, since you say it's okay, then treat it as if you're okay."

The young man, who is very good at choking people, replied casually.

The corners of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma's mouth and eyes twitched involuntarily.

This guy is really outrageous.

"Excuse me, what are you here for?"

The man with the anti-entropy mission on his shoulders resisted the urge to turn his head and leave, and asked.

Although he also wanted to ask about his daughter, considering that a certain guy was a reveller who only appeared in the land of disputes, he chose to ask him why he came.

Faced with the question, the boy who had been collecting the Herrscher did not answer the question directly, but brought up another matter.

"Projecting your own consciousness onto objects and manipulating them is the ability of the Herrscher of Erosion in the last era."

"This kind of ability can be used in a wide range, both biological and electronic. Whether it is a human, a beast or a machine, once it is infected, it will become her property."

"In the last era, the Herrscher of Erosion, named Ling, seized the right to use all nuclear weapons and destroyed the only three remaining cities of mankind."

Even just listening to Su Han's description, the complexion of Thunderbolt Ryoma changed.

There is no doubt that it is a terrifying power among the Herrschers who have the ability to persuade per capita.

Non-contact infection of machinery/biology, what kind of ghost ability is this? !

Moreover, from what Su Han said, this Herrscher seems to have a record of dropping nuclear weapons on human cities.

A chill rises in Thunder Ryoma's heart.

You must know that this is not the time when human weapons were scarce like the last era of the last era. The mushroom bombs stored in the homes of the five rogues can directly send the surface civilization to the Stone Age! !

"Could it be that there will be a Corrosion Herrscher born next?"

Instinctively, Thunderbolt Ryoma asked.

If that is the case, it must be wiped out at the first time, otherwise, the entire human civilization will be finished!

In this regard, Su Han was just surprised.

"Have I said that the Herrscher of Corrosion is dead?"

Chapter 13 Jizo Yusoul, yyds

The Herrscher of Erosion, who almost wiped out all the living power of mankind in the last era, didn't die at all?

It was like a huge thunder falling from the sky, and the terrifying fact was like the Originium worm that fell from the sky back then.

The Herrscher of Erosion - A Herrscher who can project consciousness onto objects within its power range.

It sounds very ordinary, but it feels far from the Herrscher of Reason's ability to create negative entropy and the law of space to communicate imaginary space at will. force.

Theoretically, the limit of its capabilities is to dominate global nuclear weapons and then destroy human cities.

The global nuclear bomb is only enough to destroy cities, not enough to make human civilization completely gg.


That tower meow is talking about dropping nuclear bombs according to the rules!

What if that guy directly controlled Ami's nuclear bomb and dropped it on the volcano as an activation prop?

There is a huge lava lake under Yellowstone Park in the United States, and it is also the thinnest place on earth with the thinnest crustal rock. Geologists have found through many explorations that there are places where the ground only needs to go down nine kilometers to reach the lava lake. .

After hundreds of thousands of years of slumber, the magma lake below Yellowstone Park has accumulated powerful eruptive energy, which may erupt at any time.

If Erosion Herrscher threw 500,000-ton TNT-level atomic bombs like the Lighthouse Country into Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the crust would still be reliable, but if the 10-megaton-level hydrogen bomb was buried hundreds of meters deep in Yellowstone Park and detonated, it would be detonated. Or dropping multiple hydrogen bombs at one place in a row, that's another story.

The crust a kilometer or two thick under the ground will break or crack as a result...

It is very clear that once the Herrscher of Erosion moves his head, the defensive measures of the Lighthouse Country are no different from those of the referee with a disability in the extreme east.

Smart people always think more, and Raiden Ryoma is definitely a smart person.

I just thought a little about what the abilities of the Herrscher of Erosion can be used. The pores of Leidian Ryoma's body are like open sluices, which wet the clothes.

It was an existence far more ferocious than the Herrscher of the Sky.

As long as he has the heart, he is the worst Herrscher who can use the chain reaction to activate global disasters.

The Herrscher must be found and then killed!

It is very rare, such a ferocious thought flashed in the mind of Thunderbolt Ryoma, who has always been known for his gentleness in the anti-entropy.


What interrupted Thunder and Lightning Ryoma's thinking was a burst of applause.

"Uncle, you are a little rude."

The boy who was worried about "how to bite a quantum virus" smiled, and those eyes with a hint of warning made Thunderbolt Ryoma quickly understand the situation.

Su Han came for the Herrscher of Corrosion.

He came for a certain purpose and did not want anyone to influence his actions.

"Relax, that guy's power was basically deprived of a semi-finished God's key, and the power that he can use now, even a village girl can't handle it."

As if he was taking a cardiotonic, the boy gave the words that let Thunderbolt Long Ma relax.

This is the truth.

The Herrscher of Erosion is actually an ordinary JK girl in essence.

Maybe he fell into anger because he was killed and became a real lawyer, but after a long time, that hatred has actually been wiped out to the point that only a loving hug can be resolved. .

All she needed was a reason for her to give up her lawyer's stance.

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