"It's like if I don't drink, I can live more time."

The Honkai power itself has poor adaptability, and Jizi, who has been on the front line of the battlefield all the year round, dragged the beer in Theresa's hand with a nonchalant expression on her face.

Her Honkai power is not very suitable, and her talent is not high. She can become one of the few A-level Valkyries with Destiny, which is completely in krypton.

If she gave up the fight completely and was admitted to the nursing home, she would probably have ten years to live.

But, obviously, that is impossible.

If there is no special medicine or the like, the lifespan of Infinite Tajizi will never exceed five years.

"Don't worry about an alcoholic who doesn't dare to step forward with trembling legs when he sees a really good man."

Miss Boundless Tower, who wanted love but didn't want to be implicated, frowned and asked.

"That's not why you give up on yourself!"

Looking at the immeasurable Tajizi, who could almost be described as numb in terms of life and death, Teresa clutched the beer tightly, her eyebrows standing upright.

Immeasurable Tajizi tried to **** the bottle of beer, but under Teresa's terrifying strength, it was fruitless.

"Then listen to you once."

In terms of physical fitness, Immeasurable Takizi, who is not as good as Teresa, sighed.

Theresa breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Takiko Infinite couldn't drink for the time being, and then looked at the briefcase she was carrying on her shoulders.

After a period of quarreling, the hazy drowsiness basically dissipated, and Teresa was considered to be in a state of work.

Theresa quickly read the record on the A4 paper, smiling at first, then the smile turned stiff.

"What's going on here?"

Due to lack of authority, Wuliang Takizi, who was not allowed to view the document at all, asked her immediate superior.

She didn't quite understand what was going on that could make Theresa, who was essentially an optimist, turn into a crying face in an instant.

"Captain Huberian - Immeasurable Tajizi is conscientious and conscientious and has excellent performance. He was awarded the post of Deputy Branch Head of the Far Eastern Branch, and granted him the qualifications of the 'True Ancestor Project' and the 'Prometheus' Project."

what is this?

I don't know what the so-called True Ancestor plan and Prometheus plan are, Immeasurable Tajizi was stunned.

However, since it is a reward that can be placed alongside the position of the branch head of the extreme eastern branch, it should be a good thing.

So here comes the question...

Boundless Tajizi, who is a good friend of Miss Teresa, looked at the superior who seemed to cry in front of him, with question marks all over his face.

Why does Teresa have a more sad expression than being deducted from her salary when she sees her promotion and salary increase?

"Do you remember... Not long ago, I embezzled your salary as a captain to hire Su Han to help me with some things?"

As if he had aged fifty years at once, the white-haired dumpling's voice was vicissitudes.

Because Teresa, who is the head of the branch, is not obedient, the funds of the extreme east branch are not very sufficient.

Not long ago, Teresa had encountered such a bad thing as true and false Qiyana, and she had to make up a lot of resources to hire a traveler.

Infinite Tajiko nodded.

It is actually very difficult for Miss Teresa to take out the funds to hire Su Han without affecting the operation of the Far East branch and St. Freya Academy.

Therefore, Wuliang Takiko's salary as the captain was almost all deducted, and it was directly deducted ninety years later.

This is unquestionably immoral.

Immeasurable Tajizi's body has long been eroded to the limit by the collapse energy, and he will not live for five years. He also has income as a teacher and past savings. You can ignore these and treat the captain as a part-time job.

However, you must know that the Hyperion is not owned by the Far East Branch. When the captain is sacrificed, a new captain will be sent.

Imagine the scene when a certain captain walked to the logistics department with a happy face after a month of hard commanding, and clicked on the salary column.

That big zero can definitely make those captains cry and climb back to the headquarters.

"What's the matter? Headquarters decided to investigate your forcible collection of resources by illegal regulations?"

Looking at the white-haired ball that was about to cry, Miss Boundless Tower couldn't help but think of this serious question.

After all, Teresa went a little too far.

"No, it's not like that. Grandpa didn't pursue my illegal report."

As if possessed by a tearful cat's head, the white-haired ball's hand trembled.

What could that be like?

Confused, Immeasurable Tajizi walked around behind Teresa and probed slightly.

Then, a line of suffocating fonts fell into her eyes and silenced her.

"Theresa Apocalis made mistakes such as absenteeism, private deduction of wages, and disobedience to the command of the headquarters. Captain Hyperion."

In order to raise funds for a certain crumb, Teresa, after handing over all her small treasury, received Captain Hyperion's salary 90 years later like a tax from Goose City.

Looking at the white-haired dumpling who had lost the small treasury and was demoted to captain, a little horror flashed on Wuliang Takizi's face.

"Theresa... do you still have money to eat?"

Theresa was silent, just looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

=========Dividing Line==========

Time goes back to the Destiny Floating Island a day ago.

"Who can beat those rookies of the S-rank Valkyrie!!"

If Horendelle heard it, she would probably be able to raise a gun on the spot and spit out the words that he was going to kill from the boy's mouth.

This guy actually started breastfeeding Valkyrie again.

"...You mean, the normal Valkyrie is too weak?"

However, it was very unexpected. As the head of the Valkyries, the bishop just pondered and said words of approval.

This is not difficult to understand.

Although Mr. Goutuo was repeatedly called a coward who would only hide behind a woman by a hilarious person, his fighting power was actually surprisingly strong.

During the battle in New York, he was already able to relied on sneak attacks to seriously damage the First Herrscher. When the second collapse, the soul steel body evolved, and there were even individuals with the same strength as the First Herrscher.

For this bishop, most of the S-rank Valkyries are really useless.


Even so, isn't it a bit... out of place to refer to the S-rank Valkyrie as "no one can beat it"?

The bishop, who thought so, turned his eyes slightly.

Su Han just said that what he wants is "high-efficiency" customs clearance, and the key word here is "high-efficiency".

Then, it is not difficult to guess that the so-called support of Chaldeas and his party, in the decisive battle between the two sides, should be Su Han.

As far as it is concerned, among the enemies ahead, there should be very few that can contend with it.

However, he was not willing to go to solve the enemy alone, but chose to ask himself for a "potential" Valkyrie to form a team.

It is very clear that the bishop, who is only higher or lower in strength than the youth in front of Hollander, pondered.

There is a lot of potential, as long as the potential is developed, you will be able to obtain the qualifications that surpass the power of the S-rank Valkyrie...

Not much.

"You want to dominate the Herrscher?"

Almost in a few breaths, the bishop slowly spit out an answer that was enough to shock the entire inner world.

"Of course."

In this regard, the young man smiled and gave a positive answer.

Is the S-class Valkyrie a waste?

This statement is actually not accurate.

The main strength of Destiny is actually technology. Taking off the equipment of a group of soldiers on the technology side and letting them fight with their bare hands is actually the same as deducting protein powder and fitness supplements from fitness enthusiasts, and then forcing them to participate in bodybuilding selections.

To them, the Valkyrie armor is like a Noble Phantasm to Heroic Spirits.

As the top combat power of Destiny to remove the goose and Otto himself, after the S-rank Valkyrie cooperates with the God-killing armor developed by Destiny, the strength will be extremely terrifyingly improved.

As long as you don't want to die, even a semi-retired A-level Valkyrie like Infinite Tajiko, wearing a nuclear fusion suit (understood as carrying a small nuclear power plant) and other kryptonian series weapons can show no weaker than first-class heroic spirits destructive power.


Here comes the problem.

As we all know, the most of your Moon Heroes are first-rate, followed by second-rate and third-rate.

Above the first-class, there are the "strongest corners of heroic spirits" of various myths, above the strongest corners of heroic spirits, there are degraded gods, above the degraded gods, there are the gods themselves, and above the gods, there are the main gods and beasts... ..

In the early stage, the Dou King was honored, and in the later stage, Dou Sheng was everywhere.

It can only be said that the concept of cultivation base and class of the Oriental Xuanhuan Liu, the lunar people are very precise.

Valkyrie or something, it's okay to fight the Holy Grail War, and expecting them to beat people and burn them is just giving away their heads. If they hit the Lost Belt era of per capita target followers, it can already be said that entering is equivalent to coolness. .

Therefore, if you want to recruit your subordinates, you can't count on the so-called Valkyrie.

Honkai, as the background of the world, was born with civilization. The more human civilization developed, the stronger the will of Honkai became.

In order to resist the continued development of these civilizations, the "Herscher", a creature with a human shape but unreasonable, was born in the collapse.

"Compared to the Valkyries, the Herrschers who have received excellent education are better warriors, aren't they?"

In the bishop's look as if he had seen a ghost, the young man spoke seriously, even if the first green person was confused.

"There are many legends - the Herrscher of Duck, the King of Expansion - the Herrscher of the Pufferfish, the Master of the Pots and Pans - the Herrscher of Rice, the Herrscher of Rice, who is a low-ranking 3rd Heiherher, who regards himself as the heir of human beings. Lawyer..."

"Although there is a problem in terms of strength, their ability accuracy is not low. If they can make up for lessons, learn cultural knowledge well, and then let them obtain enough 'quantity' through some external force, then they will be able to A monster that rivals the King of the Lostbelts."

What is the invincible legend?

What is the king of expansion?

Fan law, hey, what is a lawmaker?

Mr. Otto thought for a long time, but he didn't understand who the so-called Herrscher of Ducks was, and what the puffer fish and the master of pots and pans were talking about.

However, he understood what Su Han meant.

The guy on the opposite side, like himself, looks forward to being able to control the Herrscher and turn the Herrscher into his subordinates.

It is common sense that lawyers are difficult to control.

After the second collapse, the man who has been working on the artificial Herrscher experiment knows this.

Love is the best cage. In order to obtain the controllable power of death law, he has shifted his focus of work in the past few years to the "Sirin Project".

Inspiration from Honkai God, his own plan for decades, the investment of multiple Herrscher gems...

It can be said that for the artificial Herrscher, he almost poured all his energy into it.

Even so, he didn't have all the confidence to turn k423 into a Herrscher.

But now, Su Han decided to start the plural Herrscher experiment, which is undoubtedly crazy.

Once the experiment is out of control, human civilization will face the blow of multiple Herrschers.

Is he that confident to rule over the Herrschers?

It is very clear that the bishop, who is most likely to be able to tear off the eggs by conducting experiments on multiple artificial Herrschers at one time, looks at the young man who always seems to be a little lazy, and his deep green eyes flicker.

But if it was him, it might not be impossible.

after all--

Now, he should be regarded as a "monster beyond common sense".

It can be felt that the trembling bishop hides in the void and defines the young man in front of him.

Since he has gone beyond common sense, then naturally he cannot be measured by common sense.

"My friend, you are really confident."

After a long time, the bishop picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the desk and handed it to the boy in front of him.

That's the checklist used to keep track of the movement of people.

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