He was wearing a Russian-style military uniform, carrying a longbow on his back, and a long sword that seemed to have undergone deformation around his waist.

If there are people who know the goods here, they will definitely stay there.

The red feather hanging around his neck is the key of knowledge—Yu Duchen, and the longbow he carries behind his back is the third **** key to wash away the seven thunders of sin, and hangs on his waist as a ceremonial sword The short sword used exudes the breath of the Sixth God's Key.

Turn Yuduchen into a pendant, the Thunder Key as an embellishment for hunting outfits, and the Black Abyss as a ritual sword...

In this world, the armament formed by the core of the Herrscher and integrated into the world's highest technology is called the God's Key.

Excluding the unseen control keys that were divided into a thousand pieces and their power was scattered, there were twelve **** keys in total.

And this young man has three directly on him! !

There are a total of twelve keys of the gods, and this person is holding three of them by himself. This thing is simply outrageous to the extreme.

Moreover, judging from his current performance, his handling of the God's Key seems to be inclined towards decorations! !

You must know that the thirteen heroes of the previous era are only one person and one God key. Only in extremely special circumstances will they hold multiple God keys at the same time, and this guy actually regards the God keys as an embellishment?

This kind of behavior is simply writing the cruelty on the face! !

However, that's what the boy did, using the weapon that contained the authority given by the gods as a decoration.

"Long time no see, my dear friend."

Facing the young man who was simply utterly reckless, the bishop who was sitting in front of him smiled, and there was no trace of turbulence in his green eyes.

"Long time no see, Bishop."

As comfortable as he came to his own home, the boy smiled and sat in front of Otto, smiling slightly, revealing canine teeth that were much sharper than humans.

Tracy is dead.

He died under the sniper of the Third God's Key - the Seven Thunders of Purification.

Like all God Keys, this God Key has the ability to change form.

Because I was in a hurry to rob Getia...cough, to support Chaldea, Su Han, who should have let the eldest father and the inner guard swarm him and hacked him to death, transformed the third god's key into a longbow, Then pull away and enter the advanced field of view...

And then of course not.

Although the prototype of Tracys is Frederick who is full of luck, no matter how lucky he is, he cannot be resurrected after being targeted by the third **** key.

Then the all-powerful Yu Duchen hypnotized him, making the pardoners consider a bad-breathing cat to be His Highness, and then used the Angel of Change to simulate the appearance of Tracy.

After a little more investigation with the book of omniscience, where Tracys left his sister's body, this game that was originally a crushing round ushered in the end.

Su Han got Thearesia's body, and then as long as he asks Tokisaki Kurumi to resurrect, he will get a strong claim on Kazdel.

Satisfied with this matter, he sent a message to Romani, and then swaggered back to Destiny to find his boss.

"This is a present for you."

The boy smiled and placed a bottle of plasma in front of the man.

"This is?"

As if he had encountered a very interesting gadget, the man named Otto picked up the small bottle with a surprised expression.

"The blood of the first primogenitor."

Quite frankly, the young man threw the radish that Mio Takamiya fished to death directly to his titular boss.

"Theoretically speaking, injecting it into a human body will transform the human into the blood of an immortal vampire. The disadvantage is that the vitality becomes negative, it becomes averse to sunlight, and it becomes bloodthirsty. The advantage is that as long as it is not cut off The head, the power that will not die if the heart is dug out, the huge magic power, and the privilege of summoning the beast."

"In simple terms, it is a Valkyrie that can make ordinary people directly ascend to A-rank, and has a probability of summoning a Valkyrie equivalent to an S-rank... Well. I'm talking about Rita and the German who have not fully liberated the supermutable genes. As an item for a Beast of Lisa's rank, the magic power that can be controlled will continue to increase as time goes by."

In fact, the boy who wanted to turn the entire human civilization into vampires explained.

"That bottle of blood can probably produce two royal vampires, um, that is, the guy who can target the S-rank Valkyrie. If the product is diluted, it can probably wholesale the vampires of the noble class."

A prop that directly allows mortals to quickly upgrade to A-level or even S-level?

A moment of astonishment flashed in Otto's dark green eyes.

A-level Valkyrie is already an elite squad leader or even a branch ace, and S-level Valkyrie, even if you count Su Han as a non-staff member and retired Theresa, there are only five people.

Can a drop of blood allow a mortal to gain longevity and combat power comparable to S-rank?

This power...

Sure enough, another world is a world with infinite possibilities.

The man who had been looking forward to getting the possibility of resurrecting Karen from Su Han felt that his heart was speeding up. It was obvious that he had already lost that organ, but that kind of arrogance appeared directly in him.

"Is this what you get when you leave without saying goodbye?"

Forcibly suppressing the shock and joy in his heart, the man put away the prop that could probably be called a souvenir, and raised his eyebrows.

He didn't feel that the gifts he received were very precious, because he was sure that if Su Han had an extremely precious treasure, he would definitely eat it alone, and pack it up for relatives and friends instead of running over to give it to himself as a gift.

He raised his head and looked at the boy's teeth that were far sharper than ordinary people, convinced of this,

Thinking of this, Otto couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

My current situation is like a trash can that accepts recyclable garbage.


Even if it is garbage in Su Han's eyes, he has to give the purchase price.

One is to win people's hearts, the other is...

This stuff seems to be really useful.

It can make mortals jump directly into the blood of the S-rank Valkyrie. If it is given to the A-rank Valkyries who are expected to reach the S-rank, and the physical load is serious, then there may be more than ten more S-rank women in the next destiny. Valkyrie.

That is definitely a blessing for Destiny.

It is very clear that Su Han will not take a deep breath of Otto, who is courteous for no reason, looking at the young man who is definitely planning, and speaks.

"At one time, Destiny has obtained the possible props that can wholesale A-rank Valkyrie and raise the strength of A-rank Valkyrie to S-rank. Perhaps, the status of the deputy branch head of the extreme east branch is no longer worthy of your contribution. "

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"I need some characters with amazing potential, follow me and go to support Chaldeas."

In the blood-devouring world, the young man who had accumulated a lot of soldiers with considerable combat power shrugged slightly and said.


Hearing this term, Otto's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"You're talking about Chaldeas, who has the power to change history?"

Not long ago, the calm eyes of the man who had obtained a lot of information about the outside world from Su Han had huge waves.

"correct answer."

The boy who had already sent out the invitation letter from Honkai Impact clapped his hands and gave the answer.

\"Phoenix Chaldea, the organization that guarantees the survival of human beings, is a magic workshop built as a location that will not be interfered by any country and can keep secrets - an observatory built to overlook everything on the earth from the void.\"

"Through the contractual support of the Atlas Institute, which is also known as the Royal Family of the Clock Tower, that organization has acquired a Reiki Computer that can prove the Master's "existence" in the sense of Reiki no matter what era, so that it can Spiritualize the Master, put it into the past to materialize, and interfere with the past."

The boy who felt that the clock tower should have been kicked out of the three lunar magic associations clapped his hands and gave the answer.

"Now they are facing a crisis called Human Reason Burning, and they need support. According to my contract with them, when I help them solve the Human Reason Burning, they need to give me everything."

"It naturally also includes spiritual transfer technology and supporting facilities."

The boy who was completely running for the Holy Grail and turned on fgo2.0 smiled and said words that made it difficult for Otto to keep calm.

"And the premise of forming the human principle burn is seven singularities. If you want to solve the human principle burn, the best solution is to form seven teams, complete the foundation of the human principle at the same time, and then go to solve the source of everything."

That boy, who was obviously too lazy to hit the singularity one by one, finally explained his purpose.

"So, do you want to call on Hollander, Rita and the others as support?"

It is generally understood that the boy in front of him is Otto, who is looking for someone, and groaned.


He met Su Han's astonished eyes.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Who can beat a rookie like an S-rank Valkyrie!"

Chapter 3 Theresa, from today onwards, you are the captain!

On a small island in the far east, a building complex called St. Freya Academy is hidden among the mountains.

This is an organization affiliated with the destiny, and every year, a large number of artificial Valkyries walk out of it to eliminate the Honkai event.

There was once a person who wanted a girl who was fighting against the collapse to experience the life and happiness that a normal person should have, but that person died early before he could realize his ideal.

A dwarf inherited the man's ideals and left the Destiny headquarters to establish the Far East Branch and St. Freya Academy, implementing a more humane management plan.

This person is Deli silly Apocalis.

The white-haired dumpling was huddled under the covers, sleeping soundly.

Not long ago, because of his two nieces, this white-haired dumpling was so busy that he could not wait to learn the technique of shadow avatars. While asking for mercy from his grandfather, he contacted anti-entropy, and then sent a avatar to carry Judas to beat Qi. people...

However, with the appearance of a certain hooker, things turned around.

Grandpa agreed to release the real Kiana, and decided to give up the so-called "Silin Project".

In other words, most of the previous situation that made this white-haired dumpling nearly die has been directly resolved.

What is needed next is to use a slow way for the two nieces to accept each other, because they are both victims and it is not difficult for them to reconcile.

Everything is in the best possible way.

Perhaps because the sense of crisis was lifted, even though it was time for the sun to bask in her buttocks, she still slept soundly.

The quilt was messed up by her, and her arms, calves, and half of her shoulders were exposed, as well as her beautiful long silver hair.

If no one disturbed him, this guy, who was only a little dignified in the eyes of Youlan and Wendy, would have slept until he woke up hungry.


"Dong Dong Dong!!"

After a while, there was a very rapid knock on the door.

The momentum was as if it was about to smash the door.

Undoubtedly, the sound of dismantling the house suddenly alerted the white-haired dumplings who were recuperating and preparing to adopt Kiana and Xilin in time.

She jumped out of bed, rushed to the hanger with bare feet, grabbed the speed of light to change clothes, and in just one or two breaths, the white-haired ball with its dull hair turned into a neatly dressed pious nun.

"Excuse me, who is it?"

In front of her juniors, the nun, who will try her best to ensure her image, opened the door and smiled.

Although the fact that Miss Teresa is the mascot is just as common sense at St. Freya Academy as Infinite Tower-sensei can't find a man, but, as we all know, a matter is often not passed on to the person concerned until the final stage.

Therefore, this young lady, who did not know that her majesty was equivalent to the stray cat at the school gate, was still trying her best to clean up her majesty.

Then, she saw a certain red-haired royal sister who was sloppy with a can of beer in her hand.

Like a sand sculpture soaked in water, the expression of the white-haired dumpling suddenly collapsed.

The person who came is the good friend Immeasurable Takizi who knows her well, not the students or juniors who have not yet seen the true nature of her abandoned house. In front of Miss Immeasurable Takizi, who is also the aunt of the abandoned house, Theresa does not need to disguise. Own.

"It's Ji Zi. I'll talk about it later. I'll go back to sleep first."

Before she finished speaking, the school principal jumped into the room like A Fu jumped into a dragon, letting herself fall back to the bed like a half piece of pork.

"Hey, hey, the bishop personally issued the order, don't you care?"

During Teresa's lazy time, Miss Captain, who was sitting in the principal's office to help her with official duties, was very helpless.


The white-haired dumpling, who had already jumped on the bed, lay on the big soft bed for a few minutes, with a look of grief on his face as if his chest had been pierced by a rifle, and crawled off the bed.

As the head of the extreme eastern branch, she still understands how valuable the orders directly issued by the bishop are.

"I see."

After encountering a serious matter, Teresa, who had to get serious, walked up to a guy who was drinking beer early in the morning and didn't seem to care about his body, frowned, and dragged the beer away.

"Drinking in the morning is not good for your health."

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