For Miss Su Xia, chatting with her brother is a very pleasant thing.

This is not difficult to understand, no one hates siblings whose personalities match their own.

Maybe it was a girl who was controlled by a younger brother, as if she was consciously cooperating with a certain elf, jumping and jumping to pull her brother out of the palace, walking a considerable distance before stopping.

"So, what are you working on?"

It seemed that there was some information mixed in the eye contact between Su Xia and Tokisaki Kuangsan, and even their appearance might have been arranged by the teenagers who stopped after Su Xia stopped.

Although I don't know what they are doing, according to the "three women in one play" of a scumbag witch, Su Xia and the others may have scheduled several plays just now.

"Xiaohan, you are tens of thousands... ah no, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, you are good at emotional intelligence, and you have found a pretty good woman!"

Su Han's question was completely irrelevant, and it was spit out from the mouth of the girl with a big hood.

Hearing such remarks, Su Han's mouth twitched.

Hundreds of years no see...

A big-headed ghost for hundreds of years, he can't even add up his past and present lives to a fraction of this number!

Moreover, you said the number of tens of thousands before.

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched.

Only speaking from the biological age, my old sister guessed that Kevin, Su and Fu Hua are the same people.

Although I had already guessed that the doctor's hometown would be the old bangzi of the last era, it was quite shocking to hear this slip of the tongue.

"What's your look like?"

It seemed that he felt the strangeness of his brother's expression, and the expression of the girl with the hood suddenly turned bad.

"I just didn't expect that, old lady, you are actually a guy who appeared before the birth of Originium."

The words were not astonishing, and the young man opened his mouth and said words that would make the Terrayan race's complexion change drastically.

Origin Stone, Origin Stone.

How this strange stone was born is still a mystery, only that it appeared with the emergence of civilization and became the energy foundation of this world.

But now, there are people who are talking about its origin in a familiar tone.

There is no doubt that if this matter falls to Letania, which is rich in scholars, or Columbia, who studies Originium technology, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, attracting a large number of scholars to visit.

"Alas, Xiaohan, do you know the origin of the source stone?"

It was like encountering something very strange, it was like someone in the Cthulhu mythology, the girl who had been lying dead for tens of thousands of years blinked.

"Universal energy produced in the last century when energy was almost exhausted."

Very concise, Su Han gave the answer.

Military competition, this is a word that makes people want to jump.

In the 20th century, the giant bear and the bald eagle started an arms race with the numb expressions of European countries and rabbits because of the issue of world hegemony.

Land supremacy, maritime supremacy, air supremacy, and even space warfare...

The two enemies were frantically poking at the tech tree, blasting soldiers, and trying to overwhelm each other.

Putting aside political ideas and hegemonic struggles, only from the perspective of the progress of civilization, the struggle between Xiong and Ying has greatly promoted the progress of civilization.


These two guys often work on a project at the same time, because the technologies are not mutually compatible, so it will cause secondary consumption of technology development.

In the last era of Arkworld, the energy consumption caused by the arms race was astronomical.

"For various reasons, the human beings in the last epoch have been distracted, and they have already consumed almost all the resources that can be mined before reaching the interstellar era. In order to continue civilization, they can only hold their noses and unite, trying to artificially create Renewable super energy."

In the last era, the girl who seemed to be a member of the Originium development project team nodded and told a very old story.

She claimed to have only partial memory in front of Kelsey, but in fact she had already woken up and was just pretending to be the Riddler.

"Special algae cultivated in outer space are implanted into coal, oil, and even domestic waste, so that the seaweed that I don't know who cultivated it devours it, and then crystallizes it into high-energy units, becoming a universal energy source. , that energy is almost a perfect energy source, except that it will release a little unknown substance in the ionic state."

"Every researcher was rejoicing at the news, but didn't know the disaster was coming."

"The plasmaized Originium caused the first natural disaster. The natural disaster destroyed the laboratory and leaked out the special algae that should have been adjusted."

The girl who was a witness to the disaster herself had a slightly sad expression.

That should have been the special algae that could last the last century and spread directly around the world, converting all the energy that human beings depended on for survival into Originium, and a large number of Plasma Originium even continuously caused natural disasters, destroying human cities. ..

In an extremely ridiculous way, the human civilization in this world has come to an end, and a small number of talents who are regarded as "fire seeds" have been refrigerated, waiting for the Originium to consume the efficiently transformed substances, because the value-added speed is reduced. And be buried, then wake up and rebuild civilization.

The vast majority of human beings are abandoned, wandering on the continent that has made it difficult for them to survive, struggling hard.

Because there is no choice, the humans wandering on the continent can only try to develop the power of Originium, until one day, someone finds that after injecting a large amount of Originium solution into the human body, they will awaken something similar to ESP (Super Sensational Perception, which can understood as the power of the forbidden atm stand).

It only takes a few needles to make a common man stronger and gain self-preservation on the wasteland.

There is no doubt that such a discovery made the surviving humans feel an unprecedented surprise, and they began to inject solutions that are harmless to humans to gain power.

For humans, ingesting a small amount of Originium would not cause harm, but what if generations of humans did this?

The source stone solvent changed their genomes, and the humans wandering on the earth began to differentiate... They became demihumans who were more adaptable to source stones and more easily eroded. The demihumans gradually developed the use of Originium The stone method has built a new civilization.

Then, cities built by demihumans began to be born.

As Originium is mined, more ionized Originium is released, causing natural disasters to escalate.

There may have been many "fire seeds" who were tasked with rebuilding civilization and wanted to turn everything around. However, facing the already formed Originium civilization and the natural disaster that became the natural climate, they were obviously numb and died in depression.

"The story of this world is really outrageous."

Su Han took out an Originium from his pocket and sighed.

I don't know how many years ago, this thing was ionized like the Tiberium mine in "Command and Conquer", causing a natural disaster and destroying the last hope of all mankind.

"Although I don't know why you want to collect this thing, Xiaohan, I still want to remind you that the seaweed that makes this thing is really poisonous. If you bring these things, try not to let those things come into contact with oil and gas, etc. stuff."

Annoyed, Su Xia picked up the stone that had directly copied her hometown, and threw it into the fountain in the distance, causing a splash of water.

"I think it's pretty easy to use."

Su Han rubbed his chin, feeling that if he could control the Originium, he might be able to turn other worlds into suitable mines.

Group chat is neurotic.

Su Han had proposed more than once to build a nuclear power plant for it, and then asked the group chat to pay himself the electricity bill on a monthly basis, but all of them were rejected.

This guy is obviously eager for energy, but he scoffs at energy sources such as electricity, solar energy, and wind energy, and only accepts abnormal energy substances such as spiritual veins, Honkai energy, and Originium...

Obviously they are all energy, but they have to be divided into high and low.

To be honest, Su Han felt that the group chat should be repaired at the factory to make the system AI clearer.

However, since this thing can convert normal energy into Originium, can I wholesale Originium by stuffing Originium into substances such as oil and natural gas?

As long as it can ensure that the ionized Originium does not spill out and cause natural disasters, this plan is definitely a **** profit.

Try it later.

The boy who felt that if he encountered a doomsday world, he could throw a few Originium Stones and transform the planet into a mine.

But before that, I have to deal with the Tracys thing.

Su Han thought about it, and then couldn't help looking at his old sister.

"Would you like to clean up with me next, Tracy?"

Not long ago, the boy who got Tracy and was about to arrive in Ursas looked at the old sister who was a good girlfriend with Theresia and asked.

"You mean, Teresia's **** brother?"

For various reasons, the doctor who let Theresia die narrowed his eyes and looked a little bad.

"Well, he's almost there."

As an ally, the boy who was definitely a disaster opened his mouth and said.

When he arrives, Su Han will kill him, then retrieve Theresia's body and resurrect her.

If Su Han does not have his own elder sister, if Su Han chooses a puppet between Tracy and Theresia, it is estimated that he will choose Tracy.

However, after all, I have an old sister here, and I need to take care of her emotions.

Su Han thought about it, then looked at his old sister, hoping to see moved tears.


He found that his old sister was looking at him with a strange look.

"What's up."

Su Han became alert.

"Oh, if that's the case, then you've got to get ready to sort out your clothes."

In the past, doctors who molested a lot of beautiful girls in the name of her brother, recalling the past, at first she thought it was fun to molest beautiful girls, but now things have changed, and her brother is here.

It feels like there is a bit of room for manoeuvre here.


Su Han's question mark.

"In the condition of working for Theresia back then, there was a blind date when it was necessary."

Miss Doctor said.

Chapter 62 Get to know what a master of space management is! !


The remote but extremely virtuous ruler of Kazdel, the regent of Victoria.

In the whole world, this Mr. King has a very strong presence.

That is an existence that can be called an isomorph with Frederick the Great. It can be said that anyone who is not brain cramps will understand what kind of hero he is.

However, in the conversation between a certain pair of siblings, the terrifying man was directly ignored.

What they were discussing wasn't how to deal with this incredibly talented **** emperor at all, but—

Blind date.

Looking at the woman who solemnly urged him to go on a blind date after resurrecting Theresia, Su Han's expression became more and more subtle.

Not long ago, when Su Han was playing riddles about the old lynx, she jumped out and said that the old lynx was her daughter-in-law.

w That guy reacted quite abnormally after seeing her. She was a arrogant and questionable girl in the plot, and she even said that she wanted to be taken care of.

This situation, to be honest, has been a bit ruinous.


Now she is saying again that she and Theresia have a blind date...

The old lynx who was sold to him for nine yuan and nine, suddenly gave it to w, who was begging for support, and the current blind date...

To be honest, Su Han wondered if his old sister was using her own name to tease cute girls. When he arrived, he suddenly realized that the work he had done seemed to be able to be put to good use.

"Sister... Did you use my name to molest a lot of operators or mercenaries or even Queen Sarkaz?"

Without thinking too much, Su Han asked.

"No, to be precise, I not only molested a lot of cute girls in your name, but also molested some very cute boys."

The girl spoke seriously and made Su Han's fist harden.


Soon, the iron fist sanction fell on the head of a cheating sister, causing her to cry out.

"Sister, aren't you serious?"

Because of a debt of love and a headache, Su Han couldn't help but sigh after hammering his old sister.

I haven't seen it for a few years, and this product is getting more and more pitted.

"Thearesia is a super beauty. If it wasn't for your emotional intelligence, I don't think you deserve it."

The resentful girl who was completely hammered covered her head and her thoughts were broken.

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