"Girls who haven't put on makeup may suddenly want to wear makeup because of boys, but after putting on makeup, their emotions will shift—"

The witch, who basically did not wear makeup, expressed her own perception of the scene in front of her very bluntly.

"Compared to the attention of men, she cares about whether her makeup looks good or not and shows off to the women around her. Now, Tarua and today's Shokuhou Fuck..."

"Okay, you don't have to say it, now I can go to Academy City to apply for the sixth place."

The boy who felt that he could completely replace the sixth superhuman rolled his eyes.

His current sense of existence cannot be said to be absent, but it is obviously not obvious.

However, this quarrel should stop.

Su Han looked at the girl holding his waist and bared her teeth at Tallulah, his eyes turned slightly.

Shokuhou Soki is a girl who likes to rely on people and is a little afraid of being alone.

After completely severing myself from the past, even if I first came to me with the thought of finding a temporary meal ticket, my mentality has also changed because of lack of support and loneliness.

I always feel that this baby seems like a thief who is easy to deceive.

However, this is also normal.

After all, in order to have a new beginning, Shokuhou Cao Qi almost deleted all of his own experience. If he looks like a person, it would be a **** of a thing.

Su Han, who felt that if he went to play routines, should be able to get this scheming Lolita done within a month, Su Han looked distressed.

He's not very good at dealing with this kind of emotional aspect of girls who are idiots and close to him.

But in any case, he and Tallulah are a little more familiar than Shokuhou Kaori.

The decision appeared in Su Han's heart.


"Ahh-, are you all here?"

Without warning, a voice belonging to another girl came from a distance, which stunned the two girls who were arguing and Su Han who was just about to adjust.

The source of the voice was a girl.

Black hair, ragged bangs covering most of her face, and her exposed eyes a charming red.

Behind her, the girl whose face was nearly 70% similar to Su Han leaned her head and looked into the luxurious palace.

"Usas's palace is really beautiful, much better than the broken place of Kazdel's Black Iron Palace."

What is this?

Seeing the old sister and Shizaki Kuangsan who came over suddenly, Su Han was stunned.

Almost as soon as Su Han agreed to confess, Tokisaki Kurumi, who wrote on his face that he wanted to clean up Shokuhou, remained silent, as if he just disappeared.

Now, she suddenly appeared, and she also brought her old sister. Such behavior made Su Han start to think deeply, whether there is a deep meaning here or something serious.

"Xiaohan, I haven't seen you for so long, why don't you give me a hug?"

Miss Doctor, who still likes her brother quite a bit, noticed a certain boy for a moment and greeted him warmly.

The girl who was very similar to Su Han appeared in Tallulah's line of sight, and this dragon girl, who was still planning to quarrel with a certain superpower, suddenly changed her expression.

Even if she didn't know Su Han's family situation, she could guess after seeing the face that the two were probably related by blood.

The name is "Xiao Han", so is it an elder?

Sister, mother or aunt?

No matter what, they are Su Han's elders, and they need to be attracted by him.

Just like the face-changing of Peking Opera, the hazy face of the dragon girl was quickly relieved, and the heroic face with the facial features was a little mismatched.

However, when she saw another girl beside the girl, her expression changed a bit.

Before that, the time capable person who resurrected Xiaolu had a very close relationship with Su Han.

Has she met her parents directly?

The huge impact made the smile of the dragon girl who had just been dunked by a hat stiffen even more.

Following Tallulah's transformation, Shokuhou Caoqi, who was arguing, could not help but stop and looked at the aisle with two more people.

Her attention was different from Tallulah's, mainly focusing on the other girl.

That is the spirit of time, and one of the people in the group chat.

After she successfully rubbed off on the group owner's meal, the young lady approached her to chat, kindly and considerately as if she was flattering.

From a sociological point of view, this should be bullshitting.

Miss Shokuhou Caoqi, whose brain is still pretty good, thought about it this way, uncle, he seems to be a very remarkable person, occupying the top of the food chain in the group chat.

After he accidentally interacted with him, even if it was just a nominal relationship, it seemed that he could attract many people who wanted to flatter him.

Probably... so it is.

A girl with a rational thinking, trying to use the logic of interests to analyze the reason why Tokisaki Kurumi is asking him for warmth.

But it doesn't matter.

In any case, it was the person who had shown her good intentions, and he should have responded to her kindness after accepting her kindness.

The girl who thought so laughed at the elf who added her name to her memo, and the elf quickly returned a smile.

And all these interactions were taken in the eyes of a doctor who was long overdue.

Is this the Shura Field?

Keenly felt that the two girls who were standing beside her brother had a very bad relationship, the Miss Doctor looked thoughtful.

She originally urged the operators to work overtime in Rhodes Island, but was told by the sudden arrival of Tokisaki Kurumi, "Your brother, seems to be troubled by the Shura field, and needs you to mediate."

What to adjust? Just want it all.

This is what Miss Su Xia thought at the time.

From a social point of view, this is undoubtedly an extremely outrageous idea, but from a personal point of view, this idea is actually quite normal.

People in Shenzhou undoubtedly like the prosperity of their families. Even the rare DINK family will not hate the cute loli and Zhengtai.

Obviously, Miss Su Xia still hopes to see things like Ding Xingwang in her family, but she herself has no idea of ​​getting married and having children, and the continuation of the family naturally expects her brother to transplant the super-variable factor of the emperor-level scalper, and then Go to farm.

However, she still came.

Because she felt something was wrong with the girl who informed her.

The Dragon Girl from the Integration Movement looked at her with eager eyes, but the scheming Golden Retriever over there didn't care about her appearance, and was even interested in looking at Tokisaki Kuangsan...

So, this is not the Shura field, but closer to the nonsense of two women?

If it's just two people's nonsense, why should you involve yourself in it?

Miss Su Xia couldn't help looking beside her. There, a girl with a ladylike smile was greeting the girl with a little tooth.

I don't know if it's an illusion...

The leader of the integration movement seemed a little disappointed when she saw Tokisaki Kurumi standing with her.

Was it because of his own demonstration?

Su Xia was thoughtful.

He likes Xiaohan, but asks himself to deal with the Shura Field. What is the purpose of this contradictory difference?

Did she think wrong, she and Xiaohan were just friends or superiors?

This is a bit silly.

After all, the leaders of the integration movement had darkened eyes when they saw this guy, looking like a defeated dog.

So, is she actually trying to express something?

Ask yourself to mediate...


A flash of light flashed in the doctor's mind.

She didn't seem to care about her brother getting entangled with other women.

Dr. Chip, who hoped that his brother could hook up with a few more beautiful girls, narrowed his eyes and looked back at the Time Elf.

The Spirit of Time did not respond, but greeted his brother with a smile, and asked, "Tohka and Yoshino seem to miss you quite a bit, don't you want to take a look?"

The relationship has become close to discussing the content of breakfast, and he doesn't care about his brother's work outside, and the rare play is only for Tallulah, who seems to have a marriage contract, and seems to be more emotional than his official Tallulah...

The doctor, who was expecting to hug her nephew and niece, gleamed in her eyes.

Oh oh oh, are you proving your status?

If that's the case, I really have to be on her side.

\"By the way, Su Jun, how are you handling Kazdel's matter?\"

Like a knife slashing on a mess, the elf of that time walked briskly in front of Su Han, who was between the two girls, and stretched out his hand, the straight girl of steel and a superhuman who was still young. In sight, he stretched out his hand and tidied his collar.

Kazdel, in Su Han's plan, he wants to dye the country with the second color. There are the corpses of Su Xia's best friend, and a tyrant who killed his sister and seized power.

"Tracys has been out for a while. If nothing else, he will arrive at the Kazdel Embassy before Tallulah's enthronement ceremony."

Su Han, who had his collar trimmed by Tokisaki Kurumi, told the whereabouts of someone who needed to sacrifice to the sky next.

"Take care of Kazdel's business, do you need me to help you with something?"

The girl nodded if there was no one around, and then asked,

"That kind of thing is completely unnecessary."

Tracy was never regarded as an opponent, but the boy who played like a cat gave the answer.

"By the way, my elder sister is also here. Don't you want to catch up with her?"

The time elf whose eyes completely fell on a certain superpower asked curiously, causing Su Han to go in the direction of his old sister.

The girl who was holding Su Han's waist before, after losing her cover, naturally appeared in front of the Time Elf.


I always feel that this woman seems to be a little different from what I think.

I always thought that Tokisaki Kurumi approached him because he wanted to use him to get close to Su Han's Shokuhou, but his expression suddenly froze.

This performance seems to be much closer than Tallulah.

So, why did she ask herself so intimately?


Ask East and West.

A sense of crisis rose in the heart of the superpower.

What did you say to her.

Love pastries and hate green juice? Envy the strength of your peers? Hate all aerobic exercise, especially not good at swimming...

Ahhh! ! !

Are you an idiot?

He actually told an unfamiliar person all his likes and dislikes! !

Because he is too lonely, the superhuman who is particularly good at building relationships looks mad.

During her frantic time, the girl's slender hand quickly pressed on her shoulder.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Because of the Demon God, the expression of the girl who couldn't go home for the time being was very stiff.

"Just a little suggestion, you should probably exercise a little bit."

Like a demon, the girl made a voice that made Shokuhou shiver.

"I found a coach for you, the best kind."

Chapter 61: Crazy Three: Perhaps, this is the green hat from the sky

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