The girl in front of Su Han thought.

Dressed maturely, but still has the same childishness that can be seen.

after all--

This baby is actually even younger than Amiya.

Perhaps it is out of the instinct to care for the cubs. Most people are lolicons. When encountering cute and obedient children, it is normal to have the urge to kiss and hug them.


No matter how cute the bear child looks, it is difficult to be divided into the range of Lolita.

For the bear child, Su Han often felt that the blood was hot, and the body was mutating under the control of the most primitive instinct.

- For example, the fist is hard.

Although Miss Shokuhou Caoqi is not a bear child, she has nothing to do with a good girl. In addition to the fact that this guy's chest is flat at a glance, he is a young seedling who learns to be sturdy, and Su Han really can't be interested in appreciating it.

However, at this time, it is still a bit inappropriate to say that you are a full-fledged tablet or something, and a bit low in emotional intelligence.

Thinking like this, Su Han looked at the girl in front of him who was almost a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the setting in both body and personality, gave a thumbs up, and said.

"Praise (flat)."

"If I have time, I will definitely try to appreciate it, but I still have a lot of things in this world that I need to deal with, so there is no way to appreciate your cuteness for the time being."

Such words fell in the ears of a certain superpower lady, which made her slightly frowning brows stretch a little.

This guy is not as straight as he imagined.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

Perhaps because she had forgotten the past, the girl who was very curious about everything looked at the boy who was said to have something important to deal with, blinked her eyes, and continued to ask.

"Tracys, the king of Kazdel, a hero who killed his sister and made himself king. Next, I will probably invite him to this city and kill him."

The words that could not really be called kind words sounded, causing the girl's expression to collapse all of a sudden.

As a person who would even give up her own strength, Miss Shokuhou Misaki no doubt yearns for an ordinary life.

Maybe her little devil nature after losing her memory will make her want to seek some excitement, but the excitement she wants is only the level of watching horror movies and entering a haunted house, not a banquet! !

Ah ah ah, the uncle is not very old, how can he do things so outrageous?

Before she lost her memory, the equally outrageous girl complained in her heart.

At that time, she just wanted to grab a meal ticket and made a request for a relationship, but she didn't expect to directly pull out the Regent of the Tundra Empire.

I always feel that by staying by Uncle's side, whatever happens next is possible.

The girl sighed inwardly.

The life she wants is to settle down, and then watch movies and eat with someone every

Find a handsome boy who can understand him, take care of each other, and work **** housework together. That's a normal development.

Maybe it was because she was at the beginning of her love affair, Miss Shokuhou Caoqi thought about this possibility a little after seeing Su Han, a guy with a noble temperament as long as he didn't speak.

How did it cut directly to the copy of Crusader King all of a sudden!

"It seems that because my next thing is more violent, you don't really want to stay by my side for the time being."

It seems that he has noticed some problems, but in fact, Su Han, who doesn't really want to take it with him for the useless girl, thinks about it for a while, and then speaks.

"Alright, after all, some scenes are really not suitable for girls to see."

Those words made Shokuhou Caoqi hesitated.

After leaving Academy City, she had basically cut off contact with her past, and the only person who knew about her past was Su Han.

There are children, melons and fruits, fine dogs, and flying insects. Under the shed of the juveniles holding melons and willows, the small dogs chase the butterflies in the narrow alley, the world is bustling with laughter...

But some people have nothing to do with the human touch that supports the summer, leaving the wind on the temples.

The girl who had left her hometown looked at the boy who seemed to be planning to leave herself somewhere, with a nervous expression on her face.

Although I have already decided to cut ties with the past, but if I really cut all ties...

That way, it will be a little lonely.

In Su Han's surprised expression, the girl who didn't seem to like violence suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed his sleeve, and laughed.

"Uncle, I really like to look for excitement."

=========Dividing Line==========

Ursus is an empire rooted in permafrost.

In this empire, for southerners, extremely rare ice and snow can directly cover everything in sight.

The queen who is about to ascend the throne, dressed in a white military uniform, is sitting in a street restaurant in Chernoborg, drinking coffee with a lot of sugar, and eating sandwiches with bacon.

I don’t pay attention to the taste, but the pure sugar-sweetened coffee is full of calories, and the sandwich with bacon can add a certain amount of protein and a lot of carbohydrates.

To be honest, such a meal is really chilling for the queen who is about to ascend the throne.

However, Tallulah is very fond of such a set meal.

To say the reason, it is probably because most of the citizens of Ursus eat these.

For idealists who have run away from the aristocracy, the food that can represent the vast majority of Ursas is obviously more pleasing than the delicacy at aristocratic dinners.

A girl with such a hobby, after eating, raised her head and looked at the street.

Not long ago, every walking person looked tired, disabled soldiers wearing medals were begging on the streets, hoping someone could see a few coins tossed on the glory of the past, hordes of unemployed people were terrified in front of labor agencies She flinched, not like a bear, like a dingo.

However, the streets of Chernobog today have indeed changed.

The look of the walking person was still tired, but not numb.

The soldier who lost a leg was holding a cane, struggling to observe the cheap shops around him, feeling his pockets, thinking about whether the newly issued pension would be enough to build a shop and open a bakery.

Workers who looked like black coals stood in the lobby of the tavern, complaining that building infrastructure was too tiring or that the witch boss was too smart, while asking the waiter to warm a pot of vodka and a plate of pickled cucumbers. ..

Everything is depressed, however, there seems to be a little more change.

This is, reform?

The still immature princess looked at the scene that had changed greatly from a week ago, and couldn't help but recall the words of her titular "fiancé".

"Ursas is a weakened empire. Compared with its peak period, it is actually very weak, but even an empire in a weakened period can maintain order and keep the society from becoming depressed. Now the social contradictions are so fierce, it is actually the expansion of the military aristocracy. Oh, I ate too much cake that should be shared by all the people."

"Let those nobles go to Siberia to dig potatoes... ahem, leave the special jurisdiction and go to the general area to develop local villages. After building a beautiful Usaus, the city will naturally be much better."

A young man who has been missing for many years said casually, a very familiar plan to the Tsarist Russians.

"This is centralization, um, the premise of establishing a strong and powerful feudal dynasty."

"Of course, that's only the first step. No matter how good centralization is, it's still a **** feudal system. It's still a long way from capitalism, and it's even farther away from socialism. As for those doctrines that are more ideal than socialism, they are even worse. It is one hundred and eight thousand miles."

Tallulah knew about capitalism.

The country where her father grew up is a country where capitalism is rampant. With its strong financial strength, the country's international reputation is not even weaker than that of Usas where she is located.


The citizens of that country cannot be called happiness.

In 1996, the end elimination system, the performance evaluation system, the social Darwinism prevailed...

To be honest, Tallulah doesn't like this system very much. She hopes that the people of her country can have a brighter future.


A basin of cold water was poured directly on her head.

The young man spoke in surprise, denying her sweet dream.

"You just want to fast-forward to the destruction of Ursus?"

Why would a more ideal and superior system usher in misfortune?

Such questions troubled Tallulah, and under the influence of the doubts, she couldn't help asking questions.

“The so-called change is initiated at the right time—that is, after social productivity reaches a certain level. Changes that do not conform to the background of the times may sound beautiful, but in most cases, such changes will basically It's about the balls."

Just like an almighty robot cat, the boy answered her doubts and spoke while writing his next speech.

"Until the social productive forces develop to a certain stage, some state governance policies, no matter how good they are, are only suitable as ornaments. If you don't want to talk about it all at once, you should honestly look at the emergency banking law or the national revival law to restore the economy and improve social productivity. It’s better, pushing the boat with the current is ultimately easier than reversing everything.”

"When the productive forces of society are at the right time, I will remind you how to move smoothly into the next stage of capitalism."

"Of course, don't count on me in the next stage. I have never seen that kind of society and can't give guidance."

Perhaps having seen a world where capitalism is topped off, the boy shrugged and said.

The principle of governing the country, in his mouth, is as cheap as a hundred yuan per pound of books in the Xinhua Bookstore.

"Really...a very powerful person."

Feeling the streets that had undergone changes in just a few days, the princess of Ursus couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

With ease, he tamed the evil **** Black Snake and stubborn nobles, and simply pulled his lost friends and dying friends back to this world and jokes, and planned the future direction of Ursus...

What a man to look forward to.

Not long ago, I couldn't help asking a certain young man to go with me to see my sister and uncle's dragon girl. I couldn't help but put my hand on my left chest and tap it lightly, as if asking my mind.

Marriage with him is not bad.

It was only a nominal marriage, but she was looking forward to the future.

So, do you want to express your feelings?

The dragon girl, who has always given people a sense of heroism, is rarely tangled.

While Tallulah was thinking about her own mind, a rather luxurious car came from a distance and stopped in front of the store.

Then, a man with strange red eyes stepped into the door of the store, and bowed politely to him under the shocking expressions of the rest of the customers.

"His Royal Highness, His Majesty the Regent has arrived at the palace in Chernobog, and I have something important to discuss with you."


Is he here?

A faint surprise rose up in the dragon girl's heart.

"take me to."

The girl who chose to walk or ride horses most of the time quickly walked out of the store, and rarely chose to ride in the car with the double-headed eagle logo, heading towards her palace as the crown prince.

With the roar of the car, soon, the dragon girl returned to her palace.


The figure with the blonde girl's arms around her arm fell into her eyes.

"Who are you?"

With an expressionless face, the Crown Prince of Ursus questioned the girl who was holding his fiancé's arm.

Chapter 59 That's the old lady's fiancé/boyfriend!

There is a palace in Chernobog.

This palace was the residence of a former nobleman who voluntarily went to Siberia to dig potatoes... ahem, after the construction of Ursus, the place was vacant.

Afterwards, the mayor of Chernobog quickly dispatched the best craftsmen to upgrade the nobleman's residence into a palace exclusively for the royal family.


Although it is a royal palace, its ownership is not entirely in the hands of the Crown Prince of Ursus, she only holds half of the ownership.

The other half of the ownership belongs to a certain Lord Regent who suddenly appeared, and that Mr. Transmigrator also has the right to live in the luxurious palace.

In theory, this palace is the joint property of the Crown Princess and her fiancé.

But now, this area that should only be accessible to two people actually has an extra touch of gold or green that shouldn't appear.

Tallulah looked forward, a slender girl who could be described as thin, holding her fiancé's arm, standing in front of her with a puzzled expression.

Under the light, the long golden hair exudes a color similar to honey.

The delicate face is like a doll, and it is outrageously cute.

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