Miss Shokuhou Caoqi doesn't like the identity of "the strongest mentally capable person". Her strong mental ability in the past made her a person who reads stories, and it is difficult to integrate into the "story".

In order to return to normal in the true sense, she chose to delete her memory, start from scratch, and after vaguely guessing who she might be, she chose to escape the city that had left too many marks on her without hesitation.

She's going to start over!

But here comes the problem.

To start over, where do you start, and how do you live after that?

For Miss Shokuhou Misaki, who has completely deleted her social experience, this is a matter of knowledge blind spots.

The premise of starting a normal life is that superpowers are absolutely not used unless absolutely necessary, but if this eldest lady is not allowed to use superpowers, her physical strength will not even be enough to maintain the process of applying for a temporary residence permit in her new place of residence.

As a person who has Hercules in his heart, Shokuhou Caoqi has to admit that he is a useless piece of wood who will die suddenly if no one takes care of him.

At this time, there are people from other places who are very lame to start a conversation with me...

To be honest, this is undoubtedly a development with "please use me as a useful tool" on the face.

It is extremely dangerous for a thirteen-year-old girl to choose to date in order to find someone to take care of herself.

However, this statement does not hold true for Shokuhou.

Because she has the highest mental ability, Shokuhou Misaki doesn't have to worry about the person on the opposite side being malicious and something bad will happen - the only way to be malicious to her is to have her head washed off and jump into the river like a toad to drown. . Therefore, she doesn't need to worry about whether she will be a sheep in the tiger's mouth all of a sudden.

Boys and girls take care of each other, this is an obligatory thing, isn't it?

Under such conditions, this actually quite arrogant useless girl chose to propose "intercourse".

Thinking about it, this seems to be too frank.

So, in exchange, you can try to help when necessary.

The girl who had been invited to another world, but was still eating dessert, narrowed her eyes comfortably because of the sweetness in her mouth, while calculating in her heart the maximum "strength" she should use if her "boyfriend" asked for help. ".

However, for her boyfriend, how much power his girlfriend can use is obviously not something that needs attention.

The teenager sitting in front of him supported his chin with one hand, looked at the stacks of desserts, and sighed.

Why, such a small girl can eat so much?

Also, isn't it said that Shokuhou is a sports idiot?

Why do you become so active when you go to the food court?

At the speed of light, Su Han, who lost three useless wood ancestors and returned to the Ark World to deal with some things, looked at the girl who had given up normal carbohydrates with a subtle expression.

If he remembered correctly, Shokuhou Caoqi was born with a physique that is prone to fat.

Is it really okay to eat and drink like this?

When looking at the integrated mine, a teenager thought when she saw the whole process of Miss Shuangxing saying, "I have never been indifferent - unbelievable - such as mourning a concubine - screaming".

What should he say?

Although you will be very embarrassed when you see your weight soaring in the future, but you are really handsome when you eat desserts?

"Dear boyfriend, you must know that girls have two stomachs."

The superpower who has forgotten about the sad thing that he is prone to fat physique shakes the dessert fork in his hand with a smile. The smile is as sweet as the cake, and even makes people feel the same as honey.

"So, don't worry about where the desserts go."


Anyway, you can lose weight next time.

Su Han recalled Miss Tokisaki's rare angry appearance, and silently offered incense to the scheming girl in front of her.

But then again, are women so observant when they are angry?

In an instant, I found out that Shokuhou Gymnastics is extremely poor in physical fitness, and then went to the mall to look through the definition of super power development, a new product that appeared because of Shokuhou Gymnastics, and judged that this product is most afraid of physical training.

It's amazing.

Su Han sighed, and then moved his gaze to the girl in front of him.

"If you like to eat... just eat more."

Just like the jailer who delivered the guillotine meal, the boy used a very strange tone, which made Shokuhou Misaki look a little puzzled.

However, perhaps because the sweets were too delicious and the scenery of the other world was too charming, her attention quickly shifted to other things.

The girl with long hair that was as sweet as honey looked at the people walking beside her with her very rare star eyes.

On the streets, countless demi-humans with bizarre beast ears and fluffy tails, like people in the late twentieth century, are running around for their jobs.

In the sky, you can see women riding broomsticks as fast as racing cars with a few flying demihumans overtaking them all the way, causing the traffic police on the ground to howl incompetently and furiously.

Everything is so novel, so cyberpunk.

"So, is this the other world you live in?"

"No, although I have more right to speak in this world, the world I correspond to is not this world."

The boy who was called the regent of Ursus spoke very bluntly.

"The world I correspond to is the world called Honkai..."

"I'm here just to deal with the last few things."

"The last thing?"

As if encountering something very interesting, Shokuhou Kauki's face showed a cute curiosity.

People with high IQs tend to be more curious.

As the fifth superpower, Shokuhou Misaki is as curious as a cat who sees a laser light.

"Well, I promised to help Kazdel to restore his country, and to accompany Tallulah to overcome the shadows of the past."

Solve Terra's matter - go to Honkai Impact to solve the problems left over from history - support Chaldea.

Said the boy who had already formulated the next course of action.

Bounty at the beginning of the month

After the last bounty was paid off, after fishing for a few days, I felt lazy again.

So, let's continue to open the bounty here.

The addition rules are as follows.

15000 as a reward (not too recommended).

One hundred and five blades and one change (strongly recommended).

One hundred and five monthly tickets.

It's hard.

Next up is a bounty update for the Fun-Find version.

If a book friend has women's clothing, post the picture in the book friend group, add one more update, and the upper limit is three.

Interesting (in fact, easy to copy) appear in the post, add one more update, no upper limit.

The bounty has been placed until August 10th.

ask for leave

The book club for this book has disbanded.

I am opening this group, and I intend to let book friends come to brag. In order to increase the activity in the next group, I have specially opened a reward for women's clothing.

As a result, a few people saw pirated copies.

It is not outrageous that the poor student party cannot support it, and it is not outrageous to look down on secretly watching pirated copies. After all, many students are quite poor. Although they do not like it, the author industry basically turns a blind eye to this kind of display.

As a result, the few people who read pirated copies are still promoting it in the group, and some of them even don't know what the bookworm is. Specially adding readers, and then promoting piracy, it can only be said that it is almost done.

I'm in a bad mood, I'm going to take leave today, and tomorrow will start w, if the update does not reach this data the day before the reward is completed, I will send a hundred red packets to the last group.

If you regret the disbanding of the group chat, you can add the group 1165041735.

This is the account of the full subscription group of my previous books. As long as one of the three books is full subscription, you can pass it.

Chapter 58 The loneliness of the superpower and Miss Dragon Lady's hat

Solving Terra's matter is the first part of Su Han's plan in the near future.

Terra World, as a continuous mining farm, is of great significance to Su Han.

In addition, Su Han himself has a waste old sister here, and he needs to help deal with the grievance between Rhodes Island and Kazdel Regent-Tracys.

The best way to exclude yourself from kicking in the door directly, and shooting a headshot from a distance of 800 miles away with the Thunder Key is actually to prepare the knife and axe to smash him when the new king of Ursus ascends the throne, and then casually Find a change in appearance and go to welcome back the body of a certain princess.

Revive Theresia - Gain Strong Claims - Dye Kazdel with Theresia's name.

This is probably the first link of Su Han's plan.

After completing this, you can probably go to Otto to lead your own maid team, and then go to Dr. Romani to have a good exchange, **** the Holy Grail and forcibly chop down trees... ahem, the whole process of saving Humanity.

Of course, before that, maybe I should try to dig out the Jizo Yusoul.

Because of Miss Irena's hint, the boy who was interested in the ability to improve his favorability recalled that in the world bubble plot, he directly twisted Karen into the female version of Otto's God Key, and his eyes turned slightly.

The Key of Erosion - Jizo Miku, the weapon of the Twelfth Herrscher Bell.

The essence of ability is the power of the ultimate virus.

The effect is to project one's own will and joys, sorrows and sorrows onto the outside life and non-living bodies. If the target is not conscious, it will be given consciousness. If the target is conscious, distort its consciousness. In front of the character holding the key of God, creatures or non-creatures are all existences that can be distorted through their own emotions.

As long as you pick it up, many things will change without even needing to move your hands or move your mouth.

Of course, if the holder is willing, it seems that he can also affect the cognition of the beautiful girls around him in a special way, and then turn on the Lihua-mode.

You must know that in the group chat, opening the so-called world tiaojiao mode is a million-dollar start, and even if you are rich like Su Han, after seeing those prices, he will instantly feel his poverty.

And Jizo Yuhun only needs to turn on the limit mode, and it can distort the cognition of life on an entire continent. It only needs a few times of the zeroth rated power, and it can create a group chat that requires millions of points. The perfect world that can be achieved, there is no doubt that from this aspect alone, Jizo Yuhun is even far more than the Heiyuan Baihua jointly held by Su Han and Youlandel.

Later, I will try to ask the group krypton server if there is any weapon enhancement function.

With Irena's prompting, the boy who was really moved by the spirit of Jizo was sitting on a stool in a clothing store, wandering around the world.


"So... Uncle, can you not be distracted when you are shopping?"

The girl's complaint interrupted the thinking of a certain traveler.

Su Han raised his head, and in front of her, the blond girl who had just changed into new clothes stared at him with vigour, with a little anger in her special star's eyes.

It was a very cute girl, wearing a light brown sweater on the upper body, a light gray short skirt on the lower body, and attractive lace stockings under the short skirt.

To be honest, this dress is actually quite confusing. Except for summer, the temperature in this poor place in Ursus is very touching. The local demi-humans in Ark are outrageously good and may not care about the temperature, but, Shokuhou is praying for this. An idiot who would go into shock after a 20-meter sprint would be puzzling to wear this kind of clothes.

Could it be that she has any other props on her body that can convert her demeanor into temperature?

Su Han was lost in thought.

"Uncle, do you look like you're shopping?"

Taking her temporary boyfriend to go shopping, the girl who was shopping for clothes looked at the young man who was suddenly distracted, and her delicate little face suddenly turned into a bun.

For the vast majority of girls, buying clothes is actually a drag show.

It is a wonderful thing to constantly change clothes and jewelry, and watch your own charm become beautiful under the background of clothes and jewelry.

It should be a kind of enjoyment to watch your girlfriend continue to become beautiful.

Miss Shokuhou Misaki, who is extremely confident in her own beauty, thought so, so she simply pulled her titular boyfriend into the clothing store.


Looking at the boy with the words "You can change it, I'll take a look at it and count me as a loser" written almost directly on his face, Miss Shokuhou Misaki's cheeks almost turned into a squirrel hiding a mouthful of pine nuts.

"Doesn't it look good?"

The girl who was dressed very maturely but had a very immature face snorted, pinched her waist with her hands, and asked why someone was offline almost the whole time.

...why do you think I'd be interested in a tablet like yours....

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