This world has gone into a sea of ​​savvy people, and there is no shortage of him.

"So, Arthur, are you going to pull out the 'sword that I agreed to let this old lady win' and hack Tracy to death?"

Completely unreasonable statement.

Tallulah's eyes widened.

First, she's not called Arthur.

Secondly, what the **** is the sword that let the old lady win?

Also, why did you want to kill Tracy?

To be honest, Tallulah felt that the man in front of him might be a little troubled.

After all, whether it's stuffing ice cubes into someone else's clothes or calling yourself a man's name and then urging yourself to go to Victoria to cut down the Regency is just outrageous.

"Your Excellency, I have no plans to go to Victoria to fight against King Sarkaz."

"And there is—"

"Excuse me, do you know where my friends are?"

Very hasty, Tallulah chose to take the initiative to ask questions.

The man in front of him was so crazy, he knew what nonsense he would say if he continued to talk nonsense.

At the end of that dream, she didn't see any of her companions at all.


Not a single one was seen.

Mephistopheles did not appear, neither did Faust, nor did the Patriots and Frost Star, who should theoretically be with "himself".

Such a situation made her have to think of some terrible possibilities,

She just wanted to know what happened to her comrades now.

"Are you in such a hurry to learn about the integration movement?"

As if encountering something very distressing, the boy stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head.

In response, Tallulah was silent for a while and nodded.

Then, words like a thunderbolt fell into her ears.

"The integration movement is dead."

Chapter Nineteen, Sacrifice, give allegiance to me!

"The integration movement is dead."

Like a lightning strike, Tallulah's expression suddenly changed.

Integrate movement.

The predecessor of the integration movement was an inactive underground organization whose members were the Infected of Ursus.

After Tallulah and Alina joined, the concept and equipment of the integration movement changed dramatically. They accepted the guerrillas of the Patriots and Frost Star in northern Ursus, and began to absorb infected people from all over the world, becoming the Terra's largest organization of the infected.

There's so much meaning in that name.

That is the fire that he and his comrades ignited in this dark world after calming everything down.

And how, that bunch of fire has been extinguished.

"For various reasons, I want to discuss some things with Black Snake, so I came here."

"Faust and Mephistopheles took the initiative to attack me. I think they should know that 'to kill people must be prepared to be killed', so I killed them all."

"The Frost Star and the Patriots chose to declare war on me in order to protect 'you'. I don't hate such loyal people, so I didn't kill them and imprisoned them."

The reason why the fire went out was spit out from the smiling boy's mouth.

There are six cadres in the integration movement.

Lyudmila the kiln, Yelena the Froststar, Bodrocastil the Patriot, Mephistopheles, Sasha Faustus, the non-staff w.

Among them, Ino had been crippled by the black snake, was shot with an arrow, and then was hacked to death by a random knife.

Sasha, who is a good friend of Ino, was caught by Su Han after betting that Su Han launched the attack, and then was pierced through his heart.

These two are obviously directly hiccups.

If you want to see these two brothers again, it is estimated that you will have to find someone to dig up the two brothers' bodies, and then go to Shizaki Kuangsan to be a cat car, and return the Hen Ha Er to the stage where he was not fooled by the black snake.

w has something to do with Su Han's old sister. After seeing that Su Han's appearance is very similar to him and seeing Su Han's fighting power, he chose to jump back at the speed of light.

Froststar Yelena and Patriot Bodra Kasti are the commanders of the Shield Guard and Yeti Squad, the elite unit of the Movement, whose camp is outside the Black Serpent's camp.

The father and daughter were on the way of Su Han's advance. Naturally, they were beaten through. Now they are locked up by W's mercenary group and are in the dungeon.

As for the legendary kiln wanderer Liudmila, it is a pity, maybe because of some tasks or Liudmila running fast, Su Han did not see this person, considering that the kiln wanderer is so good, Su Han is too lazy I specifically went to the book to find her.

I don't know where the kilns went.

Thinking of this, Su Han also felt a little regretful, because he was too lazy at the time, so he failed to achieve the achievement of sweeping the integration movement.

"All in all, that half-hearted organization has been forcibly disbanded by me."

"Other members except the cadres were thrown into prison by me or, when the time came, they were directly dispersed and sent to the mine as the next labor force."

"I'm still kinder."

The boy who hired a large number of witches seemed to be showing off something, with a sunny and bright smile.

However, when the words fell in Tallulah's ears, her expression changed drastically.

Ino and Sasha are killed, Yelena and Bodrokasti are at stake, and Lyudmila's life and death are unknown.

But the people he rescued with all his might were thrown into a mine that could be called a mass grave...

This man has destroyed the integration movement and destroyed the vitality of the infected!

Anger rose in the dragon girl's heart.

Tallulah is the leader of the Integration Movement and one of the top fighting forces in the Integration Movement.

However, her combat experience is really too thin, and she is not the ceiling of the integration movement's combat power just by relying on Originium skills.

The real ceiling of the integration movement is the Patriots.

He crystallized to 70%, almost a source of life.

The source stone is his heart and the source stone is his blood. The source stone is rolling in his chest. Even if he wears armor that has not been maintained for decades, it can still make Ursus' strongest army, the inner guard, tremble.

Compared to the Patriots, Tallulah can only be said to be a big soldier.

And the Patriots did lose.

The boy in front of him is a more ferocious and cruel existence than a patriot, a monster that he cannot match at all.

However, under the influence of extreme anger, she could no longer care about this.


Invisibly, as if a switch had been activated, the flames jumped in the eyes of the dragon girl, and the power of the Originium erupted in her body that was eroded to the point of death.

As an infected person, she doesn't need a special staff like a normal warlock.

Her own body is the best material for casting spells in this world!

Everything has a price!

The raging fire was like a painter, and with the brush in his hand, he painted everywhere he went like crazy, scurrying around with the wind, swallowing everything recklessly, and the crimson flame seemed to be arrogant and turned black.

The fireworks that rose from the sky were dazzling, like a red dragon breaking through the sky, like a layer of fiery red twilight scattered, and sometimes like the last ray of the sun shining on the earth...

Such a scene is undoubtedly brilliant and magnificent to the extreme.

It is conceivable that even the inner guards of Ursus would be in danger of being burnt out in front of this level of Originium Skill.

However, facing the raging flames, the boy who was regarded as an enemy just yawned.

The next moment, the perennial Australian wildfire came to an abrupt end, like a duck strangled by the neck.

It was a cold snap.

As if the cold air accumulated for thousands of years in the extreme north broke out in an instant, the extreme cold current was born.

The cold snap was very calm.

The peaceful flame of annihilation spreads out peacefully, calmly turning the world into white.


As peaceful as death.

However, in this peaceful world, the breath of fear is overflowing, and every breath of air inhaled is like countless ice and snow blades...


Accompanied by a knife-like pain in his chest, the angry dragon girl covered her mouth in pain, and the bright red color left from the crevices of her hands, blooming the hero's eternal flower on the snow-white ground.

Tallulah, who could feel that a part of her body did not belong to her at all, looked at the plum blossom blooming in the snow with an unprecedented panic.

In the end what happened?

Tallulah is not afraid of death.

As a fighter, Tallulah was ready to be killed when she fought for the infected.


Did you fail like that?

"Have you heard of Tongmo?"

The boy who actually liked the polar climate very much looked at the half-kneeling dragon girl and told a story like a storyteller.

Tong Mo, winding second.

Jianghu is called grinding head.

In theory, after defeating the ghost killing team, everyone can fly a kite and let them die, but in the end, the ice ghost will die.

"Tongmo's blood is highly poisonous. By freezing his own blood and making ice crystal powder, he spreads it through a fan. After the ice crystals are inhaled into the lungs of the opponent, it can make it difficult for him to breathe, and then make his alveoli necrosis."

"Part of my ability is to control cold energy and blood energy, which is very close to him, but compared to Tong Mo, my ability is much stronger."

"Simply put, if I want, your blood will be directly transformed into blood energy and become my strength. As long as I want, then you will be nailed to this earth by the stake of cold blood from the inside out. of."

The boy whose ability was simply brutal shrugged and continued to explain.

"Of course, this tactic can only be used to clear miscellaneous soldiers. If the target is against me, it is basically scraping."

Is this guy a monster?

Looking at the boy who didn't react at all, Tallulah's heart filled with despair.

The battle has not yet begun, but it has come to an end.

Is this the end?

An unprecedented sense of burnout rose in Tallulah's heart.

She lost.

Completely defeated.

"Resistance will bring hope to the earth, but resistance will not change your destiny."

The words often spoken by the adoptive father echoed in Tallulah's ears.

Tallulah always felt that Koscice was wrong, and in her past life, she had only identified with that man once.

That time, she found the traces of innocent people who were starved to death in warehouses by ignorant villagers.

At that time, she understood that the world may not be as kind as she imagined, and she is not as compassionate as she imagined.

She killed everyone in that village and was then taken over by it.

But now, she once again identifies with her adoptive father.

However, this time, his adoptive father would not choose to occupy this body.

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