When turning on the Demon King's Armament, the evil eye version of God's Eye always shocked him.

\"It's okay to wear the Demon King's Armament, but once that state is lifted, I feel like I'm having an epileptic seizure all day.\"

Dadalia, who was trying to gamble on her face, complained so much in the group.

Obviously, it is very good to be greedy for small and cheap things.

The raw materials that Su Han provided for the combination of his abilities were the Eye of Darkness, the Primordial Demon King Spirit Crystal, the Primordial Elf Spirit Crystal, three Spirit Crystal Fragments, and the core of the Seven Thunders and Heiyuan.

Obviously, these things and Dadalia's God's Eye and Evil Eye are completely different concepts.

If these things really merged immediately, Su Han was not sure that he would burp, but it was a sure thing to live ugly.

The ideal strengthening of the mouth is to consume all the power of the two primordial spirit crystals, increase the upper limit of the combined ability, and it is best to let the dark eye not be blind to recover energy.

Obviously, if you want to achieve this effect, you will naturally need to spend a lot of points.

Therefore, he needs a huge amount of Originium.

"Koscice, when did the nobles get here?"

Su Han, who was obviously waiting to control the nobles, and then quickly announced that the Emperor Ursus was gone, asked the duke who was walking on Tallulah's body next to him.

"I have already informed the vast majority of the nobles I know according to your wishes."

The black snake, who loves Ursus, but only loves Ursus, smiled and said.

I'm afraid, no matter what the other great nobles think, they would never have thought that this man at the top of the aristocracy would sell his class so easily.

Everyone thought he was a duke, but, as a **** of evil, he represented the national will of Ursus.

As long as Ursus can be restored to its former glory, whether it is a king or a noble, it is just a number in the game.

"By the way, have you decided who the next emperor will be?"

"It's settled."

It was very clear that Tallulah and a certain archduke were so incompatible with each other that the young man looked at the duke who appeared with the help of his adopted daughter's body, and there was a little funny smile on his face.

"It's your adopted daughter - Tallulah."

==========Dividing Line==========

It must be a dream.

As if experiencing a dream, everything in Tallulah's vision was blurry.

"Tallulah, what shall we eat today?"

A figure like a deer smiled in the blur.

The next moment, the smiling girl disappeared.

In its place was a dilapidated house with blood dripping in it.

"Sister Tallulah, I'm afraid."

The white-haired, timid-looking boy looked horrified as he watched distant companions hunting elk for food.

The next moment, the timid teenager disappeared.

"Kill everyone, kill them all, and leave none."

Encouraged by "myself", the white-haired teenager's expression was twisted and cruel.

The scene when his adoptive father was killed by him is vivid in his mind.

Like an inheritance, the young Draco girl, sitting on her father's throne, smiled at herself.

That smile was exactly the same as that of his adoptive father.


Alina was killed by the rogues that she had kindly let go of, Eno became a murderer under the wrong teaching, and he agreed with the "father's ideal"...

You must be dreaming.

Tallulah thought.

From the initial determination to ignite the anger of freedom and liberation in the injustice of the land, to being framed by misunderstanding, reality and deliberate manipulation, friends or death, it will be distorted...

Apart from nightmares, how could such cruel things happen one after another?

The dragon girl named Tallulah Atelias said to herself.

As long as he wakes up, he will see his companions fighting for the cause of the infected together.


Let yourself sleep for a while and refresh your mind.

Only when you are full of energy can you better fight with your companions for that beauty.

Yes, give yourself a little more sleep.

Just a while.

The consciousness of the dragon girl named Tallulah is gradually sinking.


The clear voice of the young man broke the vague realm.

"Dear Miss Atelias, do you still want to go to sleep?"

The eighteenth chapter of the integration movement has been destroyed.

Dreams are a good place to escape from reality.

This is not difficult to understand.

The reality is cruel, and those hurt by the cruel reality will naturally want a piece of pure land.

So does Tallulah.

However, dreams are dreams after all, not real.

The dreams of the illusory people are gradually shattering, and the five senses are gradually becoming clear.

No, can't wake up.

In my heart, there is such a voice urging the dragon girl.

Yes, absolutely can't wake up now.



It was like being splashed with a glass of cold water, no, just being splashed with a glass of cold water, the faint chill and the touch of wet clothes made the dragon girl who was trying to fall asleep suddenly wake up.

Facts have proved that dreams will eventually wake up.

Especially when some **** is pouring water in his face.

With a bit of annoyance, Tallulah opened her eyes.

What caught her eye was a young man.

The boy was filling the glass with water, even adding ice cubes, and his eyes were looking at his chest.

It's not hard to guess that this guy seems to be planning to stuff ice water directly into his clothes.

That look even made Tallulah's mouth twitch.

Is this a third grader just now?

Actually thinking of stuffing snowballs and ice cubes into other people's clothes.


Soon, her expression became solemn.

That face, she knew.

She has seen this man.

In the dream, he reached an agreement with "himself" and decided to abolish the current emperor of Ursus and cultivate a new puppet.

This man without awe, united with "himself" and decided to establish a new king to control the entire Ursus with imperial power and make Ursus his mine.

Heaven and earth are the bureau, the common people are the sons.

This kind of man who came from another world and used the king of a country as a chess piece at will, is a monster more terrifying than his adoptive father.

She stared at the boy, as if a boulder had been pressed against her heart.

The situation is now clear.

Not long ago, he lost the battle with his adoptive father's will and became his container. For unknown reasons, the young man in front of him rescued him from his adoptive father's hands.

If you just look at it this way, then the young man in front of him is actually his benefactor.


There is no free lunch in the world.

Looking at the boy who smiled like a child, Tallulah's heart sank to the abyss.

That was far more terrifying than his adoptive father.

So, what is the matter with this man who is just a passing man in theory?

She did not speak, waiting for the answer from the person on the other side.

"Alas, didn't you agree to call you Arthur?"

The boy whose brain circuit seemed to be a little different from ordinary people muttered.

Arthur, who is that?

That nonsensical appearance, even Tallulah, who was facing a major crisis, couldn't help but complain in her heart.

His biological father is not a gender-neutral guy, so how could he have given himself such a brutal name as Arthur (Bear/Stone)?

Even if it is to trace the ancestors, it is not necessary to give such a strange name to his daughter.

"Your Excellency, my name is Tallulah, Tallulah Atelias."

Miss Tallulah, who was inexplicably called Arthur, took a deep breath.

She really didn't understand why the man in front of her called her by the wrong name.

"Artorius - Atelias - Artorius / Artoria - Arthur."

Like a pedant who likes to bite Wen Jue, the young man casually recounted the reason for the surname of the Red Dragon family.

Tallulah has a great connection with King Arthur.

Her family is the red dragon entrenched in Victoria. Even if it has declined, it is still an uncompromising royal family.

In theory, Tallulah could go directly to Victoria to become king.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

Victoria is the United Kingdom formed by the union of several counties, just like the big city where Galeries Lafayette is located, the national governance is in crisis, and independence movements may be emerging everywhere.

There's no direct civil war there, it's all because some scumbag man who kills his sister and claims to be king is acting there as regent.

King of Kazdel - Tracy.

That man is undoubtedly the most iron-blooded soldier in the world. Anyone who dares to steal power from him will definitely be hit like a storm.

Only in terms of ability, Su Han admired the man whose prototype was Frederick the Great.

His cold-blooded and ruthless view of kinship, the violence of forced centralization, and the insidiousness of entering Victoria as a relative are all virtues as a monarch.

Also based on the historical king, Tracy is obviously stronger than an idiot emperor.

If you control him, it will be easy to directly enter Kazdel and Victoria.

Therefore, the solution to it is naturally-

Chopped up another day.

Su Han let the black snake go because the person killed by the black snake had nothing to do with him, and that guy Tracy cut down his sister's friend Ji.

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