Not long ago, when she was on the phone with her father, she overheard him mention that the owner of the second **** key was named Su.

One multiplication of thousands of worlds, the God's Key created by Dr. Mei in the last era with the core of the Second Herrscher, with the ability to observe different dimensions and cross the world.

According to Einstein's predecessors, the time flow between each world and the world bubble is relatively independent.

If it is possible to jump out of the current "Earth", go to another world, and then jump to the "Earth", time travel may, really be possible.

It's just too difficult to operate, to the extent that the theory is already available, but no one has done it at all.

After all, is it easy to jump back to Earth from a time?

In order to go back to the past, it is necessary to give up the anchor point when choosing the time jump in the past, and this means that it may be possible to return to the original world, but the landing point is uncertain.

The universe is so big, who can guarantee that their landing place must be the earth.

Even if you successfully land on the earth, who can guarantee that you will land in a certain year exactly?

This is the result of his father's analysis after hearing the words he mentioned.

Also, if time jumping was as simple as that, Su, who was the forerunner of Moth Chasing Fire, would have gone back to the past and tried to reverse the future. How could he be blind in the quantum sea?


What if such difficulties were overcome?

Troubled, rising in the girl's heart.

Chapter 2 Thank you, Kiana

"Miss, are you... what's on your mind?"

While Raiden Meiyi was troubled by something, a woman in an ol outfit passed by.

It was a woman who looked very mature, with delicate facial features, and looked down at Leidian Yayi's eyes with a little love.

Leidian Yayi looked over with a slightly restrained expression.

As the eldest lady of the Leidian family, theoretically speaking, even those puppets before being sent to the Heavenly Palace do not need to be cautious.

There are three major organizations in this world. Among them, the World Snake has not left any traces in the extreme east. The head of the Destiny Extreme East branch is only interested in cultivating students and reading comics. Therefore, the one who really dominates this land is the lighthouse. The inverse entropy of the country.

Her father, who received the remnants of the radicals, was no longer the prisoner who was plotted by his colleagues, but Emperor Michael II.

To be honest, Raiden Mei is more like a princess than those guys who are bullied by the sons and daughters of the chaebol.

However, Raiden Yayi would still be a little cautious when seeing this woman.

The reason is also very simple. The woman in front of me is my father's high school classmate. Well, she is barely a childhood sweetheart. After graduating from college, she has been working as a secretary with her father. The relationship is so close that a thunderbolt accident happened and they went to jail together. , was just released.

To be honest, if it wasn't for his mother falling from the sky, the woman in front of him would be his mother.

It's a pity that my mother is very charming. Even if she died prematurely, her father threw herself into the cause of fighting against the collapse, and the aunt in front of her was just an aunt in the end.

But, no matter what, this aunt is no ordinary aunt.

Raiden Yayi straightened her body and looked at the woman with a gentle smile on her face.

"Auntie...I'm really nothing."

Although Dad said that if you don't understand anything, you can ask his best friend, but——

But what to say?

In fact, Miss Leidian Yayi didn't know how to get along with this aunt, and she didn't know how to tell Su Han that it seemed like she was playing with herself, but it was a little different.

Raiden Yayi has been telling herself that it is very rare for Su Han to be her future husband, but...

The second **** key is real.

The owner of the Second God's Key is indeed a forerunner named Su.

That God key can indeed reach another world through the sea of ​​​​quantum, as long as you are lucky enough or the technology develops to a certain level. Really able to complete time travel....

However, the guy finally said, "You think too much, I'm just talking."

Now the situation is still clear, there are probably two possibilities for the so-called fate.

The first is that what Su Han said was true, he was just joking, making fun of himself.

The specific manifestation of this is that he knows the effect of each **** key very well, and he can even directly find the so-called fire-chasing moth. Under this premise, he made a ridiculous but reasonable statement on the scene. Not difficult.

The inference that can be drawn from this result is that Su Han was not an ordinary person from the beginning, but a high-level cadre trained by other forces, but because he is young and fun-loving, he will take beautiful pictures after his superiors assign tasks. girl jokes.

Will it be so...?

Raiden Yayi grabbed the ends of her hair and kept thinking in circles.

But here comes the problem.

His father searched for Su Han's past and came to the conclusion that he was an ordinary person, a child of an orphanage.

Just ask a child in an orphanage with a lollipop, and it is not difficult to find out that there once was a child named Su Han in their orphanage.

There is no sense of existence, and the brain does not seem to be very good. Whoever tells him to do what he does, it is like a robot, or a body with a soul that has traveled far away.

For Su Han's impression, Leidian Yayi

It was a boy like a cold knife made by a famous craftsman.

Even if he is always giggling, and even seems nonsensical, but that's just a cover up.

Whether the scabbard is elegant bamboo, warm wood, or icy iron, it will not change the essence of the stored thing, but it is a murder weapon.

Obviously, the description of the man who solved Cocolia as quickly as possible, released his father, and then joined the Destiny was completely different from the description of the children in the orphanage.

However, according to the videos from various places in Changkong City that his father found out, Su Han really jumped out of that orphanage, and then he recruited a bunch of strange people out of nowhere and kidnapped him...

Such a scene is easy to think of the scene in X-Men: Reverse the Future.

"Sentry", a new special combat robot built and commanded by Bolivar Trask, founder of "Trask Industries".

Sentinel droids can detect any form of mutant type, and their genes allow them to instantly transform and remake themselves, defeating the X-Men.

This leaves the X-Men's only hope of going back in time and changing history before Trask's research ultimately leads to their extinction.

Therefore, the extremely reliable old man Logan went back to the past, and all the way, God blocked and killed God, and Buddha blocked and killed Buddha.

"who are you?"

Raiden Yayi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Does Miss think I'm nosy?"

In this regard, the woman looked at the girl who didn't answer her words for a long time and sighed, looking very troubled.

"No, no."

Facing the woman who might be his stepmother, Leiden Yayi's eyes were a little erratic, and after thinking hard for a long time, she couldn't help lowering her head.

"Mainly, things are really hard to tell."

"A difficult thing to ask?"

As if she saw something very interesting, the woman looked at her childhood sweetheart daughter, with a little interest in her slightly stern eyebrows.

"Simply put... It's just that I don't know whether my fate with a person is a random statement."

Very general, Raiden Mei explained her current distress.

"As an example, it's..., someone suddenly appeared in front of him with a dowry that he hadn't given away."

It is obviously an inappropriate metaphor to call someone else's rescue a dowry, but considering that his current problems are indeed related to feelings, Raiden Yayi said this.


As if a ghost had seen Zhong Kui, an auntie's eyes could not help but widen a little.

"The point is not that, the point is that I haven't sent it out yet."

In front of his elders, he finally chose to put away the image of a gentle woman from outsiders, and grabbed his hair forcefully and muttered.

"The point is that there is only one thing in the world that has a second copy, and that thing seems to be a dowry."

It turned out to be time travel!

As if she finally understood, the secretary's aunt's face took on a little clarity.

This kind of development has often appeared in morning dramas recently.

One of a pair of lovers suddenly had a car accident and was killed, and then the other, under the influence of some black technology, went back to the past and reversed the future.

Raiden Yayi is obviously fascinated by watching TV series, and substitutes herself into the heroine of Hiccup.

Raiden Yayi has a super secondary disease. This is something that the secretary who watched her grow up knows very well. As she grows older, as the next head of the Raiden family, she gradually becomes polite and gentle, but her Deep in my heart, it is estimated that there has always been a restless heart...

It seems that the eldest miss is suffering from secondary illness again.

A few sighs flashed across the secretary's aunt's face.

Has the little girl who shouted "one pot, two bowls" in the yard, cough, "one knife, two cuts" has grown so big?

It's really timeless.

I don't know what kind of person a boy would be who could make the young lady suddenly suffer from secondary illness, and then try to explain the relationship with such mysterious and mysterious things as fate and time travel.

However, since the young lady is rarely interested in a boy, she should encourage her.

after all--

It's better to have a boyfriend than a girlfriend.

Recalling the face of a certain white-haired dumpling, the corners of the secretary's aunt's mouth twitched slightly. The white-haired dumpling didn't know whether it was a lack of mother's love or just Ji Lao, who was pestering Thunder and Lightning Yayi all day, and what was even more terrifying was that Yayi was not very resistant. this kind of thing.

It's better to ask Yayi to find a boyfriend.

Thinking like this, the secretary took out the middle-2 disease accent that she had learned in the past in order to communicate with Leiden Mei in the past, and spoke.

"Fate is wonderful."

What are you talking about?

Leidian Yayi, who had graduated from secondary school, was stunned when she looked at the aunt whose painting style suddenly changed.

"Maybe there is an invisible thread in this world that connects Miss and things related to you, Miss."

"Perhaps, the person on the opposite side won't admit the line between him and the young lady, but as long as you use your eyes to witness, the hidden red line will be revealed, isn't it?"

Witness with your eyes?

Let the red line show up?

Raiden Mei, who used to be a middle schooler, gradually understood.

It turned out that Auntie meant to let herself take a good look at Su Han's actions?


If that guy's nonsense is true, then when he gets along with himself, he will probably reveal his little habit of wanting to be with lovers to a certain extent.

In the purple eyes of Leidian Yayi, she couldn't help but bring a bit of joy.

But here comes the problem.

Where is Su Han now?

Leiden Yayi thought about it, and then the mobile phone in the bag suddenly rang.

She turned on her phone and found that the call was from Kiana.

"The **** teacher is back."

On the opposite side, the voice of a white-haired dumpling who had been giving lectures on behalf of his teacher for half a month was a little vicissitudes.

"Others are in St. Freya Academy now, um, they will probably go to your place to ask for mining equipment in a while, you prepare."

Chapter 3 Back to the resurrection of Karen five hundred years ago, that kind of thing can't be done at all.

Destiny, floating island.

At dusk, the golden setting sun shines on the floating island, and the gorgeous fire clouds seem to be not far away, and it is a beautiful and peaceful day.

Most of the students who finished the whole day of courses and the staff who had been busy all day slowed down the pace and enjoyed the tranquility before the night.

However, not everyone in this branch has a break.

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