Miss Irina recalled someone's bizarre ability to predict the future and the encyclopedia of Miss Erya, who was closely related to her, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

This kind of guy who has a future vision and his teammates is an encyclopedia. As long as he doesn't take the mortal mission, he can basically complete it.

As for the so-called reinforcement correction, it is a function proposed to allow group members with different reinforcement systems to unify their own strengths.

The specific performance is probably to fuse several reinforcements with suitable phases into a single reinforcement.

Of course, there is a fee for this.

The high cost made the group members doubt their life collectively, and began to propose to the group chat to delete this function directly to save their hearts.

"So, what is the so-called system update that has a capability compensation?"

"It seems to be a method that can integrate different enhancements, integrate with each other, fill in defects or raise the upper limit."

"Boss, you said before that the enhancement you have now is the Eye of Darkness, which constantly absorbs power from the outside world, regardless of the ability of the body, and the ability to swallow it, at the price of a hypermutable gene that wants to bite everything you see, right?"

"Maybe boss, you can try to fuse them with the original spirit crystals and the reversed spirit crystals. Maybe you can make a strengthening that combines the advantages of multiple strengthening."

After listening to Irena's introduction, Su Han pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

Just listening to the introductory words, this life seems to be good.

After all, in this group chat, each group member will continue to receive reinforcements from different worlds because of cross-world travel to purchase goods.

after all--

There is a version update argument in this world.

An example of this is the previous Conquest Gem.

Before, Su Han could have sold the gems directly, and then went to the world of the group of friends to share the spoils, and then held a three-day banquet in Wanmintang.

However, maybe because the argument with the power of the Herrscher is really tempting, so he chose to put away the Conquest Gems, and then continued to trouble Cocolia, and found the funds to buy the stigmata from her. Friends' appearance fees.

All of this is for the so-called power of the lawyer.

This is also the reason why I specifically asked for a doctor who tried to run away with the Tranquility Gem.


With the version update, Bishop of Destiny Otto appeared, the world snake disciple Grey Snake appeared, and the anti-entropy comic duo also came out. After that, the key to death thanked Bishop Otto for the reward. Heiyuan, thank the Grey Snake for the reward. The Key of Thunder. Seven Thunders, thanks to the anti-entropy scientists for providing the human body modification project......

After the Thunder Key and Death Key with the Herrscher's core directly appeared, the so-called Conquer Gem and Tranquility Gem apparently suddenly became the version abandonment.

It is not difficult to imagine that similar situations will continue to occur in the future.

If the system can generate a function that uses weak abilities as dog food to feed powerful abilities, it is obviously a good thing.

It would be even better if the strong reinforcement could retain some of the qualities of the weak reinforcement.


Here comes the problem.

Sometimes, sometimes, the pluses and the pluses can kill you.

For example, the Eye of Darkness, its power lies in the fact that its essence is the energy of reverse transfer. As long as it is the power that has been imprinted by it, no matter how much it is, it will eventually return to the holder of the Eye of Darkness.

The strength of the spirit crystal is that it is the technological condensation of the wizarding empire. It can not only summon a plurality of extraordinary angels, but also the embodiment of the magic power of the earth for hundreds of thousands of years.

These two guys combined...

If these two are rubbed together, there is a high probability that a dark eye with super magic power and the ability to summon spiritual equipment and angels will be fused on the spot.

Well, the Eye of Darkness that comes with the sum of the magic power of the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.

It can only be said that after integrating this thing, it will either quickly soar and reach Sanjue, or be overwhelmed by the excess magic on the spot and become a lunatic.

"I think it's a good choice to go back to the Eurasian air disaster site to collect the spirit base and make a spirit crystal, and then cut off the part of the reversed spirit crystal that was not fused by the Eye of Darkness."

Someone who still cherished his own life rolled his eyes when he looked at a **** who proposed to him to merge his abilities.

The so-called elves are not life born out of thin air, nor aliens descended from outer space, but the magician Westcott will take the earth hundreds of years, or even thousands of years to recover, hidden in the earth, the sky, The natural forces of the oceans came together to create a magical life, the Origin Spirit Takamiya Mio.

When this power merges into the earth, what impact will it have on the world? It is probably a very philosophical question 2.

However, it was obvious that Su Han did not want to answer this philosophical question.

He wanted to take advantage of the time when Chong Gong Mio was hurrying to collect the scattered spiritual power and use it for other purposes.

Seemingly aware of the boss's mood, the witch on the opposite side quickly opened a small box in the group chat in front of Su Han, and then shook her hand in front of Su Han.

"Boss, you see clearly, this thing can specify the direction of reinforcement."

Miss Irena pursed her lips, pointed to the announcement given by the system in advance, and said.

Su Han looked over, and saw a line of words that looked very righteous.

"Start for free, strengthen the results, pay a certain amount of points, and you can specify the direction of ability change."

"Good guy!"

Su Han couldn't help but exclaimed.

This thing can directly say that it is free to start, and the strengthening result is random.

"If you don't give the reinforcement fee, then the result of the next reinforcement will naturally be random, but if you add money, it's another matter."

"This group chat is more ugly than the guy who should hang on the street lamp. It is estimated that as long as there are more points, it will increase the chance of success."

I always thought that this broken group chat was very annoying, Irena clapped her hands and said.

"Theoretically, as long as you have to pay enough points, boss, you can completely ask the group chat to designate the fusion of Spirit Crystal and Eye of Darkness. Modifying the feature of Eye of Darkness will only accumulate magic power without thinking."

In this regard, Su Han stretched out his hand, his expression slightly moved.

In the worldview of poisoned milk powder, except for the dimension walker who sacrificed the eye of darkness in exchange for his wife at the beginning of the male magician, other professions basically need to wake up three times before they can control their eye of darkness.

If he can control the Eye of Darkness by tricks, it is obviously a great development.

So, wanna try it?

Su Han looked at the system prompt that seemed to be not far from the restart time, and fell into thought.

However, if you can't just sell the spirit crystals, then the cost of strengthening is...

In fact, Su Han, who didn't have many points left, sighed.

Sure enough, do I still have to find someone to open a factory in another world?

The teenager who had coveted the mine resources of Terra Continent for a long time pondered for a while and looked at his number one dogleg.

"Executive Director Irena, what do you think of the financial crisis that may be caused by the reinforcement issue this time?"

Looking at the boy who finally finished the boss fight and was about to go to Terra World, a little excitement flashed in Miss Irena's eyes.

Finally, is it time to make a fortune?

She reached into her pocket, took out a single framed eye and a black hat like a conjuration, and walked over to her boss.

In this regard, Su Han just stretched out his arms comfortably, and asked Miss Irena, who is also the director of personnel, secretary, and executive director, to help him bring a residual value detector and a pretentious gentleman's top hat.

After doing this, Miss Irena immediately took out a mustache from her pocket, put it under her cute nose, then stroked it, opened her mouth, and looked excited.

"Reporting to the boss, as I see it, the next step is of course to draw enough mining machines from anti-entropy, and then—"

"Let the witches go to Terra Continent to pan for gold!"

Chapter 1 The distress of Miss Raiden Mei

Anti-Entropy, one of the three major anti-collapse organizations, was formerly the North American branch of the Destiny Organization. After the sacrifice of the first Herrscher Walter Joyce in 1955, some high-level researchers in the North American branch broke away from the Destiny Organization, and Anti-Entropy was established. .

As an organization, the development of anti-entropy is too rapid, making it unsuitable to continue to use the management system of the Tianming Branch period.

Most of the anti-entropy veterans are scientific researchers who do not have the ability to lead the army or operate enterprises. Therefore, anti-entropy adopts a coalition-style management system, so that the backbones are responsible for their own areas of expertise.

And the titles of those cadres are—


Leidian Yayi was sitting in front of his underground factory, looking at the scene below that had been turned into a farm tool processing factory, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Not long ago, an organization called Anti-Entropy ushered in a major purge.

The agent named Cocolia stole the DNA of the first generation of anti-entropy alliance leader, created a group of replicants as puppets, and secretly implemented the Herrscher transformation plan.


Then a guy whose origin is really a mystery came directly from the sky. After a set of kings and eight fists directly knocked down the Cocolia faction, he threw out the evidence that Cocolia forged the identity of the leader...

And then no more.

Anti-Entropy is an organization built around the name of Walter. Cocolia's behavior of creating replicants is undoubtedly a declaration of war against the entire Anti-Entropy organization.

There is nothing to say next. Anti-entropy launched a major purge, and the radical representatives headed by Cocolia were put on trial, and then executed, imprisoned or exiled one by one.

Because the height of the anti-entropy power position is vacated, the members of the anti-entropy conservative faction can only work overtime to make the organization work normally...

For this reason, a certain father-in-law character who had just returned from exploring a different world was naturally dragged away by several executors specializing in scientific research to work overtime as soon as he gave out the red envelope.

The girl who had just dropped out of St. Freya Academy and returned to the extreme east looked at the roaring machinery below, with a hint of inexpressible emotion in her amethyst-like eyes.

Those were orders placed by some non-staff anti-entropy executor to his own father.

In the anti-entropy, there is a legendary character.

When Anti-Entropy was about to make the biggest mistake since the establishment of the organization, he stopped the Spacequake in the Sky City, and then arrested the anti-thief Cocolia.

Immediately after that, he liberated the executor, the entrepreneur Thunderbolt Ryoma, and assisted him in recovering his power, and then provided important information and quickly promoted the executor.

And then--

Then, he joined Anti-Entropy's nemesis - Destiny, and also became the vice-captain of the Inextinguishable Blade, the most powerful force in the extreme eastern branch.

Obviously, the kind of guy who simply writes "Master is the grass that eats on both ends" on his face, but he is very capable and irreplaceable, it is a problem that will cause the leader and his companions to have a headache.

"For that kind of guy, it's not impossible for someone with the destiny to directly encircle and suppress anti-entropy."

This is what Miss Einstein once said.

"He is a very egoistic person. As long as he feels that 'anti-entropy is really troublesome, functions are completely overlapped with other organizations, and needs to be optimized' and other ideas, he will definitely declare war on anti-entropy."

"Even if his friendship with Anti-Entropy is actually pretty good, he will never show mercy."


As the daughter of Thunderbolt Ryoma, the anti-entropy enforcer, Miss Raiden Yayi has a completely different understanding of that Mr. Wallhead Grass.

"That guy... what the **** is going on?"

The girl who was still haunted by the scene when she met someone for the first time held her chin and looked at the mining equipment that was being assembled below, with a bit of confusion in her words.

"Jump to the parallel world through the second **** key, and then use the parallel world as a springboard to jump back to the original world again. You can completely choose your foothold in the past, right?"

"Although it is a bit dangerous to take the key of the second **** from su, and the process of crossing the parallel world is a bit tortuous, but I still went back to the past and got the opportunity to change history."

"After getting the opportunity to change the Great Collapse of the Sky City, is it strange that you want to rescue the lover who was persecuted by the mortal enemy of your father-in-law, and even use it as an experiment to change her unsightly past?"

"After all, at this point in time, apart from Kiana, no one will accompany you, right? It's strange to see your lover being lonely all the time.

At the moment of first meeting, the young man who held a high position in Anti-Entropy and Destiny at the same time reached out his hand to himself who was at the most helpless moment in his life and said this.

Raiden Yayi looked at his hand.

At that time, maybe because he lacked love too much, he instinctively extended his hand to him...


Then, she ushered in the deadliest verbal blow in her life.

"Are you really... my future husband?"

"Of course I lied to you."

"Are you a middle-aged and middle-aged person? You even believe in the nonsense of traveling through time and space."

"That's a neat answer."

Recalling a certain guy's slightly evil smile in his memory, the smile on the corner of Miss Leidian Yayi's mouth was a little helpless.

To be honest, for a long time, she also thought that Su Han really just made up some random content to fool herself, and then laughed at herself.

But are those words really all false?

Leidian Yayi stretched out his hand and stroked his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

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