Like a nuclear bomb being thrown into the Yellowstone Volcano, the aura of Mio Tsokiya is rising infinitely, and the spiritual power equivalent to the natural power of the earth for hundreds of thousands of years is expanding without limit.

——The next moment, the earth trembled, and a huge spire appeared from behind Mio.

Reminiscent of the inorganic smooth surface of glass, the branches and leaves that stretched out as if looking up at the sky, and then a part of the tree trunk was split longitudinally, from which one could see something in the shape of a girl that looked like a tree spirit.

That's right, that gesture is reminiscent of a big tree running through the sky.

At the root of the tree there is a maiden-like tree spirit, and under the master's will, the tree spirit stretches out.

The battleship was torn apart.

Everything on the earth seemed to be frozen in time, motionless, and then distorted into a monochromatic world composed of black and white.

The ground was neatly divided into pieces like graph paper, the square-shaped layers were continuous, and the pitch-black sky stared at everything on the ground.

In this world, there is a power called the field of randomness.

In order to complete the magician's revenge against mankind, Ike Westcott wanted to replace the real world with a new world of almighty space that exists for the magician and can make what the magician thinks come true. Banishing humans, created the elf, and the space she carries - the neighborhood.

Because his friend is a man who can rival Booyangyang and Double-faced Turtle, his plan failed, and he didn't have time to control Chonggong Mio, so naturally he couldn't achieve that revenge plan.

And now, that power has finally been revealed.

That's AinSoph.

The prototype of the random realm is also the core of the neighborhood where the elves were born.

In the past, because this angel was too huge and would cause irreversible damage to the earth, he placed it in a different dimension, and the result of its continuous coverage of the void was the formation of a critical different-dimensional world.

And now, she has chosen to recall its core.

A minimalist scene where the amount of information is compressed to the limit.

It's like stripping away the world's coat, overflowing with disobedience.

In a world where black and white are intertwined, only the holder of spiritual power has color.

In the field of vision of Takamiya Mio, far away, a colored boy was stunned.

\"You can't run away!\"

The voice of the woman who has sealed off the space of this world is extremely cold.


Just find him.

Find this guy, knock him down completely, grab Shiori's whereabouts from his mouth, wipe the memories of everyone present, and let the strategy drama start again.

No one can stop him from resurrecting Xiaozhen!

"Ah, did you find out?"

Facing the Lord God who finally appeared in front of him, Mr. Traveler in the distance temporarily closed the group chat.

He turned back, only to see the indifferent eyes of Lord God.

The next moment, the surging killing intent was vented out, turned into a gorgeous light belt carrying the ultimate strength and speed, and slammed away at his heart.

The power of God is absolute.

Even if this is not a neighbor, she can't fully exert the power of Tsokiya Mio, and she can kill all the elves except herself with a random blow.


Like a stray soldier fleeing, the young man blushed as he looked at the burst of light, as if he could not wait to grow two legs, and fled everywhere, unable to see it Proud look before.

A huge sense of disobedience struck Takamiya Mio's heart.

This is...

what happened?

Su Han is the most difficult guy she has ever seen, this is the judgment of Mio Chong Gong.

However, that difficult guy who made him angry was indeed running around like a rogue.

This scene is so ridiculous,'s like a third-rate actor performing a ninth-rate script.

"Since you like acting so much, then I will fulfill you."

Takamiya Mio stretched out his hand again.

Dozens of light belts burst out, bursting out at the man who gave off an infinite sense of absurdity.

"Hey hey hey, you are too much!"

Rather than lure the enemy into it, it is better to say that the boy who was looking for fun released a layer of intense brilliance, which gradually turned into a dark shadow.

The area swept across by the shadows, as if distorted by something, changed drastically, turning into a pitch-black ocean.

Countless jet-black locks zigzagged up, dragging the white light band that charged out into the darkness, leaving no trace.

Takamiya Mio's pupils contracted violently.

She was all too familiar with that scene.

Because she herself changed the world like this.

The nightmarish Demon Lord appeared as if to spread despair to all who witnessed.

"Okay, this is the end of this poor performance."

With his body as the center, he could clearly feel the dense spiritual power surging in a vortex.

Su Han silently grinned with a relaxed and contented look, and responded while spreading his hands exaggeratedly.

Behind him, a huge dark "tree" stretched out.

"Next, the drama of The Fool and the God will be staged!"

Chapter 69 Primordial Demon King vs Primordial Elf

Accompanied by the owner's loud voice, the dark tree wriggled like a gestational fetus, and its branches and roots began to stretch toward the ground.

At the same time, with the big tree as the center, a different scene spreads out in the sky.

Like a poisonous dragon gnawing, the huge newly opened tree gnaws at the sky, the earth and...


Under the dark giant tree, the young man who was almost integrated with the darkness smiled softly and warmly, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.


For Takamiya Mio, just being watched by the young man in front of him was as cold as being licked by an indescribable beast.

That's your own strength.

And now, it has been captured by a human.

Su Han came with a huge purpose.

This is something Takamiya Mio understands.

This man deceived himself, obtained his shelter and sponsorship with false memories, and then took the spirit and Shiori.

She thought that this was the limit of what he could do, but now the reality is like a solid iron pipe knocked on her head, which made Takomiya feel confused.

What he did was far more than what he had observed, and he even took half of his own body in a silent time! ! !

Although he calls himself a fool, he is definitely not a mortal.

Yes, before he knew it, he had already completed the sublimation of his life.

The existence that took away the inversion of the original spirit, the official name is——

Primordial Demon King.

He is the Demon King on an equal footing with himself!

Like waking up from a dream, Takamiya Mio thought about everything clearly.

The power of Reincarnation Paradise has the power to harvest other elves and angels. If those angels are in the hands of those elves, for Su Han, who is now the **** of reversal, dying is a toothpick with the attribute of killing gods.

However, in their own hands, those angels will show the color they should have.

He sent them away, in essence, he just didn't want to get their angels by himself.

Well, here comes the question.

And he who has completed the sublimation of his life, who is on an equal footing with himself, why did he take Shiori?

Imagining a certain possibility, Mio's face became unsightly as never before, and an unprecedented anger burned in her heart.

"You bastard... is really insidious enough."

Takamiya Mio shouted angrily.

As if something drastic had happened, the branches of the huge tree behind it twisted violently, penetrating towards the man in front of him like a sharp sword.

branch sword

Reincarnation Paradise's upper-level skills. A branch as sharp as a sword can ignore the bonus effect of Mio's spiritual power on the opponent.

Each of these swords has the power to pierce and crucify an elf! !

Facing the terrifying branch sword, the boy on the opposite side just smiled slightly, and then——

charge! !

Yes, it is charging!

Obviously there were deadly swords all around, and if he was hit by any of them, he would be seriously injured, so he chose to wield the spear!

In the barrage-like attack density, choosing to carry a gun forward is undoubtedly an extremely stupid thing.

But, that's what he did.

Because those swords that are deadly even to elves are ridiculously weak.

The next moment, the black flash disappeared in a flash, and the devastating magic surged upwards, bursting out in one breath in the direction of Chong Gong Mio!

It was a blow like a thunderbolt. A bombardment that can smash the peaks into pieces—

The high-speed impact area seemed to have been cursed by the immobility of time, and it became two halves in an instant...

This blow directly cut a straight path in the branch sword!

The next moment, the spear named Heiyuan had already arrived in front of God.

The huge magical power from the Eye of Darkness and Reversal Spirit Crystals blessed him, and while his body was strengthened to the extreme, it was also urging him.

Kill this boring god! !

Now, he will use the highest fighting spirit and the most violent form to pull the **** in front of him off the throne, and then crush it.

He will directly penetrate the chest of God, and then be crucified in the world, using the blood of God to dye himself the vestments of the victors red.

But is God really that easy to knock down?

Very calm, the woman named Takamiya Mio broke the branches of the sacred tree on the side with that jet-black spear.

Pay! cut!

With a branch as a sword, the extremely cold sword light pierces the sky.

This is a very close-range slash. For swordsman practitioners, it is a skill that requires a lifetime of training to master. As long as you practice it, you can open the door and establish a school, which is called a master.

However, Takamiya Mio is a god, she just accidentally saw someone show this blow, so she remembered it and mastered it.

In the face of the attack of the Demon King, who shares the same grace and origin as her, she drew a sword.

It is conceivable that the swordsmanship of a generation of masters was infused with great spiritual power.

Even the giant dragon in the myth can only mourn and watch his body turn into two halves in such a knife light.

However, even in the face of such a fierce slash, the young man did not retreat!

He smiled, slightly changing the trajectory of the spear in his hand, the cut of the mouth!

Heiyuan and Zhijian collided with each other, and the overflowing spiritual power seemed to be a fire wave generated by an explosion. Under the red sparks of spiritual power, the eyes of the young man, like a hunter in the jungle, intersected with the pupils of the gods.

During the clash of swords and guns, Mio Takamiya could see that the boy's lips were moving.

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