But now, at this moment, Kannayuki Gongpei has the same tone as him, calling himself deus.

Deus, originated from the Old Indo-European dyēus (brilliant, sky), refers to the noun of God in Latin.

Perhaps the gods represented by this word are too brilliant (dyēus is the etymology of Zeus zeus, Deva, and Tyr) Christians steal the concept and use it as the title of Jehovah.

At such a moment when he was being played with so much by himself, when he mentioned this title, which symbolized supremacy, the meaning of ridicule here was unreservedly vented.

"Ah, it seems that you don't like this title very much."

As if encountering a very distressing thing, "Kannazuki Kyouhei" looked very distressed.

As if thinking of something very interesting, the man clapped his hands and spoke in a sudden realization.

"I almost forgot, I should have called you Mio Tsokiya."

The coldness in Mio's eyes seemed to be able to freeze time and space.

The name Chong Gong Mio is the name she got after being taken away by her favorite Xiao Zhen.

After Xiao Zhen died, the name was forgotten.

Orthodox wizards call her "Mio", and her name as a human is "Muraura Reine."

In this world, no one should have remembered this name.

In the moment just now, he suddenly found that he had lost the sense of the breath of all the elves on this battleship, and a violent spiritual power emerged from the body of Lord God.

The truth can be obtained by pushing through a layer of fog called cover-up.

This is the perception of most people.


Under the fog, in addition to the truth, there may be another layer of fog.

Such a trap, even an experienced hunter would miss.

Just as the black traces began to appear after scratching off layers of paint with a knife, the answer appeared in Takomiya Mio's heart.

From the very beginning, I fell into a trap.

"I came here because I observed Kurumi Tokisaki."

This is a lie.

What he observed was definitely not only Tokisaki Kurumi, but also himself, and he said this just to give himself the illusion of "beyond the chessboard".

"The cooling time of One Thousand Worlds is very long, and it takes a year to cool down."

This is a lie.

He can activate the power of space anytime and anywhere. This statement is just to make himself feel that he has plenty of time, and he can slowly hold it in his hand and turn it into a chess piece.

"I really hope to be able to revive Mio Takamiya's lover, then recruit him, and indirectly drive that monster."

This is also a lie.

This guy didn't plan to help him from the beginning, let alone resurrect Xiaozhen.

Lie, lie, lie....

"So, is that the truth?"

Takamiya Mio murmured in a low voice.

Chapter 68 Now is war time!

Fake, fake, all fake.

Everything that the guy in front of him showed was hypocritical.

The only real thing is that he...

He took all the elves and his favorite scoundrel! !

The fact that he took away the spirit or something was just a headache for Takamiya Mio.

If he has a headache, he needs to re-cut his own spiritual crystal and find a suitable girl as a container to purify and reverse the spiritual crystal.


He also took the lad!

The slender face condensed into frost, anger rose infinitely in her heart, and the resentment in Mio's eyes was like a poisonous sickle.

She couldn't detect the spirits of spirits and Shiori Five Rivers.

At the moment when Kannazuki Kyouhei made a sound.

Now, nothing matters.

It doesn't matter whether it is an elvenization plan or a True Ancestor plan.

The important thing is-

"Give Xiaozhen back to me."

"Just stop here, I can allow you to leave with ten mass points of power."

Takamiya Mio, whose figure had changed, said with a blank expression.

When God has been deprived of his favorite person and his own planning tools, it is undoubtedly something that can shock a lot of people's jaws to be able to propose such a negotiation.

After all, it is a monster that is high above the ground, and can even directly reshape the planet when she gets angry. In theory, she can completely make all life in the world kneel to her.

Because she is God.

It is only necessary to fully expand the angel to attach his random domain to the earth, and he can take away the gods of all biological life on this planet.

Unfortunately, the enemy is a despicable traveler from another world.

His origins, his methods, and his abilities, Takamiya Mio once thought that he was in control, but the truth was that he was being played like a monkey, and he even took the initiative to help him gather ten quality elves, and He took away the person he loved the most.

He was able to communicate with himself alive, which has proved that he is not the kind of guy who can be directly overwhelmed with only strength.

Faced with such an enemy, if possible, you should try to avoid continuing conflict with it.

Even if...

That possibility is very slim.

It is very clear that a smart person will never expose himself for no reason. Mio Takamiya looked at Kannayuki Kyouhei, who was obviously occupied by a single person, and his mood was unprecedentedly low.

Yes, although he didn't know why he wanted to collect the spirits that symbolized the ten mass points, and he didn't understand why he kidnapped Shiori Five Rivers, it was conceivable what purpose he was looking forward to accomplishing through these things.

after all...

If he has already got what he wants, he can leave directly. There is no need to stay here and talk to himself with meaningless words through other people's bodies.

Takamiya Mio stared at Kannazuki Kyouhei, who was clearly dominated by another person, waiting for an answer.

The young man who was far away looked at the guy on the opposite side from the perspective of Shen Wuyue, shook his head, then opened the group chat with a smile, and asked a question to a gray-haired witch who was working undercover.

"What do you think, if I, who are essentially the Blood Prison Earl and the Vishnu-type fusion warrior, won the three major demon kings, what would be the result of the death battle with Tsokiya Mio?"

In response, someone on the opposite side, who was pretending to be a doctor by time magic and trying to save the rectification movement that was beaten up by Dadalia, rolled his eyes.

Demon Kings are far more terrifying weapons than angels, and their attack power, filled with negative emotions, is actually much stronger than before the reversal.

Theoretically speaking, the existence of possessing the Demon Lord has an absolute advantage in the frontal battlefield.

"Boss, do you think you're stable and showing off something?"

Irena, who was in the midst of the rehabilitation exercise, bandaged the wounds of the wounded beside her, and after the bandaging, she couldn't help but complain.

The combat power of the three major demon kings is greater than that of angels of the same type. In addition to the blood source of Earl of Blood Prison and the physical fitness of fusion warriors, the balance of combat power has already favored Su Han.


"No, even if I abolish all the elves and obtain the three major demon kings, I will only have an overwhelming advantage in combat power."

The boy's words came out suddenly, making Irena's face show a look as if she had seen Zhong Kui.

Overwhelming advantage, isn't it enough?

"Ain, corresponding to the triple veil of Kabbalah - the angel of 'Nothing', if it is not counteracted by similar abilities, it can be like plasticine to erase pencil marks, ignoring the essence of any event and erasing it from the source."

Very brisk, the boy said the name of the Noble Phantasm that dragged Westcott to **** in the original plot, and his face was full of smiles when he said that.

He reached into his pocket and pinched out a very cute hairpin.

Pale green four-leaf clover.

One of Shiori Gokawa's favorite jewelry.

"That's an angel who can directly reverse all phenomena. When Mio Sonomiya is driven to a dead end, she will show the power of that angel. As long as she is willing to bet everything, even if I activate the Demon King of Wuzhi, there is a chance that she will be pulled. perish together."


Boss, the final result of your crazy show operation is just one change?

Moreover, since there is a possibility of being exchanged one by one, why don't you hurry up and transform into Mio Takamiya.alter and run away?

Anyway, that overwhelming power is in hand. Next, make a lot of money and wait for the system store to refresh the weapons that can resist the Angel of Nothing. Wouldn't it be good to come back and settle accounts?

What the **** are you holding a girl who loves you and sending it to the card at this time?

I want to tell her that you Lao Gong has already run away with me, and you will take your surname after a few days. If you have no morals and run away in the future, you will have to take over and take care of your children, and you will even have to take your surname. ?

Hey, hey, if you really do this, there will definitely be an angel of nowhere on the opposite side—sin and you are desperate!

In Irena's heart, there was literally endless complaints to say.

However, after seeing Su Han's seemingly unconcerned face, her slightly open cherry-colored lips quickly closed.

This guy, although the Angel of Nothing is scary...

However, he was not afraid at all.

"Ah oh."

"Are you saying that I will return Shizhi to you, and you and I will clear up your grievances?"

After hanging out for a while, the boy stretched out his head and scratched the back of his head with a slightly troubled expression.

"Alas, if Shiori wants to come back to see you even though she knows the world, I don't mind sending her back, but that child doesn't seem to want to see you at all."

Those words made Takamiya Mio's face suddenly gloomy.

Did this guy tell everything he did?

Takamiya Mio never thought of himself as a good person.

God's birthday, the blood sacrifice of all people.

Her birth was a disaster.

Later, in order to revive her lover, she cut her own spiritual crystal, and then used the innocent girl's body as a filter to filter out the corrosive force that would be highly poisonous to the person she loves.

And every time those elves travel back and forth between the earth and the critical, it will make the space oscillate, causing a space shock...

Right now, Shiori must be resenting himself.

After all, self-inflicted disasters and deaths have displaced countless people and separated their wives.

Saying "this is for your own good" to a kind-hearted child who can give his life to save others is obviously incapable of gaining understanding and forgiveness.

Thinking of this, Takamiya Mio couldn't help but close his eyes.

Perhaps, Xiao Zhen would also hate herself like this.

After all, Xiaozhen is a gentler person than Shiori. If she were to know that she had murdered insanely to save her, she would rather stay in **** than return to the world.


Even if she was resented, she would go against her thoughts.

Lord God, who can never forget the scene when his lover died, opened his eyes, and his blue eyes were full of indifference.

So what if the girl goes berserk because of the purifying spirit crystal, what if the city is desolate because of the space earthquake, what if Shiori Wuhe hates himself...

She just wants her little real to come back.

Next, let yourself take back Shiori, and let everything start over.

The god-sama who no longer had any hope of the True Ancestor's plan extended his hand.

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