While sleeping a little drowsily, Lothar suddenly felt wet on her face and subconsciously opened her eyes.

He found Prajna, dressed in white, holding a handkerchief to wipe his face.

He smiled and joked: Miss Xie is here.

Prajna was a little embarrassed, so he put the handkerchief in the basin and washed it: Why do you still call me that?

It sounds pretty good.

Lothar grabbed one of her hands and felt that it felt no different from before. She couldn't help but feel a complex emotion of relief and disappointment in her heart: If you don't like it, how about I call you Miss Lingyun?

Prajna was a little confused and asked: Is it because the previous name was more difficult to pronounce?

In the strange state, the emotions on Prajna's face became much more vivid, which made Lothar want to say some more outrageous words to test Prajna's reaction - before, it was difficult for him to see it from Prajna's face. of her mood.

Not really.

Prajna is not the pronunciation of moving weak, but the pronunciation of poja.

It felt a bit difficult to pronounce at first, but once you get used to it, you'll get used to it. There are many names in this era that are more difficult to pronounce than hers.

But aren't you in a strange state now? Is there anything wrong with me calling you Miss Xie?

His hands were not very trustworthy, and he groped cautiously with a tentative touch.

You can call it whatever you want.

With a hint of helplessness in Hannya's tone, she grabbed his hand that reached into the hem of her clothes and took it out: Do you feel better?

It's getting better, but I'm sweating a lot and it's a little uncomfortable to lie down.

Prajna hesitated for a moment, then said: Wait a moment, I'll prepare hot water.

Where are Flynn and the others?

I was invited by the little king to attend the celebration dinner.


Lothar felt relieved and asked in a longer tone: I also want to take a bath, but I can't move now.

In fact, he is already able to move. With the improvement of his attributes, Lothar's recovery speed from the overdraft state has become much faster than before.

I'll help you wash it.

Prajna took out a quill pen from the table and wrote a few Latin letters. In the center of the wide tent, a huge bathtub appeared, with a white towel hanging on the edge, and steam rising from it.

She came to him and warned, Lift your neck.

Lothar immediately felt that her body was empty, and she was picked up by the 1.8-meter-old girl in a princess hug.

It wasn't until he lay down in the tub that Lothar said, You are warm now.

Well, he is a living person after all.

She said this and wiped Lothar's body carefully.

I haven't done it for a long time.

Lothar's eyes were so hot that Miss Xie felt a little panicked.

But you can't move

Facing Lothar's expectant eyes, Miss Xie couldn't say any words of rejection.

Early the next morning.

The cheerful Lothar, with the help of Prajna, put on the Maximilian Holy Cross Gothic plate armor.

Maximilian - one of the greatest emperors of the Habsburg dynasty. He is known as the last knight of the Middle Ages, but he is most well-known for marrying Lady Mary of Burgundy and obtaining Burgundy. The rich territories of Gendy and the Lowlands laid the foundation for Habsburg hegemony.

Speaking of which, Lothar was considered a contemporary of Maximilian when he was Charles VII in the simulated battle.

The biggest opponent of Louis XI, the son of Charles VII, was Maximilian I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The battle between the two over the Burgundian heritage could fully produce a magnificent film and television work.

The Gothic plate armor left by this emperor, who is not known to be Lothar's descendant, is quite gorgeous. It is covered with golden patterns and is inlaid with pearls and gems in many places. It is obviously a pair of Ceremonial armor.

But it is not as thin as ordinary ceremonial armor. It is both beautiful and defensive, which also makes it extra heavy. No wonder Maximilian was dragged off his mount during a conflict with the mob when he wore it.

Prajna helped him straighten the red feathers on the helmet, and took a few steps back to examine it: It's quite beautiful, but you have to pay attention. I can feel that there is a soul full of resentment hidden in it.

Don't worry, don't forget that I am the Dark Lord.

Lothar patted his breastplate and snapped his fingers, and a wisp of holy flame appeared - with the help of this holy weapon, the power of the holy spear could be enhanced the next time he used it.

At this time.

The attendant also brought Sun Eclipse over.

The complete set of plate armor also includes horse armor and horse clothing.

Silver, horse armor engraved with gold patterns, and horse clothes decorated with gold patterns on a red background made the eclipse even taller and more majestic. He mounted his mount, followed by dozens of fully armed winged cavalry, and headed towards the central king's tent. go.

Being fully armed certainly does not mean rebellion.

But in this era, armor is the standard dress for many important occasions.

As soon as he left the camp, Lothar saw countless people gathering around him.

Praise be to Santa Rosa!

The great dragon slayer, the guardian of the holy spear!

The whole camp was boiling.

Many people were waving and cheering, wanting to have close contact with Lothar.

A knight broke through the guard's obstruction, came forward and said respectfully: Sir, can I touch you?

The speaker was the eldest son of Baron Zugar, a young knight who seemed a bit frivolous but actually had high prestige in the territory. Unfortunately, he had injured his vital parts in a previous war.

Because he was one of his own, he was able to break through the guards.

Lothar joked: What are you doing by touching me? I am not the holy foreskin of Jesus. I cannot make you regain your glory.

Ah, can't you?

The knight touched the back of his head, his blue eyes filled with disappointment.

Having no heirs and losing his male function means that he is likely to give up his identity as heir to his younger brother in the future - the guy who was originally the bishop of St. Catherine's Diocese. Although the regulations do not allow it, for the powerful, , as long as enough price is paid, the rules are waiting to be broken.

During the march, Lothar waved to both sides of the road from time to time, but he did not feel as satisfied as before. The power of faith can be used, but cannot be indulged in.

People could think of him as the Son, the agent of God, but he himself could not think so even remotely.

Lothar warned herself silently in her heart.

Coors came closer and whispered: Sir, regarding the loan from the Knights, the two chiefs have invited you to discuss it in person tonight. Your attitude is quite respectful, so there should be no problem.

Well, I understand.

Lothar replied calmly.

He not only planned to borrow money from the Knights, but also sought donations from all the Crusader princes and the burghers of each city to make up for the military needs of his subsequent march into Egypt.

These days, it is true that many churches and monasteries are relatively poor and abide by religious law, but many more churches and monasteries do not.

Many monks are not even willing to maintain superficial poverty. They are proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and can still receive large donations. As a saying goes, Money will always flow to those who are not short of money, and the same is true for love.

In this era, the donations made by nobles and citizens to the church, in addition to the faith factor of seeking salvation, were actually a disguised exchange of interests.

Just like when the Knights Templar first gained fame, almost half of the European nobility generously donated a large amount of real estate, manors and coins to the Knights. Would the effect be the same if they found a small unknown religious order to donate?

For example, if a king wants to divorce his queen who cheats frequently and sleeps with all the attendants around him, but if the pope accepts donations from the queen all year round, can he agree to it?

On the contrary, it is difficult for some relatively poor religious orders to obtain enough donations and can only rely on themselves. This is also the reason why a large number of monastery beers are popular.

Rather than letting the money donated to the monks to annex the land lie in the dark and gather dust, it is better to leave it in his hands to recover the Mediterranean granary (Egypt) that has been lost to Christendom for five hundred years!

Only by possessing the fertile land of the Nile Delta can Lothar gain a firm foothold here and have the capital to be on par with the three most powerful kings in the European world.

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