The Saracens withdrew.

Rather than retreating, it was not much different from being defeated.

The vast majority of the Saracen infantry and the conscripted civilian husbands were taken as prisoners and either had to pay a ransom or be sold into slavery. Those who were lucky were lucky, but those who were unlucky were directly killed by the barbaric Franks Beheaded.

Countless corpses were stripped of their armor and valuables and thrown into the open air. The vultures in the sky and the wolves wandering in the desert almost burst their stomachs.

All the baggage in the enemy's camp was happily carried back to their homes by the Crusaders. The merchants who accompanied the army were all smiling, and exchanged the not-so-valuable wine and meat for large amounts of valuable loot.

The Liuying who accompanied the team looked at the poor knights who had rarely become wealthy, with tears in their eyes. Tonight was destined to be a night of gunfire, but the money gained was completely worth their hard work.

The entire camp was plunged into a sea of ​​carnival.

On this day, even the stingiest lords and nobles would reward their soldiers with wine and delicacies.

But many people raised their eyes from time to time to glance at an independent military camp in the distance, as well as the cavalry with feathers on their backs guarding the entrance of the camp.

Some people have complicated expressions, while others are full of admiration.

All kinds of emotions.

Guardian of the Holy Spear, Holy Son, the agent of God's will. What a terrifying title. In terms of priesthood, who is higher between him and His Majesty the Pope? Tomorrow, if he goes to see the king, should the king and princes be the first to kneel down and kiss his fingers?

Will the Kingdom convert to Habsburg in the future?

Lothar, who was moved back to the camp, briefly chatted with the visiting king and then took a rest. At this time, he had somewhat calmed down, and he sat there leaning on the soft velvet pillow and listened to Coors' report. .

He also had a share of the seizures of his soldiers, which was a large amount, but this figure obviously could not offset the cost of this battle.

How are the casualties?

Coors shook his head and said: There were not many casualties. It was just the first wave of enemy dragon beasts that rushed into the camp. Several hundred people were lost, but many of them were elites.

Lothar nodded.

He had expected this.

The most difficult battlefield can only be fought by the elite. Commanders who recruit old peasants who have only been trained for a short period of time and push them to the most brutal battlefield will not only be unable to reduce losses, but may also defeat friendly forces.

This was also the reason why Takidin was angry when Zahir ordered the Nubian light cavalry to cut off the rear.

Coors frowned and said, Sir, why don't we collect more spoils from this battle? After all, the treatment you gave us is good enough.

Coors wanted to increase the share of the spoils between Lothar and his soldiers.

It's not necessary. What's that loot? Are you just rushing into the palaces of Damascus or Aleppo to rob them? I really can't afford to support this army if I really hope to make a fortune from stripping clothes and armor from those dead people.

Loss, of course it is a loss.

But the premise is that system rewards are not included.

The kingdom-level battle came to an end.

Warring parties: Kingdom of Ayyubid, Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Important battles: Battle of Galilee, Battle of Gaza, and Battle of Ella Port.

The faction you belong to is the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Important commanders: King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, Margrave Lothar I of Transjordan, Raymond III of Tripoli, Grand Master Gerald of the Knights Templar, and Roger, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller.

You made the vast majority of contributions to the victory of this war.

You completed the milestone: [Pillar of a Country] Without you, a kingdom would have been destroyed. You successfully saved a crumbling country and made 90% of the great contribution in the battle.

Reward: Holy Cross Gothic Plate Armor.

Description: This is a set of full-body plate armor enshrined in the Holy Church. It is said that its former owner was Emperor Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire. During a trip, the emperor was dragged off his horse by a mob. The heavy full-body plate armor A restricted his movements and was therefore left unused.

Characteristics: Abandoned: Under the cover of divine radiance, its soul and chest contain countless anger and hatred. When you fall into a situation of fighting alone, the angry soul in the armor will awaken and stand by your side. Combat.

Indestructible: Even a wooden stick becomes a relic through centuries of consecration by the Holy Church, which is enshrined in St. Stephen's Cathedral, the resting place of the souls of the Habsburg family. It has a history of three hundred years, so this armor is also indestructible.

Battle rewards:

Reward 1: Large-scale standing.

As the territory under your rule becomes wider and wider, you will need a larger and more elite standing army to protect your territory.

The upper limit of all standing armies is increased by one hundred.

Reward 2: Idol of Fertility.

In the territory under your rule, food production will increase slightly, reducing the probability of natural disasters.

Reward three: large-scale recruitment.

Compared with the elite standing sergeants, the most basic auxiliary units on the battlefield are also indispensable. They are brave warriors hidden among the people. As non-mobile troops, they have excellent courage in defending the territory.

You gain an additional 1,000 quotas for recruiting peasant soldiers.

The rewards are quite generous.

The higher ceiling of the standing army means that if Lothar can recruit all the standing army quotas, he will have a standing army that is not inferior to the king. The quota of 1,000 peasant soldiers can also increase his control over the local area. force.

Paired with the Angel Statue, the stability of his newly developed territory will also be guaranteed to a certain extent, and it will not fall into a long-term state of civil strife. Such a reward can be understood as the system encouraging him to expand his territory.

Lothar then thought of his newly acquired ability, the Dragonborn Familiars. If each of the Danglongs could possess Thorle's combat power, it could be said that he would immediately have three more five-star followers with powerful combat capabilities under his command.

It's a pity that Andreas got into the trap a little early.

It is obviously impossible for vampires and dragonborn blood to blend. According to Andreas's contribution, he must have one of the three places for dragonborn dependents. Apart from him, Lothar feels that only Mueller You are qualified to compete for this spot.

But Muller is a non-combatant and obviously cannot be used.

Not in a hurry.

The quota for dependents is reserved, and the best will be given to whoever performs meritorious service in the future.

Coors, if we return to Transjordan, how long do you think we will need to cultivate before we can launch an attack on Egypt?

Coulston suddenly looked bitter: I'm afraid it will take a long time.

Lothar frowned: That's not possible. The battle is won, and I haven't eaten the meat yet.

In order to fight this battle, he really tightened his belt.

He also knows that he should recuperate now, but he is recuperating, and Saladin is also recuperating. If he does not take advantage of Saladin's new defeat, people's hearts are unstable, and he needs to stabilize the chaos, he will face more difficulties if he wants to attack Egypt again. Quite a few.

“If you don’t have money, then borrow it!”

Lothar emphasized his tone: Borrow from the Knights, borrow from the merchants of Venice and Genoa, not only borrow, but also donate from them. This is the holy crusade, and they should support it, right?

Besides, if we call on the Crusader Knights in the kingdom, they don't necessarily want money.

Lothar felt that with his current prestige, it would not be a problem to deceive a group of Crusaders into bringing their own dry food and working under him for free, as long as they were granted some land after the war.

At present, the few standing armies he has on hand are not full, and coupled with the one thousand quotas given by large-scale conscription, after conquering Egypt, even if he implements an advanced enfeoffment system, it will not affect his internal centralization of power.

By the way, Kors, these days you keep an eye on the wounded barracks and drive out those idiots who only know how to open the skull, bleed, and enema. Now is a good time for the development of the Lazarus Order. It's best. Involve the Knights of the Order.

Coors nodded solemnly.

People are undoubtedly the weakest when they are sick. Bringing these patients back from the brink of death, coupled with Lothar's own sacred aura, will undoubtedly add a group of loyal fans to himself, which is also good for his personal reputation.

After watching Coors leave, Lothar lay back on the bed.

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