Which one is Lothar?

The one wearing the Cuman mask?

They left the camp in small groups, and the nobles who went out to greet them whispered to each other.

Among them are many Crusader nobles from the north. Although Lothar's name has long been heard, they have never seen it with their own eyes.

Look at that two-headed eagle!

He's in the center of the line!

Lothar's position was at the center of the entire army.

Behind him were two hussars who were following suit, both raising their spears with square flags in their hands. The double-headed eagle's coat of arms seemed to come alive and soar as the flags fluttered.

Lothar raised his palms and signaled the army to stop and rest. The melodious horn sound was passed down layer by layer. The huge army, like the limbs of a giant, gradually stopped moving with the leader's order.

He galloped out of the team, the cloak behind him rustling in the wind, and the dragon head pattern embroidered with gold thread shone even more brightly under the scorching sun.

What a wonderful horse. It looks like a legendary unicorn.

He is indeed the founder of plate armor. His armor is so beautiful.

The Crusaders nobles marveled over and over again. Eclipse was fully clothed in horse clothes and armor. He looked like a giant steel beast. Only this extraordinary creature could carry Lothar and a full set of equipment on his back and march under the scorching sun.

The other knights traveled lightly.

As the lord on horseback got closer and closer, the Crusader nobles who came out to greet him felt as nervous as if they were facing the charge of thousands of troops.

On the opposite side, it was clear that Lothar was the only one.

The visitor tightened the reins, and the extraordinarily tall horse raised its hoofs high in the air. The flying sand and dust made the figure of the visitor even more majestic.

He took off his mask.

What was revealed was a face that was completely opposite to the domineering appearance that many people imagined.

Young, handsome, with a gentle smile.

It really doesn't look like a powerful prince.

Good day everyone.

He nodded to everyone in an understatement. It was obviously a rude move, but when he did it, it seemed so free and easy that it was hard for people to feel disgusted.

The nobles who had never seen Lothar had an inexplicable feeling of witnessing a legend.

This is the legendary dragon slayer; the savior of the Holy Land who once attacked Saladin's camp at night and forced him to retreat; the inventor of Gwent; the one who has the favor of God loved by the Father; the one who won honors in Constantinople Champion Knight; Count of Transjordan, General of the Military District of Limassol.

Good day, Lothar.

As the highest-ranking nobleman besides the king, Duke Raymond was the first to speak: It's an honor that we can finally fight together.

It would be an honor for me, too, Lord Tiberius.

Lothar smiled and looked at the patterns on Raymond's plate armor, and said jokingly: Do you want to compare with me, who can make more achievements in this war?

Duke Raymond said with some emotion: I am already old, and I can't compare with young people like you.

Under a castle northeast of Tiberias.

Just heard a loud bang.

The polished round cannonball, with its ear-piercing scream, crashed down a wooden tower flying the Crusader flag.

The Crusaders defending the city had no way to counter this huge war machine.

The range of the ballistas and trebuchets they installed on the city walls was far less than the counterweighted trebuchets built by the skilled craftsmen recruited by Saladin. This type of trebuchet was later introduced to the East and was called the return cannon , and can even throw cannonballs weighing three hundred pounds.

As long as the heavy stone bullets hit, they will easily destroy the wooden arrow shields on the city wall, and the rammed earth city wall will also be crumbling under the bombardment.

The camp of the Saracen army stretched for dozens of miles.

They seemed to have no intention of taking down the castle quickly. It was clear that the morale of the defenders had plummeted under the fierce bombardment. It was clear that behind the castle was Lake Tiberias, the largest water source nearby.

They just hid in the camp silently, without any thought of launching an attack with siege equipment, as if they were afraid that the scorching sun above their heads would scorch them.

What did Saladin think?

In the Saracen military camp, Baron Fulk sat in his tent and silently looked at the huge counterweight trebuchets in the siege camp. If this kind of war machine were used to attack those dotted on the European continent, The castle couldn't be more suitable.

Did he want to use Tiberias as bait to lure the Crusaders into battle?

The young Frank noble frowned.

He was Baron Fulk of Longuedoc.

He had previously escorted Leonard's fiancée Eleanor of Longidoc to the Holy Land. Later, on the way out of the Holy Land, she encountered Berber pirates and was sold to a Saracen nobleman as a slave.

He was very lucky. Thanks to his noble background, his master gave him very high treatment: a separate tent, a full set of ordnance, and he did not need to do those chores. He only had to wear pagan clothes on the battlefield. Zhajia just needs to charge with his master.

The days of being trapped in the enemy camp were actually not too sad for Baron Fulk.

Saladin - this pagan monarch, with an open mind, tolerated the Egyptians, Bedouins, Syrians, Greeks, Berbers, Turks, and Caucasians under his rule

Even the Franks.

He had seen Franks entering and leaving Saladin's royal tent more than once. Those people were quite gorgeously dressed, and they were obviously important figures even under Saladin's command.

Even though Baron Fulk already hated Saladin deeply, during the period when he was trapped in the enemy camp, he had to admit that Saladin was definitely a generous, upright, and kind king.

This was a man who rose like a comet. It only took him ten years to seize the supreme throne of the Saracen world and establish a huge dynasty that stretched from Yemen to the south, Tunisia to the west, Armenia to the north, and Sassanid to the east. of the monarch.

According to Fulk's observation, Saladin's army was very complex in composition, with a large number of troops contributed by lower-level vassals, and its combat effectiveness was actually quite average.

But his army has a backbone that can serve as the backbone. Even when he conquered Leonard of Kaleburg last time, he did not bring all the huge Mamluk guards with him. Among them, the most elite Kasakia The Guards are heavy horse archers equipped with men and horses.

Baron Fulk had the opportunity to observe how this powerful heavy cavalry, numbering in the thousands, looked like when it charged towards the rebels.

The army under the last prince named Saleh was just a bunch of poor people running for their lives in front of them. After being teased, the formation was torn apart by the heavy cavalry who switched to lances and charged. .

Did the Crusaders have a rival army?

I'm afraid not.

Is the Holy Land destined to fall under the iron heel of the pagans?

Every time he saw those fully armed and powerful Mamluk cavalry, Baron Fulk couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in his heart.

What's worse is that he is now one of these Mamluks.


The low roar startled Fulk.

Many Saracen soldiers also complained jokingly.

The big herd of animals went crazy again. I hope the unlucky keeper can come back alive today.

The source of the sound is the dragon beasts imprisoned in a special camp. These dragon beasts are more than four meters tall and have sharp claws. They can easily tear apart giant elephants. When charging, let alone the knights of the Crusaders, even the city walls will be smashed by them. The terrifying dragon beast has never really fought before.

But even just thinking about it made Fulk feel sad for their enemies.

Count Lothar should be coming, right?

He is the legendary dragon slayer. Should he be able to kill these terrifying beasts?

Baron Fulk murmured softly.

During his brief visit to Hebron, he had seen the tanned dragon head specimen with his own eyes.

It's just that he couldn't compare which dragon beast was stronger when he was alive or the dragon beast driven by Saracen.

At this time, a shadow flew over the head.

Fulk raised his head subconsciously, his huge fleshy wings blocked the clouds and the sun, and his black scales reflected the faint light - that was a huge dragon with wings spread out, at least ten meters wide!

“Heavenly Father is above.”

He crossed himself, his lips trembling slightly with fear.

This was the first time he had truly seen the legendary dragon in these days!

Not a so-called dragon beast, but a real dragon that can spit out dragon flames and soar in the sky!

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