Baldwin IV sits in the camp.

The young king, who took off his mask, quickly took the situation into his own hands under pressure from the outside world.

But I have to admit that the situation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem is quite bad.

The nobles control the land and extract the wealth from it for their own enjoyment. Very little of the output is actually invested in the construction of the territory.

Many of the fortresses in the interior have become desolate due to weathering and weathering, and their armaments are also quite depleted.

As long as Saladin breaks through the front line, he will drive straight in from behind.

In the camp, the nobles who were holding a war meeting all looked worried.

Saladin took the initiative to launch an attack and had easily overthrown several border castles. The army with the dragon beast vanguard was as unstoppable as the torrent that broke the embankment.

Your Majesty, has His Majesty the Pope received a reply? When will the Gallic and Germanic Crusaders arrive?

Someone asked aloud.

Guy of Lusignan sneered: Perhaps after the fall of Jerusalem.

That's right, how long have you been counting on others? Don't you even have the slightest bit of courage left by your ancestors?

The accused noble said: I am not afraid of the pagans, but Saladin has a dragon! No matter how strong the fortress and city is, it will turn into a sea of ​​fire under the burning of the dragon's fire. The fleet that the Greeks are proud of was also burned by a dragon. The dragons are completely destroyed.”

Gerald, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, wore a white robe with a red cross and came to the center of the tent with a sword in his hand.

Just a few dragons.

Don't forget, our Marquis Lothar is a famous dragon slayer.

Besides, isn't His Majesty the King's court advisor also a very powerful spell caster?

The light of the Heavenly Father shines upon us. Holy Jerusalem will never be occupied by filthy pagans. We have defeated Saladin more than once. This time, we will still win the final victory!

Nisanya pursed her lips, feeling a little guilty.

Spell casters and spell casters cannot be generalized.

I can't deal with the dragon.

Moreover, the teacher specially reminded me today not to go to the battlefield when my head is hot.

Seeing that the quarrel below was getting more and more intense, Baldwin IV said: The dragon-slaying giant crossbow made from the magic-blocking gold stored in the holy treasury is enough to kill the land dragon beast.

As for the flying dragon, Lord Lothar will take care of it.

You don't need to consider the threat of the dragon. In this war, everyone has their own place.

Baldwin IV slowly stood up: As Grand Captain Gerald said, the light of Heavenly Father shines on us. He freed me from the disease just so that I could lead you to defeat Saladin again.

Godfrey suddenly said: Your Majesty, do you have enough magic-blocking gold to build the giant crossbow? Do you need us to donate a batch?

Baldwin IV followed suit: The more, the better. No one knows whether what Saladin showed is everything.

Seeing the double-acting cooperation between the monarch and his ministers, everyone had no choice but to express their willingness to donate a batch of magic-blocking gold.

The court meeting is over.

Gerald, who returned to the Knights Templar camp, just opened the curtain of the tent and saw a black-robed priest already waiting inside.

He couldn't help but frown.

The black-robed priest quickly stepped forward and asked, Grand Commander Gerald, how are things going?

I didn't mention it.

Gerald shook his head and said: Marquis Lothar is the key to winning this war. It is impossible for me to help you seize his territory at this time.


The black-robed priest raised his voice: I've said it many times, it's just a rental.

Gerald sneered: We all know this is just an excuse. But I must say that it is not a good idea for you to provoke the Marquis of Lothar. In the Holy Land, he will not be easier to deal with than Emperor Henry.

The black-robed priest was silent for a moment and then said: The secular belongs to the lord, and the sacred belongs to the church. This is an established rule.

But Marquis Lothar is more than just a secular lord.

Gerald sneered and said: Heavenly Father loves him - otherwise have you ever seen such a young man who has achieved such great achievements? His Majesty the King has great trust in him, and the German knights actively surrendered to him. He has never been a stranger. It only took less than half a year to go from a knight in the territory to a marquis commanding tens of thousands of troops!

The black-robed priest was silent.

Gerald continued: Don't think that I don't know what you think. You don't care at all whether the Holy Land falls. If the Holy Land is occupied by Saladin, His Majesty the Pope can take this opportunity to call for a massive revolt. Crusades to demonstrate his authority.”

Your piety has been swallowed by the poisonous snake of power. Father Pilates, I advise you to stop here.

Gerald's expression was cold.

He is a devout believer, but that does not mean that he fully recognizes the Pope in the Papal City.

The atmosphere was stagnant.

At this time, the noise in the camp attracted Gerald's attention.

He opened the curtain and looked around.

Someone shouted with excitement: Marquis Lothar's army has arrived!

He walked out of the tent and could clearly see the smoke billowing in the distance and the army lined up neatly.

The armor is neat and uniform, and they wear eye-catching feathers. They are well-known wing cavalry in the Holy Land.

A cavalryman wearing a full-face helmet.

Knights of the Order wearing the coat of arms of the golden cross…

Even many of the infantry were wearing tight armor, with flying double-headed eagle flags hanging on the tips of their spears like a forest.

They walked in neat steps, with no edge visible at a glance.

Gerald was slightly startled and chuckled: Did you see it? This is Marquis Lothar's army!

The black-robed priest's eyes were filled with shock. For these people, all deeds were false.

Because they have heard too many man-made and boasted miracles.

But with thousands of troops, nothing can be faked.

He felt his throat was dry.

Even Duke Raymond's army is no match for him, right?

Gerald nodded and said: At the very least, Duke Raymond's army cannot be arranged in such a neat formation.

Baron Godfrey looked a bit emotional: I still remember that when he first came to the Holy Land, he only had a few attendants with him, but now he has commanded an army of tens of thousands.

Lothar's speed seemed to him like riding a rocket.

However, he is not the kind of person who rose to power through nepotism (marriage), but a real prince who relied on military merit.

Balian felt a little ashamed and said, Compared with Lord Lothar, I am really far behind.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Godfrey patted Balian on the shoulder: Although they are all young people, there are a few in the entire continent who can compare with him. Don't look so far ahead.

He said meaningfully: Now, he is truly a big man with more prestige than Duke Raymond.

Godfrey was just sighing, but Raymond's mood was much more complicated.

He once regarded Lothar as a promising junior, but later he turned into an opponent.

It was only now that he discovered that Lothar was actually the biggest pillar of the Holy Land's resistance to Saladin.

Let's go meet Marquis Lothar.

He took the initiative to speak, releasing the signal that the Jazz Party wanted to reconcile with Lothar.

In Jerusalem today, the king is young and in his prime, regaining power, and party strife is no longer important.

Standing in the crowd, Baron Leonard, who looked inconspicuous at all, gritted his teeth. His treatment in Jerusalem was completely different from the previous response.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he and Lothar had already been on a different level.

Every time others looked at him, he felt they were filled with contempt and ridicule.

But there was no possibility of him taking revenge.

Lothar was not punished at all, even though the war clearly broke out because of his wanton behavior.

This is not fair!

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