What is Lothar's strongest fire spell?

There is no doubt that except for the Dragon's Breath blessed by the half-dragon transformation, he has no abilities that truly belong to him and can be used.

The only prerequisite is that Lothar transforms into a little dragon. Although Lothar considers himself to be a decent person, the dignity of his half-dragon transformation is far from decent.

Lothar warned: Later, no matter what happens, don't be shocked.

Don't talk to me in a tone of exhorting little Fulin. You have to understand that the person standing in front of you is the president of the Levant Wizards Association, the purple princess of the Ducas family of the Eastern Empire, who is skilled in all kinds of witchcraft. The learned scholar who dabbles, the mother of dragons who raises sea dragons.”

Anna looked proud, she was still very confident in her knowledge.

Even if she had never seen many things with her own eyes because she was cautious and not keen on exploring, she had read about them in books - the Imperial Library was her window to understand the world.

For wizards, knowledge is power.

For example, in the mountains and forests, a random herb is the core of a certain potion. If you don't recognize it, you can only pass it by.

In addition, when constructing a spellcasting model, others may be able to calculate the optimal solution by using the So-and-So Theorem and a set of formulas, but you can only calculate one by one through the exhaustive method, which immediately increases the workload by hundreds of times.

Those wild wizards who become by chance, or the wizards of the elementary school, may be in the astral spirit body stage throughout their lives, and in the eyes of the wizards of the school, they are only apprentices.

And he's still the kind of apprentice who has been ruined.

Anna stared closely at Lothar's back, with a trace of expectation in her eyes.

She had always thought that Lothar was a master with a deep secret, but she didn't know how deep it was.

Lothar no longer hesitated, and the dragonborn blood in his body began to flow, grabbing the dragon blood of the earth dragon, sea dragon, fusion monster, violent dragon, dragonborn, and the essence of the lucky black dragon.

The intensity has increased countless times compared to the initial level.

The terrifying dragon power swept out and turned into a storm, causing Anna's long hair to fly.

The shadow behind Lothar gradually lengthened and swelled, turning into a huge dragon shadow with a bone crown on its head and a slender body. It was entrenched behind him like it was supporting the sky and the earth. It had thick fangs and shiny black scales.

It is not combined with Lothar's Dark Lord aura, so its temperament should appear more noble and elegant, rather than as domineering and evil as the fused Dark Dragon.

at the same time.

The crackling of bones and the strange sound of flesh and blood proliferating resounded in the confined space.

Lothar's figure began to grow taller, bursting through the linen shirt he had put on when he came here. His eyes turned into golden ones, and the dark scales started from his heart and spread to both sides of his cheeks.

There are even winding dragon horns sprouting from the top of his head. They are only slightly shorter than the black dragon shadow behind him and fail to form a crown-like shape, but their appearance is the same.

A bloody gash was torn open on his back, and a pair of broad fleshy wings squeezed out. However, these wings could only be seen, and he had not yet mastered the ability to fly.

This is not because the wings are purely a decoration.

Lothar simply can't fly.

This is not surprising. If a bird is born with wings and is caught and tamed by humans, without the guidance of its mother bird, it is likely that it will lose the ability to fly.

Anna's eyes widened, and there was a hint of surprise and a hint of realization in her heart. No wonder Lothar was obsessed with hunting dragons, but he turned out to be a dragonborn like King Seleucid!

A dragon is not a rare thing for a powerful wizard, and neither is a dragonborn.

Weak dragonborns, like Balian who drank the dragon blood potion, are only a few times stronger than ordinary people and have longer lifespans, but this is really not worth mentioning in the extraordinary world.

Every slightly stronger wizard will have his or her own unique method of extending life - some evil ones can absorb vitality from living people, or make deals with demons in the abyss; more upright ones can also refine and exchange for various magic potions. .

Wizards would never choose to become dragonborn to extend their lives unless they had no other choice.

Even if they become dragonborn, wizards often will not increase the concentration of dragon blood in their bodies.

Because the path of Dragonborn becomes more difficult the further you go, the compatibility between humans and dragon blood is too poor, and if you are not careful, you will be eroded by the Dragonborn bloodline and turn into a genuine dragon beast.

But Lothar has obviously gone beyond the category of dragonborn in the conventional sense. The dragon blood in his body has obviously been so rich that it is incredible, and it can already rival a real dragon.

How did he not lose control?

In Anna's heart, there was a doubt that common sense had been destroyed.

Logically speaking, the body of the dragonborn at this stage is already in a completely alienated stage, and it is even less likely that he can freely switch between the human body and the dragon body like Lothar.

The dragonborn at this stage is already on a tightrope and may fall into an abyss of loss of control at any time. It is even less possible for him to actively absorb new dragon blood into his body, which increases the risk of loss of control.

In fact, many ancient dragons that live in deep mountains and old forests far away from the human world are dragons that have been completely transformed from dragon descendants, and their thoughts and ideas have become completely dragon-like.

Anna continued to observe the changes in Lothar's body intently. She could feel that the aura in Lothar's body was rising rapidly. It was much stronger than before it was transformed into a dragon!

Lothar was also feeling the changes in her body.

This is the first time he has used his ability to transform into a half-dragon in this world. It is almost exactly the same as the feeling in the combat records.

Only this time, he felt that he was less affected by the Dragonborn bloodline than in the combat record world. At least he could still keep his mind clear.

Lothar thought for a while and realized that this should be the effect of the Luck Black Dragon. The Eastern Dragon is an auspicious beast. Although it is generally not associated with qualities such as kindness and kindness, it is obviously not the same as the Western Dragon. An evil beast.

The two neutralize each other, and the load on oneself is reduced.

After transforming into a half-dragon, Lothar could feel that the Noble Phantasm in front of him, which was made with the heart of the Indominus Dragon as its main body, was more closely connected to him.

He could even vaguely see the structure above, the criss-crossing formations, miniature spell models, and those that seemed to have been integrated with the heart of the Indominus Dragon, but in fact were more like covering it, and the two were still distinct. auxiliary materials.

Therefore, my goal is to completely integrate these auxiliary materials with the heart of the Indominus Dragon.

Lothar felt something in her heart and slowly walked towards the heart of the Indominus Dragon.

At this moment, the divinity of the Volcano King has been fully activated. Every time he steps down, the ground he steps on will leave a charred mark.

The temperature rose rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, Anna felt like she was back in midsummer, walking in the long desert of Africa.

Lothar opened his mouth, and his teeth became a little sharper. A ball of fire lit up in his throat. The temperature climbed faster and faster, giving people a feeling as if they were in a volcano.

Anna put up a shield in time to isolate herself from the scorching heat wave.


The terrifying pillar of flames exploded, reaching the heart of the tyrannical dragon.

In just a moment, the Indominus Dragon heart seemed to come to life again and began to beat loudly. The formation patterns engraved on it were imprinted into it moment by moment as the auxiliary materials melted.

The progress was much faster than Anna imagined, and she could actually stop at this time.

But Anna immediately reminded: Continue, don't stop, this thing will not burn bad. The longer you calcine it, the higher its quality will be.

Although no matter how high it is, it can't reach the level of a semi-sacred weapon.

After all, a real artifact is a rare thing that even many gods from the Mythical Age cannot forge. The heart of the Indominus Dragon is of limited quality, and her wizard's forging skills are far inferior to those of the craftsmen from the Mythical Age. Not profound.

But semi-artifacts and semi-artifacts cannot be generalized.

Semi-artifact is not a specific quality, but a general term for all divine creations. If you hunt a totem god in any African tribe, the statue left behind by it is considered a semi-artifact.

It is a world of difference from the dragon core treasure phantom created by the quasi-legendary witch with the heart of the Tyrannosaurus that condenses all the essence of the body as the main body, supplemented by various precious materials.

Lothar heard Anna's voice transmission and continued to maintain the output of the flames.

He could clearly feel that as the flames burned, the connection between himself and the brand-new treasure in front of him was deepening, as if he felt like they were merging into one.

The system beep sounded suddenly.

You are forging a powerful semi-artifact, and you have three options to choose from:

1: Integrate this semi-artifact into your shining cross sword to upgrade its quality to legendary, and obtain new characteristics while retaining the original characteristics.

Two: Keep it in its current shape and can be embedded into any piece of equipment at any time. Depending on the fit, it will receive a certain degree of blessing.

At the same time, it can be removed from the equipment at any time without causing damage to the item.

Three: Give it the ability to swallow equipment. It will swallow your designated equipment and change it out at any time.

The changed equipment will be blessed with more efficiency.

There are three options, but the description is a bit vague.

But Lothar, who was familiar with the system's style, immediately figured out the characteristics of these three branches.

The first item is to specialize in strengthening the shining cross sword, which has the highest degree of strengthening.

The second item is to fully strengthen all equipment. It is the most versatile and has the lowest degree of strengthening.

The third item is also an all-around enhancement, but it requires the equipment to be devoured, and the degree of enhancement is medium.

Lothar didn't hesitate at all and directly chose the third option.

If you are only looking for a powerful and powerful piece of equipment, Lothar can just borrow the Holy Spear. It will definitely be the third most popular item.

Moreover, although the cost is to lose a piece of equipment, in a strict sense, it is just a change of existence.

The output power of the flame gradually decreases.

The Dragon Core Noble Phantasm among them also revealed its full appearance - a bright ruby ​​with sharp edges.

Lothar took out a silver cross set with rubies and threw it at it.

The shining cross sword with the characteristics of being indestructible, at the moment it touched the flames, it turned into a ball of silver viscous liquid, covering the Dragon Core Noble Phantasm.

Only for a moment.

The silver liquid seeped into the gem, and a silver sword-shaped emblem was engraved on one of its edges.

As Lothar's mental power was exhausted, the flames also stopped.

The brand new red gem was suspended in mid-air, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

Lothar opened her hands.

The gem suddenly flew into his hand as if it was telepathic, and turned into a silver armed sword that shone with dark red light.

There is still a red gem at the sword grid, but the shape is still the same, but the effect is very different from before.

You have obtained legendary equipment: Dragon Core Noble Phantasm (Sparkling Cross Sword Status)

In this state, when you hold this sword, you will automatically master master-level swordsmanship.

The power of all your fire spells will be increased by 20%.

Your weapon will deal heat damage.

Lothar gently waved the sword blade in his hand. It seemed that the feeling was not much different from before, but it was slightly heavier.

He poured his own spiritual power into it, and the hilt of the sword immediately flashed with criss-crossing flame patterns that looked like lava erupting from a volcano, flowing on the earth.

The silver sword body also turned red.

Anna's surprised voice sounded: How did you do it?

In the stables of Anna's manor.

The grapes are eating grass leisurely.

When not on the battlefield, even a famous horse like it cannot eat fine feed every day, and it still mainly eats grass.

At the base of the wall, a rustling little mouse ran past. Grape lowered his head, opened his mouth, held the mouse in his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing.

Hey, don't eat this kind of thing casually!

Jeanne patted the horse's butt, stepped on the stirrup with one foot, and with a little force, she turned over on the horse's back.

She is going to participate in a riding competition, both for horses and riding skills.

This is an aristocratic sport in Constantinople, and horses such as the Sweat Horse may not be considered the top.

The four of them had returned from going shopping, and Jeanne happened to see a riding competition with a prize of a thousand Soulides, so she immediately signed up.

This time when we went out, even Chelinina and Prajna, who were of such a temperamental nature, bought two silk dresses under the leadership of Fringilla.

Only Jeanne didn't spend a penny.

She thought with a sad face that the combined money spent by these three prodigal ladies could upgrade her to the next level.

She is really eager to advance to the elite level.

Now it seems it's time to become self-sufficient.

Just like Captain Hogg.

Jeanne gently pinched the horse's belly and urged the horse to walk outside the manor.

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