Looking at Cellinina's back, the corners of Lothar's mouth raised slightly.

He had always had a doubt before, that is, does a girl with animal ears like Chelinina only have a pair of fluffy animal ears on the top of her head, or does she also have a pair of human ears under her hair?

Because he got caught in the rain, Lothar's doubts were cleared up.

It's the latter.

The heavy rain came and went quickly, and it stopped within an hour.

This is also a good thing. It is the wheat harvest season right now. If this heavy rain lasts longer, the crops will not be spared.

A considerable part of Constantinople's food comes from Thrace and the west coast of Asia Minor, both of which are right next to Constantinople.

Of course, the empire has many granaries. The Crimean Peninsula on the other side of the Black Sea and the Trebizond Military District in Asia Minor are all famous grain-producing areas. If this is not possible, they can also be imported from Egypt.

Even if the food production in Thrace and Asia Minor decreases, Constantinople will not run out of food, but soaring food prices are still foreseeable.

It was already bright.

In the courtyard, there are green plants with little drops of water hanging on their branches and leaves.

Anna was dressed in luxurious purple clothes and walked into the house with the scent of incense, hands behind her back.

As soon as she saw Lothar, she frowned and looked at it carefully.

Lothar, who had just taken a shower, lay lazily on the chair and said casually: Why, you don't recognize me after not seeing me for just one night?

Have you regained some of your strength?

Lothar was slightly startled, realizing that Anna could see that she had become stronger again: She has good vision.

Anna kept yawning.

I stayed up all night making the Noble Phantasm for you last night.

Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Anna.

There is no need to be polite in our relationship. But today I need you to come with me and complete the final steps of making the Noble Phantasm, so that you will consume less when you use it in the future.

Okay, when are you leaving?

Just now. You know, I'm actually very busy. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Constantinople. When there are more people, there will always be all kinds of trivial things. Today, several pilgrims disappeared. The water ghost dragged him into the underground tunnel and ate him. Tomorrow two more officials will die. They were cursed by a wizard invited by the enemy. The day after tomorrow, someone in a certain place discovered traces of the werewolf.

You have to handle these matters personally?

Lothar frowned. If this was the case, Anna would be so pitiful.

He has almost become a legend, yet he still has to work conscientiously and act like a social animal. This extraordinary person is really not worthy of recognition.

That's not true. If it's a small matter, the Thracian Guards can handle it. Also, don't forget, we are the Levant Wizards Association, and there is an association.

Anna said with a smile: By the way, I just want to introduce you to a few more companions today.


Lothar nodded.

If they go to your territory in the future, please take care of them. Of course, if you ask them for help, since we are all members of the association, they will also give you some face.

The association says it emphasizes equivalent exchange, but after people get along for a long time, it's impossible to figure everything out clearly.

Do you want to come with Flynn?

Anna suggested: We are going to the Imperial Library, where there are many books about witchcraft. If you go together, you can learn some knowledge. The books inside are restricted and I cannot borrow them out, but you can go there in person. It looks like there’s still no problem.”

Fringilla tilted her head, thought for a while, and expressed her refusal: I won't go, I don't want to study, I want to go out and play.

Lothar was a little speechless, but she felt like she had expected it, It's thanks to you.

Chelinina reminded: Sir, what happened last night.

Oh yes!

Lothar suddenly understood and began to tell Anna about being spied on last night.

Anna's expression became serious as she listened: A spy who is as fast as Miss Cellinina, or even faster, is indeed very dangerous.

Anna could feel a dangerous aura on Cellinina, which meant that at close range, Cellinina was capable of threatening the life of a powerful wizard like her.

Even though it was just a threat, it was already amazing.

Faster than Cellinina

Anna thought for a while and said: The other party may not be malicious. After all, he was discovered and just ran away. Maybe he is just curious about you, but we still need to be more vigilant.

The Greeks also understood the principle of not allowing others to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch.

Cellinina originally wanted to follow Lothar to protect him, but Lothar refused. He hoped that the four of them could travel together and have a good visit to Constantinople, so that the trip would not be in vain.

Fringilla was not a studious person, and Lothar didn't expect her to go to the library and read those boring books all day long.

The Imperial Library in Constantinople is one of the largest libraries in Europe.

It is a beacon of civilization throughout Christendom.

As soon as he entered the door, Lothar was shocked by the sight in front of him.

In front of you is a spiral building, with bookshelves clinging to the walls and extending upwards along the spiral staircase. The bookshelves are filled to the brim with all kinds of books.

They are classified on various bookshelves according to papyrus, parchment, slate, and paper. There are originals, translations, and extra handwritten copies.

Looking around, the towering bookshelves are like giants, reaching straight into the dome with no end in sight.

Welcome to the Imperial Library, follow me.

Anna led the way, and the two of them walked up.

When you get to the third floor.

Lothar saw a very sloppy woman sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Her hair had probably not been washed for a long time. It was messy and stuck into strands, hanging down on the side of her face, covering her face. She was holding a book and reading with concentration.

Anna said casually: This is Eve, a very powerful witch who specializes in formations. Hey, stop looking, the guests are here.

Oh you, hello.

Eve was probably a little scared, so she came to her senses and replied in a stuttering tone.

Hello, Lady Eve. I am Lothar, Lord of Transjordan and Limassol, and a spellcaster.

After Eve spoke, she didn't know what to say anymore.

Her hands were holding the cover of the book with some restraint. Seeing her being so restrained, Lothar couldn't help but become a little restrained.

It's time for you to take a shower. If you continue like this, your books will be dirty.

Anna complained helplessly: I doubt whether I was right or wrong in accepting Eve in the first place. She is not happy to let her clean up a water ghost. She just stays in the library all day.

Last time, the wizard who created the fusion monster came to steal the book, but it was in front of her. As a formation master, she would definitely be able to detect it, but she just didn't.

Lothar smiled, thinking of the otakus in her previous life: Maybe Ms. Eve yearns for the world in books more.

Eve's eyes lit up in her disheveled hair.

Anna looked at her and said helplessly: Maybe, who asked me to accept her? This is the only way.

Climbed more than ten floors.

Lothar saw a witch again.

She was not as slovenly as the former. She had a delicate hairstyle and was sitting on a recliner, reading a book comfortably. From Lothar's angle, she could just see the cover.

It's a pity that Lothar doesn't recognize the words on the cover.

He guessed it was in Hebrew. He had seen many similar words on some sculptures and stone slabs in the Holy Land, but he just couldn't recognize them.

The president is back.

The witch raised her head, her gaze lingered on Lothar's face for a long time, and then she said with a smile: He is indeed handsome. The president did not lie to me. If there is a chance, we can communicate more in the future.

Anna said angrily: Stop being so arrogant. Today the chief tribune reported that a ghoul's lair was discovered in the western suburbs. The Thracian Guards are not in the capital, so I will leave it to you to clean it up.

Oh yes, I haven't introduced you yet. This is Liena, a passable fire mage who is good at dealing with dark creatures like carrion.

Ghouls are monsters that like to live in dark and damp places and make a living by stealing corpses, but they will never refuse to eat living people. They are called the most common monsters along with water ghosts.

But just because they are common does not mean they are easy to deal with. The former are extremely powerful and their claws are full of poison; the latter can dive into the water and are as flexible as swimming fish, making them difficult to catch.

Anna is right, too many people will always lead to all kinds of trivial matters.

There are many churches in Constantinople, and there are also many tombs. It is normal to attract ghouls. Unless everyone takes a big step into the age of cremation in advance, this kind of thing is unavoidable.

Liena's face was full of complaints: President, do you want a beautiful wizard like me to go into the smelly sewers or tombs to find a group of disgusting ghouls?

She chattered endlessly:

Even if the Thracian Guards are not around, some demon hunters should be hired to do this kind of thing. I remember that there are several demon hunter schools in Poland that offer quite reasonable commissions. I can help you connect the dots.

Anna hummed: You have to be worthy of the allowance you receive from the association, and don't try to be a salary thief.

It seems that the Wizards Association doesn't support freeloaders either.

Lothar said silently in his heart.

All right.

Liena stood up and when passing by Lothar, she rubbed the back of Lothar's hand vaguely. Seeing Lothar looking over in surprise, she showed a charming smile.

You can come to me here anytime in the future. We can do it right here, or we can choose a manor with a nice view. The smell of you is really fascinating.

Anna rolled her eyes: Ignore this slut. Her ambition is to sleep with all the handsome extraordinary people in the world. Even those demon hunters who have the smell of monsters on their bodies will not let her go.

Sounds familiar.

Yes, just like the slutty witches you met when Van Helsing in The Witcher was written by you.

Lothar secretly thought that this was probably the worst time Van Helsing had ever been hacked.

What does the pile you Geralt drove have to do with my Van Helsing?

Keep going up again.

From the outside, the large library seems to be 20 meters high, but it looks even taller inside. It goes up to more than 20 floors. Looking up, you can still see the layers of stairs.

During this period, Lothar met three more witches. Their images were much more normal. They were busy like scholars, constantly shuttling among the bookshelves, copying and repairing easily damaged books; and translating ancient books that were difficult to read. into Latin.

This large library was built by a powerful spell caster and used a lot of space expansion formations. That means I don't really have any talent in space spells, otherwise it would be impossible for it to be stolen.

Anna sighed softly. She still regretted that she could not master space magic.

Because it's really convenient.

If a portal is opened that directly connects to the enemy's capital, then magical soldiers will descend from the sky, and a war that has been inconclusive for more than ten years can be easily won.

Lothar asked: Are there any famous wizards who master space spells now?

Anna shook her head and said: I don't know, but even if there is one, it shouldn't be too advanced. It's difficult to get started with space magic. Once you get started, it's even harder to go further. This is different from the traditional method that relies on magic models to gather magic power. Spells are completely two systems.

Lothar thought of his experience in Montreal and said: I met an old god in Montreal before, probably the crocodile god in Egyptian mythology, and he once cast a good space spell.

Those old antiques are exceptions. They do not cast space spells, but directly use divine power to create effects equivalent to space spells.

Lothar listened to these somewhat awkward words, but he could understand the meaning.

In fact, it was just like using the spell I borrowed from my subordinates. I only knew that I could use the harpoon to aim under the underwater fish, and I could reach the fish, but I didn't know that this was the principle of light refraction.

Anna thought for a while and then said: However, most of them are already in a state of lingering and lingering until now. They are not as worthy of fear as the totem gods of Africa.

When we got to the top floor, we roughly counted and found that it was at least fifty floors up.

It is obviously a spiral staircase structure with smaller and smaller spire structures as you go up.

The space here has become extraordinarily open. There is a large pool on the right hand side, with a diameter of at least thirty meters long, and the pool looks like it is bottomless.

As soon as Lothar came closer, a throbbing sensation suddenly appeared in his blood, and his eyes even had the urge to turn into golden vertical pupils.

Fortunately, Lothar restrained himself in time.

This is probably the smell of the sea dragon that Anna often talks about. No matter what, she cannot eat it.

Anna greeted: Niko, come here and say hello to the guests.

In the pool.

Shadows emerge.

A pair of golden vertical pupils gradually approached the water.

Nicole looked at Lothar with a faint alertness in her eyes. She could feel a strong sense of threat from Lothar, but this person came with her mother.

Hello, Miss Nicole.

Lothar swallowed.

Even if it is a serious dragon clan, devouring the blood of the same kind will be of great benefit to its own strength. This has also led to the dragon clan, except for a few species, living alone.

But Nicole didn't feel greedy. She only felt that there seemed to be a black terrifying dragon behind Lothar. There was a bone crown on the top of his head, and saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth, staring at her.


Nicole dived into the water again and swam deeper without looking back.

Niko is afraid of you.

Anna thought for a moment: It's probably because you hunted too many dragons, and you were tainted with the dragon clan's resentment. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why are you looking for dragons?

Lothar also thought about it.

He was thinking about how to make it up.

Seeing Lothar's expression, Anna waved her hand in disinterest: Okay, if you don't want to say it, forget it. There's no need to go to great lengths to make up a lie.

Lothar followed suit: Then I won't make it up.

Come with me.

Anna clicked on a bookshelf on the top floor of the library, and the bookshelf immediately slid to the side, revealing a wooden door behind it.

open the door.

In front of him is a room filled with cauldrons, crucibles, test tubes, measuring cups, glass jars and other experimental equipment. There are still faint traces of smoke and fire on the walls.

Lothar's eyes were immediately attracted by a fiery red gem suspended in the middle of the room. The familiar aura belonging to the King of Volcanoes definitely originated from the Indominus Dragon.

This is.

Yes, this is the Noble Phantasm created for you.

Anna smiled and said: The tyrannical dragon you killed is not easy to say. There is a small amount of volcanic divinity in it. As long as it is used properly, it is at least a semi-divine weapon.

how should I do?

Because the main body of this thing is the heart of the Indominus Dragon, which is naturally not afraid of flames, it is very difficult to completely integrate it with the materials I put in it. I need you to use your most powerful fire spell to It melts away.”

You can't even do it?

It's not impossible, but this treasure phantom is for you to use. It can improve the compatibility between you. As I said before, it can reduce your difficulty in using it. Consumption.”

You have confidence in me, but I haven't even mastered the spell model of 'Lianzhu Fireball'. Are you sure I can melt it?

Anna smiled and said: You don't need to cover up in front of me. If you are not good at fire spells, why would you ask me to create a fire-type treasure for you?

Lothar smiled and said: Good taste.

what should I do?

Use your most powerful fire spell to calcine it. The more powerful it is, the better. Don't worry about burning it. With the divine nature of fire, the higher the temperature, the higher the quality.

Lothar looked around: Won't this place be destroyed?

Don't worry.

Anna snapped her fingers, and the clutter in the room immediately disappeared, leaving only an empty room: This is the alchemy laboratory built by the designer of Constantinople for himself. It is very solid.

Lothar thought for a moment and felt that Anna was still trustworthy and there was no need to be too wary, so she ordered: Then stay back, don't be scared.

It's a joke, I've also experienced strong winds and waves!

Anna hummed softly, and then ran behind Lothar, far away.

She has a tough talk, but Anna has always been very concerned about her own safety.

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