In the eyes of the audience full of confusion, both sides slowly retreated to the iron gates in their respective directions.

Jeanne came forward, took the reins of Grape, who was sweating on her body, and asked curiously: Is that Crown Prince Henry very powerful?

Lothar raised his visor and took a breath: Huh - this guy is pretty good. I don't know what magic potion he drank. I estimate that his combat power is at least equivalent to Hans at level 20.

If he were to attack with all his strength on the battlefield, Lothar would be able to kill Crown Prince Henry in a few clicks. The strength of his flesh and blood alone was not enough to bridge the gap between mortals and wizards.

This is also the reason why Lothar has always been reluctant to allocate too many attribute points to strength.

A quarter of Hans?

Jeanne couldn't help laughing and said: Hans works hard without complaint, yet you still use it as a measuring stick.

How are we going to deal with him later?

Lothar took a deep gulp of the water bottle Prajna handed him. Although it was early autumn, he was still sweating from being fully armed and fighting under the scorching sun.

It's good to be a little merciful. Although I'm not afraid, one less enemy is better than one more. Also, don't show too much strength. Protect the safety of our soldiers first.

I see.

Whether it is a knight's competition or a general duel between knights, there is often a rule no witchcraft is allowed among the rules. This is a rule that existed even in previous lives where witchcraft did not exist.

As for how to judge whether the two parties in the duel used witchcraft.

Due to the fact that most secular lords in this world have very limited understanding of extraordinary power, and there is no reliable detection method, they mostly use common sense judgment.

That is, you look like you are using witchcraft, even if you are not using it, you are still using it.

Or, even if witchcraft is used, the method is very hidden, so naturally no one will say anything.

This is also the reason why Lothar did not let Fringilla and Cellinina participate in this duel.

Lothar looked at the soldiers under his command who were surrounding him.

They all showed excitement on their faces and chattered: Sir, we have all seen it. You fought really well. The little prince was suppressed by you the whole time.

Sir, you must have let your guard down. It doesn't matter. We know who gave that little prince a powerful father.

Next, is it our turn to play?

Lothar nodded and said: Yes, our opponents are the foot knights under Crown Prince Henry and their attendants. The opponents are not easy to deal with, and many of them may have taken magic potions.

Of course, I firmly believe that you will never be weaker than them.

He paused slightly and then said: But this battle is not for me. We are only fighting for the Empire's Baselisa as 'mercenaries', so you don't have to worry about your oath of allegiance to me and must participate.

Ha, sir, you don't need to say anything, we all know what you want to say.

The flag officer wearing a bearskin cloak smiled happily: This is the equivalent of Constantinople in New Rome. In my memory, the fat senior named Titus Polo boasted every day that he had been with his comrades in The city of Rome killed a dozen gladiators together, calling it the greatest honor of his life.

Hahaha, we have more than a dozen enemies, and we have more than a dozen comrades.

Sir, you always bring us victory, and we believe it will be the same this time.

Someone quickly added: And it's not just victory. To be honest, sir, we have land and a manor now, but we still lack a gentle and lovely wife. I'm not afraid of your ridicule. I want to buy a Persian slave girl to be my wife. I heard that They are gentle and capable, but a bit expensive.”

Bacelisa of the Empire is much more generous than you. It is fitting that our Eagle Flag Brigade will make a fortune this time. After we return, we will not be able to envy those arrogant idiots who always claim to be your personal guard. them.

Lothar was slightly startled. After all, she was thinking too much.

He felt that soldiers loyal to him should not be allowed to lose their lives in an arena for fun for the sake of the Queen's bounty.

But in their view, this is not only a great opportunity to gain honor and make the name of the Eagle Banner Group resound throughout the empire; it is also an opportunity to obtain the reward promised by the Queen, which is equivalent to several months of their salary.

The remaining veterans, who were originally a group of Hebron veterans, never felt that their lives were of any value.

Lothar smiled: Then let us go on the field. Flag Officer, raise the eagle flag. Let these self-righteous knights know that if there are no horses, they will fight on two legs, and they will only give us licking boots.

Yes, let those Germanic barbarians tremble under the eagle flag!

Bah, you idiot, my lord and more than half of us are the Germanic barbarians you call us.

The remaining veterans burst into laughter, and they quickly formed a rectangular formation and walked towards the iron gate that had not yet been closed.

It's the Eagle Flag!


No, I don't know, it's too far away.

In the audience, some nobles wearing white toga robes stood up. If they hadn't held the SPQR flag, many people might have mistakenly thought that they were an ancient empire's legion. From a long time ago, It has traveled through the long river of time.

Even on the march, the Eagle Flag Brigade was still in order. After arriving on the field, they quickly changed their formations and formed a rectangular square array arranged horizontally.

The black double-headed eagle cape flutters in the wind, and the imperial-style red helmet crown can only be worn by at least officers above the centurion or the deposed Praetorian Guard in the past.

On the opposite side, Crown Prince Henry also entered with his soldiers, a group of fully armed foot knights wearing various robes, and their attendants.

Their coats of arms are various, and their helmets are decorated with feathers of peacocks, swans and other birds. They form a loose formation, and some of them hold halberds or battle axes. Only the knights in the front row still use a combination of shields and knight swords.

Lothar, Prajna, and Jeanne were scattered throughout the team.

He stood in the first row of the team, holding the spare square shield of the Eagle Flag Brigade, protecting it on his chest, and walked forward slowly with his body hunched.

The commander of this battle was not any of them, but the only centurion in the team who wore a red horizontal helmet crown.

He blew a sharp whistle and directed the phalanx to advance slowly.

On the viewing platform.

Count Leopold said thoughtfully: Is this the phalanx of the ancient empire? I'm really surprised whether this is the army trained by Count Lothar or a new army formed by your empire.

Anna asked: Are these two contradictory? These are General Lothar's soldiers and the warriors of the empire.

The empire abandoned the heavy infantry of the classical era for many reasons, but mobility was definitely the most important factor.

On a battlefield that relies more and more on cavalry, infantrymen wearing heavy armor and expensive swords and shields will not perform any more prominently in the main business of maintaining the front than those cheap consumables holding long guns. .

And they are unable to appear on the right battlefield at the right time and attack the enemy's weakest point like the heavy cavalry.

But these flaws are not considered flaws when facing these are just a group of dismounted heavy infantry.

Losa, remember our bet.

Crown Prince Henry held a half-sword in both hands and shouted energetically to this side.

In Lothar, he felt a huge sense of frustration. Now, he only hoped that the team he relied on his father and spent a lot of money to build could be able to defeat the group of fancy infantry on the opposite side.

With the flag waved.

The foot knights on the opposite side began to advance slowly. They held the swords, shields, battle axes, and hammers in their hands tightly, and pulled down their masks. Under the barrel helmets, they were like iron cans wrapped in iron sheets.

The tactics they adopted were no different from those on horseback. They also formed a tight formation, advancing in small steps at first, and then charging when the distance was closer.

Heavy javelin!

The centurion spit out the whistle in his mouth, and the phalanx, which was also moving forward slowly, immediately stopped and took out the two javelins he carried with him, which was heavier and more suitable for breaking armor.



A powerful and heavy javelin was nailed into the shield or body of the knight in the front row.

The heavily armed chain armor could protect against arrows, but it was no match for such heavy javelins. The defense was easily torn apart and nailed into their flesh and blood.

Even the shield was easily broken, either piercing the arm of the knight behind him, or hanging on the shield, making the originally usable shield immediately become much heavier.

They had no choice but to discard the shields.

Charge, charge forward, and smash open the shells of those turtles!

Crown Prince Henry was so angry that he cursed loudly.

These walking knights are all his elites who have experienced hundreds of battles. They were trained by him through magic potions. They are his most trustworthy and most relied-upon team, preparing for him to consolidate the throne in the future.

As a result, several were lost in one encounter.

Facing the enemy's charge, the centurion shouted: Turtle formation!

The square shields in their hands immediately formed a tight formation, with only a pair of eyes and daggers waiting for opportunities like poisonous snakes, ready to launch a surprise attack from the gaps at any time.

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