In the center of the oval-shaped arena.

The young earl wearing a golden mask and helmet, wearing a black cloak with a golden double-headed eagle on it, and riding a sacred red horse, slowly came out of the shadows into the sunshine.

It seemed that he was not used to such a noisy environment. Putao pawed at the muddy ground uneasily.

Lothar hung the shield on the hook on the saddle and patted its iron-helmeted head gently to comfort him: This is our first time fighting side by side, please give me some face.

The audience in the stands were talking a lot. Although the announcer briefly introduced Lothar, they still had no impression of the young Crusader Marquis.

Is this Lothar the new barbarian general recruited by the empire?

The Habsburg family, such a strange name.

Yes, I remembered. This General Lothar seems to be the inventor of Gwent. I remember that his card effects are quite powerful.

Can he do it?

Who knows, they are all Frankish barbarians, so they should be about the same.

To the proud nobles and citizens of Constantinople, Lothar was just an unknown person from a remote country.

At the very least, the reputation of a marquis and a military general is obviously not as good as the son of Caesar of the Western Empire who just easily defeated the most courageous Greek knight in the empire.

After all, Germania Magna inherited the legal system of the Western Empire. Although many Greeks did not agree with this, after all, Germania had never been the legal territory of the empire.

But it also depends on who you compare with.

The nobles of Constantinople obviously disliked the Crusader princes who had taken a large share of the Eastern trade and refused to exchange the imperial homeland.

Hearing the lack of respect from these talkative women, Fringilla couldn't sit still and hummed softly: If my lord can't do it, there will be no one in this world who can do it. Just wait and see.

A young lady could not stand the arrogance of Fringilla's attitude in the stands, and snorted: Even my husband is no match for him, let alone your master.

Just now, Fringilla's comments about her husband, the Greek noble knight, had completely destroyed her face, and she naturally wanted to regain it now.

Fringilla was about to have a fit, but Cellinina stopped her: There's no need to get into a verbal argument with this kind of person, she will be embarrassed later.

Are you Lothar of the Habsburg family?

On the opposite side, Crown Prince Henry rides a white horse covered with a black single-headed eagle on a yellow background. The barrel helmet he wears has a vertical crest similar to that of the remaining veterans, connected to a mail neck guard.

The upper body is also in a burqa of the same color, bulging out from the armor.

He held a lance, and in his left hand he held a kite shield with a single-headed eagle emblem painted in yellow.

Lifting his mask, he asked Lothar, who had just arrived on the field, with a haughty look on his face.

Lothar took the lead in performing a knight's salute and said with a smile: Yes, Your Highness.

Crown Prince Henry was obviously very satisfied with Lothar's attitude, and the arrogance on his face softened slightly: I won't introduce myself, Lothar, how come you are working for the King of Greece?

Lothar smiled and explained: Your Highness, you also know that there is a huge disparity in strength between the kingdom and the pagans. The Eastern Empire is the kingdom's most important ally. I came to help the Greeks on the order of my king, Baldwin.

So that's it.

Crown Prince Henry said thoughtfully: Well, if you are willing to follow me when things here are settled, and when I take over the Kingdom of Sicily, I will make you the Grand Duke of Messina. How about that?

I appreciate your concern, but Sicily is too far away from the Holy Land. Saladin is still eyeing Jerusalem. I don't know when it will come back. I can't abandon the Holy Land for my personal future.

Crown Prince Henry said with a look of pity: That's a real pity, but you are right. As a devout Crusader knight, you should uphold your will to defend the Holy Land.

The two of them had already come close to communicate.

Putao looked at the Nisaan war horse under Crown Prince Henry's crotch and neighed disdainfully with a hint of intimidation.

But the opponent's mount was not afraid at all, and responded with a voice not to be outdone.

Putao was immediately furious and wanted to run over immediately, open her big mouth and gnaw its neck. Fortunately, Lothar tightened the reins and didn't give it a chance to let loose.

Crown Prince Henry exclaimed: What a magnificent horse, Lord Lothar. If I win, I will not take your armor, nor will I hurt your life, but you must give this horse to me.

Your Highness, if you want it, just come and get it.

Lothar replied with a smile on her face.


Crown Prince Henry replied confidently: You don't have to hold back. I heard that you once defeated Abelardo's knight disguised as a knight in the knight's competition, but what I want to say is that even it is far from the best. Not my opponent.

I will do my best, Your Highness.

The two of them bowed to each other, then turned around and returned to their starting position.

Lothar saw two figures in the stands.

Fringilla was pulling the somewhat reluctant Cellinina, standing on tiptoes and waving to this side.

Seeing the somewhat reluctant and embarrassed expression on Cellinina's face, he couldn't help but smile and cast his gaze to the other side of the stand, where the Queen and Anna were.

Although the distance was far away, he still saw Anna's mouth shape. She was saying that she must win.

Lothar didn't look around anymore. He put down the golden mask, and the noise around him immediately seemed to be completely cut off.

He stared at the triangular flag in the referee's hand without blinking, waiting for the signal to start the duel.

With the flag waved.

The noise on the field became much lighter, and many people stared with bated breath. Some ladies even clutched their handkerchiefs, so nervous that their breathing was trembling.

This is a duel.

There is nothing more exciting than a battle that involves victory or death.

The horse's hooves nailed with iron shoes made a deafening roar when they stepped on the compacted mud.

The wind came out of the gaps in the helmet, making a shrill scream.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Lothar put the lance in his hand flat. At the moment when the two people passed each other, he not only avoided Crown Prince Henry's thrust, but also stabbed his shield hard with the lance.

With a loud bang.

The lance made of white beech wood shattered into countless sawdust and scattered in all directions.

The cheers suddenly broke out.

Such a warm atmosphere gave Lothar the illusion that he had stabbed Crown Prince Henry to death.

Lothar looked back at Crown Prince Henry, who was still sitting firmly on the saddle, his expression unclear due to the huge helmet he was wearing, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had the upper hand in this confrontation, he did not directly dismount Crown Prince Henry. You must know that although he mainly increases his mental power, his strength has been strengthened all the way, and it has already exceeded the scope of ordinary people.

Lothar was surprised.

Henry was visibly more surprised.

Just now, the huge force came from the lance from the opposite side. If he had not taken many physical enhancement potions, and the lance was blunt and fragile, he felt that he would definitely be stabbed to the ground.

In the stands, some Greeks who were depressed due to their own side's successive setbacks were shouting in surprise.

Lagaia's expression did not change much, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised as she asked: Mr. Messenger, it seems that we are going to get back in this game.

Leopold nodded slightly: With the help of Marquis Lothar, it will not be difficult to defeat His Highness. But I am very confused, Your Majesty, can you really order a devout crusader like Lothar to leave the Holy Land alone and go to Sicily? Do you fight for you on the island?”

Or do you have other generals who can be sent to Sicily to fight against Tancred's Norman knights and Saracen mercenaries?

Lagaia frowned.

Before she could speak, Anna continued: Mr. Messenger, you don't have to worry anymore.

Sicily is an inherent territory of the empire. If there is cooperation, the ownership of Capua, Benevento, Apulia, Calabria, and Salerno remains to be discussed, but Sicily is absolutely impossible to negotiate.

Confrontation on the field.

There are also battles off the court.

The Germans wanted to use the Eastern Empire's navy, but when it came to dividing the spoils, they would at most accept adding some Greek vassals to the Kingdom of Sicily, and were absolutely unwilling to allow the Eastern Empire to return to the Apennines.

Leopold said with the same serious expression: No, this is impossible. If this is the case, wouldn't the legal system of the Kingdom of Sicily be divided into two?

Although in later generations, the Kingdom of Sicily did split into two parts - the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples, in fact both countries claimed to be the orthodox Kingdom of Sicily.

Therefore, when they were merged later, the term Two Sicilies came into being.

The Queen still didn't speak, so Anna confronted Leopold: There's nothing wrong with having two crowns. Otherwise, do you really think that you, a prince, can secure your throne?

The two had a heated argument.

At this time, the second round of confrontation has begun.

Lothar changed to a brand new lance. This time, his opponent, Crown Prince Henry, was obviously much more serious.

As the two sides passed each other, Crown Prince Henry not only blocked Lothar's lance with his shield, but also stabbed Lothar's shield with the lance in his hand. The force was so strong that Lothar's shoulders hurt.

What a great strength!

Although there were factors that caused him to let loose, it was enough to prove that Crown Prince Henry's strength was indeed far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

However, this confrontation did not make Lothar feel any pressure.

The lance used in the competition could not penetrate the defense of the dragon scale armor at all, let alone just poke it on the shield.

The grape under his crotch is also a sweaty horse with excellent physical strength and endurance. If the fight continues like this, it will only delay the battle into a battle of endurance between both sides.

In that case, the winner must be him.

Round three.

Round 4.

Crown Prince Henry suddenly stopped, the shield in his hand was in pieces.

He took off his helmet and shouted to Lothar: That's enough. How long will this boring competition end? Why don't we just start the next one? Let us each lead our troops and have a fight here. A bloody battle.

Lothar naturally said: As you wish, Your Highness.

Crown Prince Henry was anxious.

An impatient commander will be more likely to make mistakes when making decisions. It doesn't matter if two games are combined into one. Lothar is confident of winning.

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