Limassol district is a great place.

In the north, there are large fertile plains suitable for farming, the southwest is mountainous and dotted with a large number of wineries, and the south is close to the sea and has many natural harbors.

It can be said that this is the best area in Cyprus after Nicosia.

In the estate of Turiados.

Lothar is communicating with Anna.

I have captured the city of Limassol, and Turiados has become my prisoner.

Did you use a forbidden spell?


There was silence on the other side.

After a long time, there was a sound.

I don't know whether I should be happy or angry. You only took more than a thousand people and captured the fortified city of Limassol in one day. This is incredible.

Anna's voice was a little bitter.

Lothar shrugged and said bluntly: There is something wrong with your military system. The combat effectiveness of the army is quite poor. No wonder the borders of Asia Minor are like a sieve, being plundered by the Turks. Such a large empire cannot always rely on mercenaries. Are you going to fight with soldiers?

Although, Lothar specially brought the equipment lance originally assigned to Hans on this trip, plus his own Charge, and the triple blessing of Jeanne's Flower of Knights.

The strength of the Teutonic Knights has been raised to a new level.

But most of the soldiers under his command are new recruits who have not undergone a few months of training.

Anna was silent.

As a witch, the most she can do is train an elite team for the empire. Other than that, what she can do is actually quite limited.

Lothar changed the topic: So what should we do now? Our friendship is a friendship, but the risk I am taking now is not something that a Mazotus can pay for.

Lothar was very outspoken about his desire to raise the price.

I understand what you mean, but it is impossible for me to promise to hand over Limassol to you unless you are willing to swear allegiance to the noble Baselisa.

“It just so happens that His Majesty has the idea of ​​splitting the Cyprus Military District into three parts.

If you can capture Isaac, I will make the decision and give you the title of military general instead of a count commander like Turiados.

Limassol is not only a city, but also the capital of the Limassol region, which governs many towns, castles and villages, including Mazotos.

Military Region General.

Lothar frowned.

In this era, there is no saying that a minister will not serve two masters.

He could serve as a vassal both to the Eastern Empire and to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

For example, his good brother in the mock battle, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, is both a vassal of the French King and a vassal of the HRE.

Although in fact, he will not fulfill any of his feudal obligations.

And has been seeking to integrate all of his territories into one title, the Grand Duchy of Burgundy.

He was even promoted to the Kingdom of Burgundy and became a monarch comparable to the King of France and the Emperor of the Shinra.

To put it bluntly, he is just a young boy who jumps sideways repeatedly.

It's a very tempting offer, I will seriously consider it.

Lothar decisively skipped the topic: Tell me, what are the weaknesses of that black dragon?

Anna said hmm and then replied:

The temperature of the black dragon's breath is far less terrifying than that of the Indominus Dragon, and its physical strength is also much lower than that of the Indominus Dragon. However, its minions contain terrible corrosive toxins. This toxin is similar to the Demonic Gold, and both have a certain level of The demon-breaking effect on it.”

Also, the flying speed of the black dragon is average among pterosaurs. Although it can only be said to be average, it is also a pterosaur and has strong maneuverability. If we really want to talk about its weakness, it is that its scales are relatively fragile.

Overall, this black dragon should be weaker than the violent dragon you dealt with.

I understand, thank you.

Lothar was very confident.

No matter how flexible this black dragon is, as long as the scales are not strong enough and the vitality is not as strong as the violent dragon, it will not be able to withstand the holy spear that both Jeanne and he can use.

But where did Isaac get this black dragon from? It deserves to be treated with caution.

Hang up communication.

Lothar looked at Cellinina beside her: Did you hear everything?


What do you think I should choose?

Cellinina was slightly startled: Is this a new test for me?


She thought about it and said: I personally think that you can agree. Even if you are worried that Limassol, as an enclave, cannot be controlled, you can use this place to exchange territory with Princess Sibylla, who holds Gaza and Jaffa.

Territory replacement is a good idea. I have thought about it before. Unfortunately, Limassol is not a small town like Mazotos, so it is impossible to replace it.

Lothar stretched: Since you said so, then I will agree to Anna's conditions.

Cellinina: ?

Fringilla complained: Don't listen to the nonsense, sir. He must have already thought about the conditions for agreeing to Anna. Perhaps, he also thought that he could take advantage of the canonization ceremony to meet the legendary most beautiful woman in the East.

Lothar smiled warmly, glanced at Prajna quietly, and said nothing.

at dusk.

The city walls of Limassol.

Lothar stroked the badly weathered wall tiles.

Turiados followed him somewhat obsequiously.

In two months' time, it will be the harvest season for the grape plantations in Troodos Mountain. Your Majesty, there is a property deed for the winery here.

Then I'm not welcome. It will be counted as your half of the property.

Lothar took the contract and looked at the port below.

Affected by the war, the passenger flow here has been significantly reduced.

Lord Turiados, how much tax does Limassol pay you in a year?

Turiados was caught off guard by Lothar's sudden question. He recalled it, considered it and said:

If you only count this city, there are about 10,000 Sulades gold coins.

Including business tax?


It's about the same as Hebron.

Lothar showed no surprise. Although Hebron's permanent population is only one-third of Limassol's.

But it is a holy site for both religions, and counting the many pilgrims, the tax revenue from the two places is almost the same.

Compared with the territory in Lothar's hands, Limassol is still inferior to Port Ella in terms of development potential.

Although trade in the Mediterranean is more developed, there are also many ports, and after all, they are not as good as the Port of Ella, the best port on the Red Sea.

It’s just that the Limassol Military District has more than just one Limassol city.

This territory can only bring him more benefits.

Have you ever thought about how you will be punished this time?

Turiados was stunned for a moment, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

Participating in a rebellion, in the Eastern Dynasty, would only start with confiscating the family and exterminating the clan, and might even implicate the nine clans.

If it were in the Eastern Empire, when the bureaucracy was still complete, Turiados would have at least been sentenced to death and stripped of all noble titles.


Hard to say.

If Lothar intends to help him cover, there is a high probability that he can save his life.

I don't know. If your majesty is merciful, maybe he will take me back to Constantinople to face trial.

Let's put it this way, Turiados, even if you don't lose your life, you can no longer be the Earl Commander of Limassol. You have to consider the interests of your family.

what do you mean?

Lothar said sternly: The noble Baselisa intends to split the Cyprus military region. I will be the general of the Limassol military region. I hope you can help me secure this position.

Turiados remained silent.

I couldn't help but feel a little angry in my heart. You took my position, massacred my army, and seized my property. You still want me to help you?

Am I the Minotaur of Crete? (The Minotaur in Greek mythology)

Turiados, everyone must pay the price for their choices. Take refuge in me, and I can save your life and the interests of your family.

Lothar said in a leisurely tone: Or, are you charged with treason and sent to Constantinople for trial?

Turiados was in disbelief: Are you willing to use me?

Lothar chuckled and said, Otherwise, am I kidding you now?

He didn't care whether Turiados was loyal or not. After he left office, he could just transfer to the Knight of the Order.

Turiados did not hesitate anymore and said simply: I am willing to serve you.

Lothar said hmm and asked, How many troops are under Isaac's command?

Not counting the armies of commanders and nobles from various places, there are two thousand Turkic and Cuman light cavalry directly under Isaac, as well as the personal guards he brought from the Cilicia Military District. That is a force It is a well-formed army with the same number of two thousand men, including many Latin knights.

In a narrow sense, Latin knights refer to the Frank knights hired by the empire. In a broad sense, they also include the new cavalry formed by the empire based on the lance charge tactics.

After all, the strength of the Latin knights is obvious to all, and the Eastern Empire's armored cavalry is no longer relevant due to its high price.

My lord, I must remind you that Isaac still has a navy. If he attacks by sea,

Aren't the militiamen of Limassol unwilling to help me protect Limassol? Everyone knows Isaac's cruelty. Could his army be a benevolent army that conquered a city but left it unplundered? ?

Turiados opened his mouth and sighed softly: I will help you persuade the citizen representatives and send the town militia to help defend the city.

Not helping me.

Lothar patted Turiados on the shoulder: It's to help yourself. You have already chosen a side, but after you lost that battle, you no longer have a choice.

Lothar said concisely: You can only follow me.

In the military camp in Limassol.

The atmosphere is lively.

A big victory made the peasants and soldiers who were still a little nervous relax a lot.

The old peasant soldier was happily counting the coins in his hands - they were what he had captured in this battle.

The comrades gathered together and discussed today's city entry ceremony with great interest: The Greek girls here are so beautiful. I heard that the court ladies in the city only need one silver coin to have a good time.

Everyone gulped when they heard this.

The isolated military life made these young and middle-aged soldiers feel a sense of heat when they thought of their white bodies.

Moreover, they happen to have money in their hands.

The old peasant soldier stuffed the coins into his pocket, coughed, and scolded: Don't fart, let Judge Ned hear it, and you will inevitably get a whipping.

Thinking of Ned Stark, who always had a sullen face, everyone suddenly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads, and their spirits waned.

On the side, the silent Renault suddenly said: Prostitution is a serious crime according to the military law enacted by Knight Commander Jeanne, and leaving the military camp without permission is a top priority.

Everyone was slightly startled.

Someone laughed and scolded: Hey, Renault, you brat has started to lecture us on military law.

We're just talking.

The old peasant soldier stood up, came to Renault's side, and said with a smile: What's up, Renault, do the queues and thrusts you usually practice work? We are not knights, and it is enough to know these.

Someone laughed and joked: Reynold is in the front row, he only needs to be responsible for raising the shield.

Renault said sincerely: It's my fault. I shouldn't question the training regulations established by Lord Count and Knight Commander Jeanne. However, we don't seem to have played any role in this battle.

Hey, we are just a group of hard-working infantrymen. It would be great if we can help the knights.

Renault said with some envy: I heard that in the second company in the barracks next door, there is a peasant soldier named Kalami who has accumulated enough meritorious service. It is said that he will be canonized as a knight.

Everyone's heart was on fire.

Old Barr, are you almost here?

The old peasant soldier sat cross-legged on the camp bed. When he heard this, his face showed a smile: Of course, I can capture three more enemy heads, the winged cavalry company, and the newly formed uniformed cavalry company. I can choose at will.

Hussars and heavy archers are, of course, not knights.

But in the eyes of these people, there is no difference from the knights.

These words ignited the enthusiasm of every peasant and soldier in the camp to kill the enemy, and they wanted to fight another big battle with the enemy immediately.

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