In Lothar's camp.

He was dressed in military uniform and sat on the throne with a warm smile on his face.

Turiados, all I can say is that we are meeting under these circumstances, it is a pity.

Turiados had a bleak expression on his face: My lord, I don't want to either, but Isaac has defeated the Crusaders and the Empire's fleet. It's impossible for us to resist him.

Seeing that there was no surprise on Lothar's face, he suddenly said: You have known this for a long time, right? That's why you guessed my intention to attack you.

But Isaac has a black dragon, and his army is far stronger than mine. When he gathers the armies of lords from all over the country, your lone army will definitely be defeated.

He emphasized: I can provide you with ships and promise not to hinder your retreat, as long as you let me go and waive my ransom.

Lothar couldn't help laughing.

At this point, Turiados thought he could escape without paying any price.

Celinina, tell our distinguished guest what my nicknames are.

Cellinina looked solemn: Coward, sitting in front of you is the 'Guardian of the Holy Land' who defeated Saladin, the 'Werewolf Killer' who once killed werewolves, and the 'Generous One' and 'Savior' who are worshiped by the common people. ', the 'Brave One' who will charge at the front in every battle, the 'Sacred Tree Guardian' who turns the desert into fertile soil, and the 'Dragon Slayer' who kills two giant dragons one after another.

The corners of Lothar's mouth curled up slightly, thinking of Daenerys in the Song of Winter and Summer he wrote.

This is just his nickname. If you include the title, it will only be longer than Daenerys's prefix.

Turiados couldn't help but stare.

He had heard of Lothar's reputation, but he always felt that the rumors were exaggerated. In addition, Lothar had never deliberately publicized them, so he didn't take it seriously.

After all, what lord doesn't brag about his territory?

He couldn't believe it: Is this true?

Jeanne sneered: Idiot, can it be that by deceiving you, we can gain more power to deal with a black dragon out of thin air?

Only then did Turiados realize that he had said something stupid again.

If Lothar is not confident about dealing with a black dragon, he should be busy preparing to withdraw his troops now.

Instead of sitting in the camp with leisurely time and negotiating with yourself slowly and politely.

Lothar stretched: Lord Turiados, you are on the wrong team. Hand over the city of Limassol (Amatheus in Greek).

Turiados was silent for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart. He even wanted to scold Lothar. If you have such ability, why didn't you say it earlier?

He said with some difficulty: I can hand over Limassol City to you, as long as you are willing to ensure the safety of my person and property.

Lothar frowned: Lord Turiados, you have to understand that even if I capture the city of Limassol, it will still belong to the Eastern Empire, not to me.

So, you want me to guarantee the safety of your family's property, what other benefits can I get?

“Do you want me to rob the property of the wealthy merchants and minor nobles in the city, or the property of the citizens and farmers?

If you have heard of me, you will know that I have never been a bully or condone military robbery.

Turiados said sincerely: But Lord Earl, after all, your manpower is limited and you cannot withstand losses.

Limassol is a big city with 30,000 people. If it weren't for time constraints, I could definitely summon more troops. You can't easily capture the city militia alone.

I am willing to dedicate the city of Limassol. Isn't that enough to prove my sincerity?

Lothar snapped his fingers, and a cluster of flames suddenly appeared between his fingers, and the fire illuminated his face. Lord Turiados, it is not a problem for me to capture the city of Limassol.

I could even set the whole city on fire if I wanted to.

Turiados gritted his teeth and said: Half, I am willing to give up half of my property and guarantee the supplies for your army, Lord Count.

make a deal.

Lothar smiled: You have to be lucky that I am not a tyrant like Isaac.

Turiados could only say: Thank you for your kindness.

Lothar stretched out her hand and motioned for Cellinina to give him a seat: Next time before you stand in line, remember to keep your eyes open.

Turiados sighed softly and said with a wry smile: My lord, you have a good reputation. If I lose to you, at least I will not lose my life.

But Isaac, he was a tyrant.

When I don't know who of you is strong and who is weak, I have no choice at all.

Outside the camp.

Soldiers are cleaning the battlefield and treating the wounded.

Whether it's our own or the enemy's, the doctors accompanying the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus will lend a helping hand.

In this battle, Lothar's losses were almost negligible, with only single digit casualties.

The enemy left behind at least 800 corpses and nearly a thousand prisoners.

The most noteworthy thing is that the knights broke many horses when they charged.

Even if wearing horse armor, the damage rate of war horses on the battlefield is still astonishingly high.

Moreover, the Greek cavalry acted according to the wind and turned around and fled too quickly.

As a result, many pack horses were captured, but very few war horses were captured.

Fortunately, Turiados has decided to sacrifice the city of Limassol. Next, all their supplies will be available, and they don't have to worry about the army's combat effectiveness plummeting.

Lothar no longer planned to continue marching into Nicosia.

He planned to wait in this city for Isaac to lead his troops to attack.

Now the enemy is strong and we are weak. Isaac has just defeated the United Fleet. It is a time when he is satisfied. Lothar does not believe that he can hold back his temper and continue to hide in Nicosia.

The city of Limassol is called in Gaulish, and the Greeks called it Amatheus.

This coastal city is the largest seaport city in the south of Cyprus, with a permanent population of 30,000.

at dusk.

Through Turiados's help, Lothar signed a contract with representatives of the citizens, city defense troops, and nobles.

In large cities of this era, the citizen class represented by various guilds (such as masons' guilds and blacksmiths' guilds) generally had a considerable amount of say.

Some municipalities in Central and Western Europe even had complete autonomy, in addition to paying taxes to their lords.

This was also the result of a long period of struggle and compromise between the lords and the citizens.

Many lords had no experience in running a city and would only make a mess after taking over the city.

It is better to leave the city to professionals to manage, and get a large amount of tax money, and everyone will be happy.

This is similar to the tax farming system.

The contract stipulates that Lothar will ensure the personal and property safety of all citizens of Limassol.

At the same time, the city of Limassol must pay a large war indemnity and ensure that Lothar's army has military supplies in the process of crusade against the rebellion.

Without spending a single soldier, this prosperous port city opened its doors to Lothar.

He rode on a war horse and walked side by side with Turiados: I heard that this city still retains the glorious traditions of the ancient empire. There is a large arena and a temple of Aphrodite?

Aphrodite is one of the twelve Olympian gods in Greek mythology, in charge of love and navigation.

Greek culture and ancient imperial culture have long been indistinguishable from each other.

For example: Zeus was called Jupiter in ancient imperial culture; Aphrodite was called Venus.

Turiados said respectfully: That's right. If you want to go sightseeing, I can be your guide.

Lothar shook his head and said: No need, let your men prepare food, hot water, drinking water and shelter.

He paused slightly and chuckled: I want clean food. Isaac is a tyrant, but that doesn't mean I will forgive your offenses again and again.

He was smiling, but in Turiados' eyes, he looked like a dragon.

No, not this time!

Turiados's eyes swept over the subjects whose faces were full of fear and uneasiness.

Surprisingly, no one showed any indignation.

He couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart. Has the bravery of the Imperial people really disappeared in the long history?

Seems to have read through Turiados' thoughts.

Lothar chuckled and said: When did the empire, which used to be so prolific in martial arts, fall to this level? Have her (Queen of Ten Thousand Cities) people really become cowardly?

As far as I'm concerned, it's you nobles who suck.

In the palace of Nicosia.

The huge dragon is entrenched in the garden, its wings covering most of its ugly and ferocious dragon face, and it is sleeping leisurely.

In the giant tray next to it, there was also a piece of cow leg that had been chewed to the bone.

The hot breath exhaled from its mouth and nose made the ground dry and cracked.

Isaac said proudly: It's incredible. This is the power of the dragon! I can't imagine how the knights in the legend challenged such a giant beast.

The black figure behind him slowly stretched his body and said in a gentle tone: Not all dragons are so powerful. You have to be lucky to be favored by a powerful god like me.

I am indeed very happy!

Isaac's eyes moved slightly: To thank you for helping me, I will prepare ten more young girls for you to enjoy.

Black Shadow lazily refused: No, the price you paid before is enough. I'm not a devil, I value equal exchange.

Isaac was slightly startled, then said without changing his expression: Forget it then.

In my heart, there was a wave of excitement.

A mere twelve girls, even if they are all beautiful and fragrant, are rare to see, how can they be compared with the value of a black dragon?

Only after he truly owned this dragon beast did he realize how unequal this so-called equivalent exchange was.

Thinking of the words I'm not a devil that Heiying often said on his lips, there was a hint of uneasiness in his heart.

But even he is a devil.

I can no longer escape.

He reached out his hand, stroked the black dragon's somewhat hot scales, and said silently in his heart.

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