In the mansion in Hebron.

Jeanne returned to the courtyard after a long journey, and was about to take a rest. When she heard the news, she couldn't help but frowned: So, the number of people going out for this battle has increased by 400?

Yes, these four hundred people include three hundred members of the Knight Brotherhood and one hundred protective knights of the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus.

Lothar's territory is now on track, and every city has town militias to maintain order.

Plus Lothar's remaining power.

In the Transjordan border area, it is easy to defend its original territory without going to war with others.

Even if an enemy comes to attack, you can still recruit the army of lower-level lords.

Therefore, Lothar is not worried that if he withdraws so many troops, his territory will be empty.

Jeanne was a little dissatisfied and said: With the addition of these four hundred knights, do I have to prepare at least four hundred attendants for them to take care of their food, clothing and daily life?

Four hundred attendants are few. Under normal circumstances, a knight must have at least two attendants. One is responsible for serving the animals, and the other is responsible for maintaining weapons and equipment.

Lothar comforted him: Don't worry, there are only about a hundred regular knights in these knight brotherhoods, and the rest are attendants. They will handle the logistical issues themselves.

Jeanne rubbed her brows: Assign Miss Cellinina to me as a helper. I usually don't bother to take care of such trivial matters.

Some people say that war is not about horseback riding and slashing.

War is waiting, an endless march, waiting for the next meal of rations to be distributed to oneself.

Therefore, even though the recruitment order had not yet been issued to Lothar, he had already begun intensively preparing for the war.


Sir, I must remind you that our financial problem is already very serious. Unless you are willing to pay the tax to next year, or levy an additional shield tax, otherwise, we will have to borrow money from the bank of the Knights Templar. .

Don't worry, Anna promised to reimburse the military expenses for this battle. No matter how decayed the Eastern Empire is, it will still be an incredible behemoth. They are very wealthy.

Lothar said in a relaxed tone.

With so many new citizens settled in the territory, early or additional taxes would cause huge damage to his reputation and prestige. He would rather borrow a loan from the Knights Templar than consider raising taxes. .

Jeanne frowned and said, That's also post-war reimbursement. Is it possible that I can still pay you in advance?

Anyway, you don't have to worry about financial issues. Maybe tonight, Captain Hogg will dock at Ella Port with a ship full of treasures.

at dusk.

The crimson sunset was hanging in the sky.

The countryside northwest of Hebron.

Outside a church whose walls have just been painted.

Knights and monks wearing white robes with black crosses were setting up camp in a hurry.

This church is no better than the one outside Alandre. It is like a giant monastery that can accommodate an entire army.

The vast majority of people still live in camps.

Heberland looked at the dense and prosperous oak forest in the distance and whispered: It is said that this is the oak tree planted by Abraham himself.

Beside him, several knights sighed with emotion: Hebron is a city of miracles and a wonderful city. It's a pity that there are too many heretics here.

Yes, I also think the Grand Master treated those despicable Jews and Saracens too well.

Hebland frowned and said: This is none of our business. Set your position, my comrades.

All the knights were silent for a moment, and someone said: Hebland, Bruno is very angry that we separated them and merged them with the Order of Saint Lazarus.

A merger will benefit both sides. If the Knights continue like this, they will decline sooner or later. He just thinks that we should merge with the Knights Hospitaller.

A sneer appeared on Hebland's face: But if we merge with the Knights Hospitaller, we will still be squeezed out. Does Bruno think those Gallic knights will treat us equally?

There is another sentence that Hebland did not say, but everyone knew it.

Merging with the Knights Hospitaller, people with outstanding status like them will be knocked into the dust.

If you want to sell yourself, you have to find a more reliable buyer with better treatment.

Someone suddenly shouted: Look over there!

In the distance, smoke and dust billowed.

A large convoy is slowly driving towards this side.

The black hawk flag hanging high at the front of the team made Heberland and others immediately aware of the identity of the visitor.

Is he the leader of the group?

Did he have supplies ready for us so quickly?

The Teutonic Knights had a large number of people, numbering over a thousand. This did not include the guards stationed in Acre and other fiefdoms, although most of them were monks who did not need to be equipped with equipment or mounts.

But with so many people eating horse chews, it is not so easy to be satisfied.

Soon, the convoy drove into the camp.

The members of the Teutonic Knights couldn't help but feel envious as they looked at the heavily armed soldiers accompanying the convoy.

Andreas rode on the back of a tall and strong horse and said hello to Heberland.

Then he called the soldiers and placed ten pairs of plate armors of different sizes in front of everyone.

My lord has said that as members of the Grand Council of Knights, you should distinguish your identity from the other knights based on your armor. This is exclusive to you.

The great knights who were transformed into the Knights of the Order could not help but breathe a lot heavier.

Some people even reached out to touch the smooth plate armor that could reflect a human face, as if caressing a dream lover.

A good pair of armor can save lives on the battlefield.

In this era, many knights have the experience of being shot by dozens of arrows and still fighting on the front line, but none of these knights are poor.

Armor, for knights, is not only the second life, but also the third, fourth, fifth...

A good pair of armor can do more than just save your life.

Heberland suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked, Knight Andreas, where are the equipment of the others?

Andreas explained: We are still preparing. The arsenal in Hebron has long been empty. However, the arsenals in Port Ella and Filhorn still have a lot of captured Saracen armor. They only need a little more. If you transform it, it can be shipped.”

I see.

The knights of Heberland were slightly disappointed.

Andreas smiled and said: Don't worry, my lord, as the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, assures you that before setting off for the expedition, every knight of the Order will receive a chainmail shirt and a barrel helmet. Each attendant will receive a piece of scale and armor. In addition, you will be given fifty war horses and two hundred pack horses.

Thank you Grand Master for your generosity.

Hebland said hurriedly.

The Teutonic Knights were not without any weapons and equipment, but they were seriously short of armor and horses.

As long as these equipment are in place, the combat effectiveness of the Teutonic Knights can at least triple.

They were already known for their well-trained training, but the shortcomings of their equipment greatly limited their strength.

Andreas smiled and said: Commander Heberland, please send someone to check whether the number of supplies is correct. If it is confirmed, come and sign.

He paused slightly and then said: Please be clear, I will not be held responsible once you leave.

Is it so formal?

Heberland couldn't help but have a new understanding of the attitude of Lothar's people.


Lothar's room was filled with candlelight.

He held a quill, dipped it in ink, and recorded the knowledge explained by Anna on a stack of white paper.

Soon, each spell model was calculated by him through his magic knowledge.

Comparing the spell models in the magic book, they are almost the same.

Anna was very satisfied and said: It's not bad. After all, he is someone who once stood on the top of the mountain. This learning speed is far different from those wizard apprentices who are as stupid as stubborn rocks.

After class, you can start trying to cast the fireball technique. Although the system is different, based on your knowledge, one day should be enough for you to master this fireball technique.

Tomorrow night, I'll check on your progress.

Lothar nodded and said, No problem.

Good night then, Lothar.

Good night, Ms. Anna.

After hanging up the communication.

Lothar snapped her fingers.

A cluster of flames immediately shot up from his fingertips. After completing the milestone of the King of Volcanoes, his affinity for the fire element was astonishing. After knowing the principles of the fireball spell, it was a matter of course for him to cast this spell.

However, being able to use it is still different from using the fireball technique to its maximum power.

The same spell model has various optimal solutions, and the difference in the operation of each ray of magic power may cause the fireball spell to change in various directions.

Some will lower their temperature, some will reduce their flight speed, and some are extremely unstable and may explode before they are released.

The fireball technique recorded in the magic book is the optimal solution in the usual sense.

It consumes less magic power and its power is more stable.

Lothar is still far from fully mastering this optimal solution.

Oh, it's almost like solving an equation. No wonder if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you won't be afraid of traveling all over the world.

Lothar smiled and put out the flames with his hand.

He plans to find a spacious place to experiment with spells. Although he is immune to fire damage, it does not mean that his mansion can be the same.

If he accidentally burned down this mansion, he wouldn't have the money to rebuild a similar one.

Just like that, time flies by.

On the third day.

A recruitment order was sent to Lothar.

Baldwin IV said: Isaac, the tyrant of Cyprus, killed priests, raped nuns, destroyed churches, and tortured Christians.

And they repeatedly plundered the Crusaders' merchant fleets, and all the Christians on board were sold to pagans.

This series of dishonorable acts is an evil act that cannot be forgiven by any Christian people.

I hereby order Lothar von Habsburg, Count of Transjordan, to recruit one thousand four hundred soldiers for a disciplinary crusade against Cyprus.

This number can be said to be exactly the same as the number of soldiers Lothar originally planned to send out. This is because Lothar had already made arrangements with Baldwin IV through Nysaya.

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