In the Middle Ages, people drew cards to be promoted to nobility.

Chapter 268 The Current Situation of the Knights

Although I have some doubts about the hasty ceremony of allegiance, I should at least hire a priest...

Oh, right.

Knights of the order are also members of the clergy.

That's okay.

The German country bumpkins were not as particular as the Gauls, and they soon swore allegiance to Lothar one after another.

Lothar also transformed ten great knights, including Heberland, into the Order Knights.

After Hebland resigned as grand master, he became commander. He is no longer a leader and can be transformed into a knight of the order.

The Teutonic Knights, the abbreviation of Latin, and its full name is Knights of the German Hospitaller of St. Mary of Jerusalem, with distinctive national characteristics.

Their slogan is: Help, Redeem, Guard.

The current Teutonic Knights have just transformed from a field hospital organization into a formal armed order.

Therefore, their reputation in the Holy Land is not very great, and they have not been brought under the direct jurisdiction of the Pope. At the same time, they have not been granted many tax-free privileges and franchises.

Because the religious organization is prohibited from engaging in commerce, they cannot even do business without a franchise. All income can only rely on combat seizures and seeking donations.

In other words, the organizational structure of the Teutonic Knights during this period was quite loose and was not yet on the right track like its counterparts in the Templar and Hospitaller Orders.

The current combat strength of the Teutonic Knights can be divided into two categories.

They are the Brotherhood of Knights and the Brotherhood of Clergy.

Compared with the other two major knights, the Teutonic Knights lack a sergeant class.

Members of the Knights' Brotherhood must abide by the creed of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

You are not allowed to leave your residence at will, and you are not allowed to communicate frequently with secular people.

Strict military training and prayers were conducted four times a day, as well as singing four times every night.

This strict military training makes them highly disciplined.

But at this time, the Teutonic Knights were still very poor. The members of the Knights Brotherhood included a large number of impoverished landless knights and citizens who had no knighthood at all.

The latter often had to pay a tribute to the knight in exchange for the opportunity to serve as the knight's attendant.

This makes their combat effectiveness very limited.

The lack of a sergeant class was also due to the poverty of the Teutonic Knights.

Even the more than 300 members of the Knight Brotherhood do not yet have complete helmets and armors, let alone a team of sergeants specialized in infantry combat.

In fact, many members of the knightly brotherhood did not own a horse and fought on foot.

The only supplies they could receive from the Knights were bread, water, a robe with a black cross on a white background, and a sword.

In other words, the Knights are not responsible for dealing with these expensive materials such as armor, helmets, and war horses.

Therefore, during this period, the Knight Brotherhood could be said to include both knights and sergeants.

Relatively speaking, the clergy brotherhood is much less constrained. Their main responsibilities are religious and hospital affairs, but in wartime, they also have to go to the battlefield as field doctors or armed monks.

The Great Knights Council founded by Lothar is clearly designated as the leadership of the Knights, which is in line with the interests of the majority of knights.

Since he was one of his own, Lothar generously donated a church in Hebron to the Knights, which was under the jurisdiction of the clergy brotherhood and served as a temporary residence.

He also stated on the spot that he would take out the inventory of the arsenal and distribute it to the Knights. At the same time, it was clearly stated that the Knights must ensure that all members of the Knight Brotherhood have complete equipment and mounts.

The Council of Grand Knights also immediately passed this clause.

Everyone was jumping for joy, but due to the current situation, they did not dare to celebrate.

They are willing to defect to Lothar. To put it bluntly, isn't it because even the second-rate recruits under Lothar can be equipped with armor and are extremely rich?

This kind of treatment is only available to the Templars and the Knights Hospitaller.

After giving the sweet dates, Lothar also had to give her a slap.

He coughed slightly, stood under the statue of the dragon head, and said in an unquestionable tone: You should know that the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus, which I funded, has a very similar purpose to the Teutonic Knights. Like, so I hope to merge the priestly brotherhood into the Order of Saint Lazarus.

Some knights looked hesitant, and anyone who saw the new Grand Master cutting off his arm as soon as he took over would also be confused.

But seeing that the ten knights of the Great Knights Council were not moved at all, they suppressed their emotions and did not ask questions.

Hebland was the first to speak: This is a good thing. The knights are responsible for fighting, and the priests are responsible for healing. Each performs his or her duties.

Yes, we use swords and spears to promote the glory of God, and priests use the Bible and medical skills to promote the glory of God.

The priests of the Order of St. Lazarus have superb medical skills. It would be great if they could teach them to our brother priests.

I have long felt that the medical skills of the Brotherhood of Priests are very poor. Last time I just said I had a headache, and they wanted to cut open my skull with a saw.

Soon, this decision was unanimously approved by the Grand Knights Council. The others originally had doubts, but under the leadership of the Grand Knights Council, they also vaguely believed that this was in their own interests.

Hebland asked: Grand Master, since the Brotherhood of Priests has merged with the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus, how should we manage our property and fiefs?

You don't have to worry about this. What currently belongs to the Knights is still under the jurisdiction of the Knights. As for the future - the two orders will inevitably be integrated. By then, the protective knights of the Order of Saint Lazarus will also belong to the Order. Under the management of your Grand Council of Knights.

Hebland said quickly: I understand.

Splitting the financial power of the Teutonic Knights was the last shackle that Lothar put on the Teutonic Knights.

Historically, the Teutonic Knights operated territories in the Baltic Sea and developed commerce. Their annual income could even reach ten times that of the British royal family during the same period.

Sufficient financial resources allowed the Teutonic Knights to become the dominant hegemon in Eastern Europe. They defeated the Poles one after another and lost their territory.

The same was true of the Templars and Hospitallers of this period.

The Knights Templar possessed wealth that even the king of Gaul was envious of.

That's why Black Friday came about. The King of Gaul couldn't solve the debt, so he jumped over the wall to solve the problem of creditors.

Because of their strong financial support, the two knights are able to possess the kind of terrifying power that is not a kingdom, but is better than a kingdom.

Lothar said again: Commander Hebron, you go back to the station and wait. I will send Hebron's guard officer. Andreas will prepare sufficient supplies for you, as well as weapons, mounts, and equipment as soon as possible. Distributed to you.

Hebland first expressed his gratitude and then asked: Grand Commander, how many people should we send out for this battle?

All members of the Knight Brotherhood are dispatched. At the same time, I will also send knights from the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus to contact you. I hope you can get along more happily during this expedition, because they are also your future brothers.

Hebland accepted the order respectfully.

Leave Lothar's mansion.

Immediately, some knights could not restrain their doubts and asked: Grand Commander, if we do this, are we still the same knights who are only responsible to His Majesty the Pope?

Hebland snorted coldly: Being responsible only to the Pope sounds like a good thing, but how can the Pope like us?

All our members of the Knights are warriors who are willing to stay poor and are very loyal to the cause of the Crusades. But as the 'former' Grand Master, how can I bear to watch them use simple or even non-existent equipment? Armor to fight against the sharp swords and spears of the pagans?

Leno, courage and faith cannot make us fearless of swords and guns, nor can they make us full of food.

Don't forget our original intention - just to provide a guarantee for the German brothers so that they will not be reduced to being injured and left without treatment, living on the streets and turning into gangrene-covered beggars.

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