On the streets of Jerusalem.

In a smoky tavern full of sweat and hormones, Otto was holding a wooden wine glass and watching a duel that was about to begin with interest.

The two knights from Europe were still cursing at each other using country slang full of local accents.

Otto couldn't even understand what they were saying - he guessed that it was most likely Gaulish with a Castilian or Navarre mountain accent.

These Crusader knights from Iberia are as rare in Jerusalem as North Germanic Crusaders like Ned.

The onlookers cheered and cheered enthusiastically, looking forward to a battle of iron and blood that would please them.

This is nothing new for Otto.

Knights could draw swords against each other over any trivial matter.

Some are for the honor of the lady they like, and some are just for a quarrel.

Not just knights.

In duels between civilians, and even clergymen, they often went into battle and dueled with anyone who slandered their honor.

Wearing monastic robes and wielding flails and warhammers, battle monks are never rare on the battlefield.

In many local court trials, duels were often used to determine who was the guilty party.

Although it sounds unfair, it is much more reliable than the magic method of throwing people into the water and seeing who sinks.

Although the Pope has repeatedly stated in public that duels violate the Catholic Church's spirit of non-violence, although it is unknown where this spirit came from, in recent years, it is said that there has indeed been a proposal to ban judicial duels in the Papal City.

But it is estimated that, just like the so-called crossbow ban, it will eventually become a dead letter.

He popped a date into his mouth and after chewing it thoroughly, the strong sweetness greatly satisfied his taste buds.

Dates are really a rare delicacy for Otto.

As for later generations, in the eyes of Donghua people, the shortcoming of being too sweet is actually the greatest advantage of this era.

In this era, any condiment is a luxury!

Otto reluctantly put the last date palm in his hand into his mouth, rubbed his sticky hands on his body, and secretly sighed: It is said that there are countless date palm trees in Lothar's territory. You should bring more with you every time.”

The two knights had already begun to push each other, and even their respective followers and companions tended to draw their swords at each other.

In this era, there were duels, single fights, and group fights.

It’s just that Lothar hasn’t met the latter yet.

The Holy Land people or local knights in the tavern couldn't help but booed.

The tavern owner came out with a war hammer: Gentlemen, please restrain yourself. If your fighting causes me losses, I will demand compensation from you in accordance with the law.

Ha, that's right, we are still playing traditional duels in this age, why not play Gwent?

Someone whistled.

Some people also joked: Looking at their muscular barbarian looks, you can tell how they understand how to play Gwent, a high-end game.

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of approval.

It seems that knights armed with swords and lances, dueling in the arena have gradually become outdated.

In fact, these ponies who newly arrived in the Holy Land have been regarded by the Jerusalemites as barbarians who only know how to use swords.

The martial spirit of the Franks was indeed on the decline in the wealthy East.

The Germanic tribes that used to live in the bitter cold land were driven south by natural disasters in a poor and arrogant manner, destroying the wealthy (actually poor) empire.

Also during the First Crusade, Lao Shi's expedition dealt a heavy blow to the fragmented Saracens.

The poorer you are, the better you can fight. It is true that those who wear shoes are afraid of those who are barefoot.

At this time.

The tavern door is open.

More than ten knights in full armor and bright armor entered the tavern first.

They walked with heavy steps, and the armor on their bodies was so bright that their faces could shine through.

The red and white robes of the same color make them look less flashy than ordinary knights.

People immediately recognized that this was a high-end full body plate armor produced by the largest armor workshop in the city.

Otto's eyes widened.

Among these knights, there are several familiar faces, all knights he brought from Aargau.

But with the new clothes, he couldn't even recognize it.

The knights stood apart on both sides.

The atmosphere became solemn.

People realized that a big shot was about to appear.

The next moment, a young man wearing a red and white coat and a black cloak with a dragon head embroidered with gold thread strode into the tavern.

It's Count Lothar!

People started talking in low voices.

In the eyes of most people, Count Lothar is a great figure in the Holy Land.

Even veteran nobles like Regent Raymond, a great prince who is equivalent to half a king, are not as legendary as Lothar in their eyes.

In just a few months, he was promoted from knight to baron. A high position like earl of Transjordan was achieved not by marriage but by military merit. It was really rare in the world.

The young noble, surrounded by knights, looked around.

The invisible majesty oppressed everyone and left them speechless.

Otto opened his mouth... Is this his brother's power in Jerusalem now?

It's terrible.

How on earth did he do it?

Yeah, how on earth did he do it?

This is not only Otto's doubts, but also the doubts of all Jerusalemites.

Lothar walked straight towards Otto: You come with me to my territory. There may be a few small battles to be fought in the near future. If you follow me, you can gain some knowledge in advance.

Otto nodded subconsciously, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

I'm your brother, and you're just talking to me like you're giving orders to my servants?

Lothar said helplessly: Brother, come with me to Hebron and help me fight.

Ottoton felt satisfied and his vanity was greatly satisfied: No problem!

Lothar looked at the two knights who had just planned to duel, and said: The Holy Land is in danger. If you rely on your own bravery, it is better to fight the heretics on the battlefield.

I have no right to interfere with your sacred duel. This is the power given to you by Heavenly Father. I am just giving you a suggestion.

The two knights nodded slowly, looking at Lothar's leaving figure, they couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

This is what the great nobles should do!

After taking Otto to the palace to see him, Lothar proposed to return.

Jeanne said: Do we need to rush like this?

Although Hans is already on his own, Port Ella has just been captured. It's the time when the undercurrent is surging, and you're not around. I'm really worried.

Although Lothar himself is not considered a talent in internal affairs, he at least knows one thing, that is, it is easier to win over and there are more civilians.

The one who eats the most and takes up the most.

After Lothar's arrival, interests may be damaged, so the original vested interests with the strongest resistance will be affected.

If we continue to use the generosity of this group of people to win over the poor and support new vested interests - to put it bluntly, we will attack the local tyrants and divide their fields.

In addition, under Lothar, the new group of knights of the Order who have newly accepted allegiance can be assigned to places to guard a village, town, and manor real estate for him.

Lothar always believed that his greatest wealth was not these territories, but the increasing number of soldiers who had been transferred through the system and were loyal, reliable, and powerful in combat.

Lothar now owns five territories, namely Hebron, Port Ella, Alandre Diocese, Yogurtsburg and New Habsburg.

Among them, there is no doubt that Ella Port and New Habsburg have the greatest potential.

If the former has smooth trade routes and can collect a large amount of commercial taxes, merchant ships on the Red Sea will transport an endless stream of goods from East Africa and Tianzhu to him.

The New Habsburg will produce a large amount of arable and fertile land, but its original commercial hub status has become somewhat insignificant due to the rapid acquisition of Ella Port by Lothar.

After all, the inland trade route through Montreal was only secondary to the sea trade route.

And Hebron, as King David's first capital, was also Lothar's largest source of finance and taxation.

Especially after wiping out the largest local chieftains, the amount of taxes that can be contributed to him here is initially estimated to be around 30,000 Surides gold coins per year.

Next, it only takes a period of development for the peasants and soldiers under the command knights to be trained.

His strength will expand to the point where he can match the title of the Earl of Transjordan, a great prince, and will not even be inferior to the County of Tripoli.

Under Lothar's command, the importance of the infantry, which is mainly composed of farmers and soldiers, is actually unquestionable.

Lothar did not develop infantry at first because he was limited by the situation at the time and was unable to do anything.

Just like the Saracen armored infantry that was defeated with little effect in the strategy of driving sheep and swallowing wolves.

They were also brave warriors, but they were swept away by their scattered levies.

Who really thinks infantry is useless.

Lothar's nemesis in the mock battle, the bold Charles, the son of Philip, Duke of Burgundy, whose head was split open by Swiss halberdiers, had something to say.

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