Lothar fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion of energy due to the battle of wits and courage with the devil.

Until, a burst of rapid horse hooves sounded in the manor.

Jeanne held her iron helmet with one hand, dusty from all the travel, and strode open the door and walked in. There was a lot of dust on her hair and cheeks.

Fringilla opened her eyes drowsily and muttered: Who is it? It's such a disturbing dream in the middle of the night.

A cold hand slipped into her bed, and she was immediately disappointed: Ah, I forgot, you don't have any warmth at all.

Jean, you idiot, why don't you stretch your stupid body?

Immediately, he noticed that Prajna was leaning against the wall, with a pair of black eyes shining brightly in the night - she had not slept at all, and she reacted as soon as Jeanne arrived in the yard.

Jean, why are you here?

Lothar barely stood up.

Jeanne straightened her back, dressed in military uniform, and stood up straight. She looked at Lothar up and down, and smiled: Because I felt that you tried to use the holy spear yesterday. Is it dangerous?

Lothar rubbed his brows and came back to his senses: Is that why you came here all night long?

Jeanne said Yes: I have to thank you for the 'grapes' you gave me. It was very tired along the way.

She placed the helmet on the table beside her and stretched out her hand to say hello: Can you come over and help me remove my armor?

She said, taking the lead in taking off the chain armor gaiter around her neck.

Next, you have to remove the arm guards, shin guards, upper body armor and lower body armor. Without the help of others, it is not easy to put on and remove a full set of plate armor alone.

Lothar waved her hand: Let Fulin help you. Although we didn't start a fight in the end, I feel that my energy consumption was even more exaggerated than if we actually fought.

It seems I missed it.

Jeanne sighed softly: My lord, although Miss Prajna is by your side, your safety is still quite worrying.

Prajna's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Lothar's eyelids were fighting, and her voice was getting lower and lower: You settle down yourself, we will talk about these things tomorrow, I am really too sleepy to open my eyes.

Well, have a good sleep.

Jeanne said something. Seeing that Lothar was lying back on the bed and continuing to sleep soundly, she hooked up with Fulin: Miss Fulin, come here and help.

Fringilla rolled her eyes: No, you perverted crazy woman.

Jeanne: Huh?

She said in a joking and slightly frivolous tone: Miss Fulin, you don't want me to accuse you of being a disobedient girl when I wake up, right?

Fringilla hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward stiffly: I don't want to help you solve it, it's just your order.

Prajna withdrew his gaze and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

The next day, morning.

After a good night's sleep, Lothar finally felt recovered. She rushed to the palace on horseback early to meet with Baldwin IV.

After greeting the sword-wielding slave with a smile, Lothar walked straight into the king's study.

Baldwin IV was burying his head in a thick book on the table. Hearing the movement, he asked without raising his head: Is the matter resolved?

Lothar was the only one who could come in so arrogantly.

Baron Godfrey might do the same, but he's more disciplined.

So be it.

Lothar nodded and found a place to sit down in the room.

Baldwin IV raised his eyes, with a gentle expression that also contained concern: I won't ask you about the solution process, but you also didn't ask for the ration of magic-blocking gold. Isn't it a little bit to deal with such a vicious monster like this? Too careless?

Lothar smiled: The Royal Knights have the magic-blocking gold in their arsenal. If I need it, I can use it at any time, but there is really no need. I have sacred objects that can restrain dark creatures even more.

Compared with the Holy Spear, the Demon-Resisting Gold is far behind. Moreover, the Demon-Resisting Gold is not as effective as the demon hunter's special mithril in dealing with dark creatures.

Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, I have to tell you something. I have recaptured Port Ella.

Baldwin IV was a little surprised and said: Did Ms. Jeanne who stayed at Alandrere do it? What is the battle report?

Lothar gave a brief report.

Baldwin IV couldn't help but admired: Now that I recall Madam Jeanne's heroic appearance on the fighting field, I still feel fresh in my memory. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to believe that such a beautiful battle was led by a female knight. They were shot by the army.

Lothar nodded and said, Jeanna's talent on the battlefield is far greater than mine.

It's really enviable.

Baldwin IV's eyes were full of smiles: Losa, it is an honor for you to have so many witches working for you, but remember not to be complacent.

You must have felt that monsters, wizards, and all kinds of beings with extraordinary powers are becoming more and more important in the world.

Perhaps, a new era is coming.

Saladin, King Sassanid, and the queen of the Eastern Empire are all trying to form their own wizards or priest advisory groups. Don't underestimate others by thinking that you are the only one with the help of wizards.

Lothar nodded heavily: Your Majesty, I will remember your teachings.

Although he acts more cautiously, when facing secular enemies, he often subconsciously ignores the possibility that the opponent may also have a powerful spellcaster.

Although this possibility is indeed very small, if it happens, it will cause a devastating blow to his current thin family background.

Baldwin IV changed the subject and asked with a smile: But Lothar, where is your brother? I thought you would introduce him to me.

Lothar was slightly startled. To be honest, he had been busy dealing with the demon hunter these past few days and hadn't paid much attention to Otto's situation at all.

Baldwin IV asked: Do you think he won't stay in the Holy Land for a long time, so you didn't think of this? It doesn't matter, I don't need his help for me. Werner is my mentor and friend, and you are also my humerus minister. As his Your eldest son, your brother, no matter what, I should meet him.

Okay, I will bring him over in the afternoon.


Baldwin IV smiled and nodded, and then opened the drawer.

From inside, he took out a brass box with gold rim: Want to have a duel with me?

Lothar laughed and said: Your Majesty, didn't you reprimand me in your letter some time ago that your knights should not be too lazy to go to the fighting field and only gather in the shade to play cards and gamble?

Baldwin IV frowned slightly: It seems that our Count Lothar has been really majestic in the Holy Land during this period, and he dares to tease me.

He stretched out a finger and tapped Lothar's eyebrows: If you say you want to kill the whole family, you will kill the whole family, and in the name of a public trial, this method really looks a bit like your father.

Lothar smiled sarcastically: I don't dare, I don't dare. How can I be compared to a ruthless person like my father?

Baldwin IV chuckled: You still have a sense of proportion. You know who can be touched and who cannot be touched easily. I am very confident in you.

Losa, to be honest, if my body really recovers, I would rather fight you on the fighting field.

Chess is not what you are good at, so we play the game that you, the founder, are best at.

Lothar nodded and said: In this case, Your Majesty, I will form a group with the Ayub card.

Okay, let's see if it's me who recreates Mengisa's victory, or you who recreate Saladin's victory in the Valley of Spring.


Baldwin IV threw down the cards in his hand with a dejected look on his face: What's the point of the grand power being defeated by the conspiracy?

Lothar smiled and said: Your Majesty, Gwent is essentially just a tool for entertainment. Not everything must have its own truth. What philosophy can it teach people. Being able to bring entertainment to people is its greatest truth.

Baldwin IV burst into laughter.


But if people in the church hear these words, they will definitely not be happy.

Baldwin IV did not leave Lothar for lunch. His illness was only controlled rather than truly cured, and his physical condition was much worse than that of ordinary people.

When leaving the palace, I happened to meet Archbishop William.

The archbishop held the box containing the fragments of the True Cross and prayed all night last night.

At this time, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

When he saw Lothar, he immediately came up to him and asked, Count Lothar, is there the body of the werewolf and the vampire?

Last night, after hearing the noise, he could see clearly in the tower and confirmed that Lothar had not deceived him.

Lothar looked regretful and said: It's a pity that I didn't control the intensity during the fight, and it was already wiped out in the process of the battle.

He paused slightly and then said: You also know that in order to protect the Holy Tomb, I went through a bloody battle and almost lost my life. I really couldn't control my strength.

Archbishop William was silent for a while, obviously a little disappointed, but he still cheered up and praised: Count Lothar, you are a pious and brave knight. Your good deeds will definitely be rewarded.

Lothar knew that this meant that Uldin, Bishop of Alandre's position, should be stable.

“Praise the Father.”

The two faced each other, crossed themselves, spoke piously, and each had their own agenda.

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