Lothar frowned and said, That shouldn't be the case. Who are the nobles you have treated? Didn't they make you famous?

In Lothar's expectation, as long as Uldin used his miraculous skills to heal the injuries of several noble masters, he would immediately become a popular figure in the noble circle.

No one can guarantee that they will never be injured!

When the time comes, donations will continue to flow in, and it won't be long before the order can develop into a medium-sized military order that is not inferior to the Teutonic Knights.

And Lothar will also receive strong help from a theological community.

Uldin shook his head: Not many people are willing to accept my treatment - His Majesty the King has still not revealed that he has recovered from health.

Moreover, the cured people also thought that I used witchcraft. In order to avoid incurring criticism from competitors, no one was willing to publicize it. However, the medical fee was quite large. If not, the sect would not be able to maintain its existence. Until now.

Lothar frowned, thought for a moment, and said, Perhaps only when the next war breaks out will they understand the meaning of the Redemption Order's existence.

I have other things to do. I will most likely be able to move you to the position of bishop of the Alandre diocese in the next few days. Of course, you still have to stay in the Holy Land, develop the religious order, and at the same time maintain the health of the king.

Lothar stood up and prepared to say goodbye to Uldin.

I see.

Uldin was silent for a moment and looked at Lothar.

What else do you want to say?

Uldin coughed slightly and looked a little embarrassed.

Sir, what about the donation?

Lothar seemed to have been waiting for Uldin to speak, and he sat back on the chair again.

I asked calmly: Donating is not a problem, but I need to know what kind of benefits I can get?

Uldin frowned and said, Sir, all the Guardian Knights can fight for you at any time. Isn't this a benefit?

No, this is not enough. If I want to expand my military strength, there are more ways to save money and have better results than this.

The Knights of the Order under him, in addition to providing their own equipment, do not require wages, and can also take charge of a territory for him, which is simply high quality and low price.

Lothar shook his head and said: Uldin, do you really want to develop the Saint Lazarus Redemption Order into a public welfare organization?

Uldin was silent for a moment and replied: I will follow your will. If you want the Order to change, I will do it...

Lothar interrupted him: I didn't mean that - Alandele's tithe will be given to you as a donation. Save this money.

As the Bishopric of Alandre, it has many tax-free privileges. Donating the tithe to Urdin's Order is, to put it bluntly, giving the money that should have been turned over to the Jerusalem Church to Urdin.

It's equivalent to not spending a penny.

But Lothar originally promoted Urdin to the position of Bishop of Alandre because he wanted to save money.

So he still lost money.

Thank you, sir.

Uldin said solemnly: On behalf of those poor pilgrims, I would like to thank you for your generosity.

Lothar stretched out her hand and stopped Uldin from kneeling down on one knee.

Ulding, when the Knights Templar were first founded, every two knights could only ride on one horse. This even became evidence for later French kings to accuse them of being gay.

What I want to say is that their poverty is worse than yours - at least their scale at that time was far less than that of the Order of Saint Lazarus now.

But their poverty and piety soon brought them great wealth.

Lothar said solemnly:

The Order is already poor. All it lacks is piety.

Uldin said solemnly: Sir, I know what you mean, but I cannot sit back and watch these pilgrims die without using herbal medicine, which in their eyes is equated with witchcraft.

Lothar tapped the table with her fingers: Perhaps you should ask His Majesty for help, not me.

He couldn't tell whether to let those patients fend for themselves or to use more pious methods.

For example, using bloodletting instead of herbs - in Lothar's view, this is no different from murder.

In short, Uldin, it may not be wrong for you to insist on your own path. The temple, the hospital, and the Teutonic Knights have already traveled all the way. If we continue to follow the old path, our gains will only be smaller than theirs. .”

I am leaving.

Lothar stood up and said goodbye to Uldin.

Uldin stared at Lothar's back, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Although Lord Lord is in darkness, the light in his heart is indeed better than most people in this era.

He sighed in a low voice, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

In my ears, there was a sound of increased intimacy.

But Lothar didn't pay too much attention. He passed by an endless stream of pilgrims who came to the sect for medical treatment.

Looking at the mothers holding sallow-faced children, the brothers carrying their seriously ill sisters, the terminally ill middle-aged men with heart-wrenching coughs, hunched waists, and faces full of vicissitudes of life...

There are also the ascetics who wear protective masks made of multiple layers of linen. Most of their predecessors were patients who were treated free of charge by the order.

They walked busily among the crowd, asking about their conditions and guiding them to different clinics. The green cross on their chests shone brightly in the sun.

His originally depressed mood after running a loss-making business became much better.

Oh, just think of me as a good person doing good things.

His military expenses for this expedition to Ella Port and Alandre alone will be able to maintain the operation of the Order for a long time.

But leading troops to fight is not only an investment, but also a gain.

If Lothar is willing to sell the title of Baron of Port Ella to Baron Argon of Petra, he can not only recoup his investment, but also make a lot of extra money.

This was what happened after the Ella Port was first ransacked by Zain in a bucket.

And that’s not even counting the city of Alander.

As for donating to the Order of St. Lazarus, it is really just a donation, and it won't even give it a good reputation.

The nobles in Europe are keen to donate to the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar. Isn't it just to have a good reputation as a pious person?

It is said that the gold coins in the Knights Templar's treasury can be piled up into mountains, and there is no end to them.

It’s really like drought leads to drought and waterlogging leads to death.

After Lothar met up with Prajna and Fringilla, the three of them walked towards the foot of the Temple Mountain.

Along the way, many lower-class pilgrims can still be seen.

Many of them resembled the Poor Crusaders Lothar had seen on the Austrian border.

They were all dressed in rags, carrying crutches made of wooden sticks, and not even a single piece of intact clothing.

After going through countless hardships, many passers-by died.

I thought that by arriving in the Holy Land, a fertile land flowing with milk and honey, I could escape poverty and live a prosperous life, but how could it be that simple?

The bread distributed regularly by the church can at best fill the stomach.

Unless you are lucky enough to encounter some lords who have suffered too many losses and want to recruit serfs as supplements - the land in the Holy Land is not fertile at all, and the number of serfs it can carry is actually very limited.

The prosperity of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was due to trade, not farming.

Looking at this scene, Lothar thought to himself.

When Coors returns to Jerusalem to take charge of the armor shop and printing workshop, let's recruit a group of pilgrims to build the new Habsburg city.

As the Tree of Life thrives, the hydrological conditions near New Habsburg have been greatly improved, and the oasis is rapidly swallowing up the desert.

It won't be long before Lothar will be able to acquire a large area of ​​fertile land, which is in need of manpower to cultivate.

The population that emigrated from Alandre was not enough to fill the new Habsburg.

By then, these poor pilgrims recruited from Jerusalem would happen to be the subjects of the new Habsburg.

It's a win-win.

With Coors' ability, he must be able to identify who is a vicious desperado and who is a truly honest and honest farmer.

Demon hunter Anahad stood at the foot of the Temple Mount, looking at the endless stream of pilgrims coming and going.

His expression was solemn, and he had a strong sense of smell belonging to a vampire, trying to distinguish the smell of passing pedestrians.

He came to the Temple Mount with Count Lothar, but he did not climb it.

Just as he told Lothar, his fellow sect's exiled demon hunter holds a demon's sealed artifact, and is trying to unseal the demon and accommodate it into his body.

But Anahad knew very well that the only outcome for his fellow sect could be failure.

The result of failure is the unsealing of demons - full of hatred for their Warsaw school of demon hunters, and launching endless revenge against them.

He must stop his fellow disciples.

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