Lothar reached out and patted Hogg on the shoulder out of habit.

The touch from the palm is a kind of coldness that is even worse than Prajna, which makes people's hair stand on end. But it didn't pass through the other person's body as expected.

It seems that even though Captain Hogg looks like a ghost, he is actually quite physical.

Captain Hogg, let me tell you about the current situation first.

Lothar chatted with Hogg for a long time, including the appointment of him to pilot a ghost ship on the Red Sea, eliminate pirates, maintain shipping routes, and guard the Port of Ella.

Hogg grinned, revealing the yellow teeth of a man who is used to wandering at sea: Sorry, sir, although I am happy to accept your appointment, I doubt that once I appear too many times on the Red Sea, those Sarah I’m afraid the forest merchants would rather take the land route than enter Ella Port.”

Lothar frowned: This is indeed a problem. The reason why I want to take back Ella Port is to collect the commercial tax here. If the merchant ships are cut off, the income here will be cut by three-quarters.

But the ghost ship you are driving cannot be included in the navy fleet under my command, because my identity, on the surface, can never be identified as the dark lord who drives the ghost ship, even if this is true.

Captain Hogg was silent for a moment and said: Sir, I will try my best to control the scale, not only allowing merchant ships to enter and exit, but also eliminating pirates on the Red Sea - but you know, if a merchant ship flies a black flag, it is a pirate. I can't guarantee it. mission accomplished.

In short, the most important thing is to protect Port Ella. As for pirates, we can do it if we can. There is no need to force it.

Lothar said in a deep voice.

I chatted with Hogg for a while about the idea of ​​forming an offshore fleet such as galleys.

He got up and decided to take a look at the development of the Order of Saint Lazarus that had moved to the Temple Mount.

He still had to spend some time to get the Patriarch of Jerusalem to transfer the title of Archbishop of Alandre to Urdin.

Given the independence of the Jerusalem church, as long as the patriarch is convinced on this point, there should be no problem and there is no need to go through the papal city.

Of course, Uldin could not leave Jerusalem because he had to enter the palace from time to time to treat Baldwin IV.

This was no big deal; Archbishop William of Tire was also in Jerusalem every day.

Temple Mount.

The devout pilgrims supported each other and climbed up the mountain.

An ascetic wearing shabby linen clothes with a green cross on his chest stood at the door of a small church, guiding the pilgrims who came to see the doctor into the consulting rooms that had been converted from prayer rooms.

This is the new territory of the Order of Saint Lazarus on the Temple Mount.

Lothar was sitting in the innermost room, the room belonging to the grand leader.

Uldin was sitting opposite him, bowing his head humbly at this moment: Sir, I'm glad to see you again.

I'm glad too.

Uldin raised his head and looked Lothar up and down: I haven't seen you for a while, and the dark aura around you has become stronger.

Lothar frowned: Do you have anything to advise me?

Uldin shook his head with a smile and said: My lord, with Ms. Jeanne by your side, I don't believe that you will fall into darkness. It's just that the power of darkness is very serious in corroding people. You must be vigilant. .”

Lothar couldn't help laughing and said: I thought you had confidence in me - it turns out you have confidence in Jeanne. Since you care, I will be more vigilant.

Let's talk about it next. How is the situation of the Order recently? I remember that when I returned to Jerusalem last time, it seemed to be pretty good.

Uldin said noncommittally: What do you think?

I saw a lot of pilgrims on the way here. There are also a lot of monks wearing green crosses in this small church.

Indeed, the sect is developing quite rapidly, but the donations we receive are too few. Even if every member of the sect follows the life of an ascetic monk like me, we are still unable to make ends meet.

Lothar's heart skipped a beat: You don't want me to pay for you, do you?

He does still have some savings, but that is the money he used to build the Red Sea Fleet.

His original plan was to establish a merchant fleet in the Mediterranean, but now that he has occupied the Port of Ella and has a talent like Captain Hogg, he naturally has to change his mind.

Uldin said sincerely: Sir, we are a poor religious order, but collecting herbs, feeding the monks, and treating the pilgrims for free all require a lot of money.

The sect can expand to its current size in a short period of time without these measures.

Lothar frowned deeply: Those poor pilgrims who don't have much money can't donate much money even if they donate - is there also suppression by the Knights Templar?

Uldin shook his head: No, sir. Grand Master Gerald is a devout believer and the largest donor to the Order besides you and His Majesty the King. He seems to want to win us over and fight against the hospital together. Knights.

Like the Knights Hospitallers wooing the Teutonic Knights against the Templars?

That's right.

Lothar tapped her fingers on the table: Tell me carefully about your current predicament.

Uldin considered his words and said, What the Order is best at is new medicine, but it didn't get off to a smooth start in Jerusalem.

In this era, scholastic medicine tended to favor spiritual treatment, that is to say, patients were admitted to church asylums to confess and pray day and night.

At most, the clergy will perform some rituals, recite some theological scriptures, apply some holy anointing oil or pour a few drops of holy water, or take a handful of soil and apply it on it.

In addition, there is the popular theory of body fluid balance in the world.

This theory probably originated in ancient Egypt, but became popular in Europe. It believed that diseases in the human body were attributed to the imbalance of body fluids.

The most well-known treatment methods represented by this fluid balance theory are bloodletting, enemas, and vomiting.

Sometimes a soldering iron is used to burn the wound.

Although there are also indirect methods, such as using a soldering iron or hot oil to wash the wound and disinfect it.

But unless sedative herbs like opium are used, the process is tantamount to torture.

In the military, the vast majority of people die because of this method of treatment.

Those who survived also lost half their lives.

Even a king like Baldwin IV had to undergo this kind of torture, which shows the popularity of this treatment method.

Probably due to being located at the junction of the East and the West and integrating Greek and Eastern medicine, the Saracen and Jewish doctors in the Levant region mastered good medical skills in this era.

But their exclusivity made them rarely willing to treat pagans, and Christians were unwilling to accept their treatment.

This is also the dilemma faced by the Saint Lazarus Redemption Order. Although Uldin has cured the injuries of some powerful people with his special abilities, this still cannot change people's understanding of new medicine in a short period of time.

So, most of the Christians who are willing to believe in you are low-class pilgrims with no wealth, and there are only a few of them even from the civil class?

Uldin nodded and said, That's right, my lord.

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