When Fang Xiaowan finished finishing a few courtyard masters, a system prompt sounded in her ears, and she remembered that she hadn't checked the next new task yet.

When Li Lianhua returned to the meditation room and began to meditate, Fang Xiaowan also followed seriously, sat down at the tea table and pretended to close his eyes to recuperate.

She turned on the system.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the hidden level

task!' "Congratulations to the host for getting the task reward!'

"Congratulations to the host for getting 200 system attribute points" "Congratulations to the host for getting 200 system

golds" "Congratulations to the host for getting 5 bottles of blue


The reward content is a bit stingy, and it's better than nothing, Fang Xiaoqiao thought to himself, just reimburse her for the three bottles of [Pipi Itch] just now. In this way, if she goes to all those unpleasant characters along the way, she may be able to get some rewards by mistake, which adds up to a lot, which is not bad.

So she added all the attribute points she got to the internal force, and now it looks a little more balanced:

intelligence value 100, sensory value 300, light power value 550, force value 550, luck value 100, charm value 999, internal force value 400.

Then the system continued.

'Congratulations to the host for completing the [Authentic Rescue] quest

' 'Congratulations to the host for getting the task reward!''Congratulations to the host for obtaining 500 attribute points

!''Congratulations to the host for 700 gold

!''Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 6 healing skills, prompting that you don't need a blue screen, you can use healing level 1 infinitely


'Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 5 stealth skills, prompting that 1 blue bottle is required, and the maintenance time is 6 minutes!'

'Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 4 of the Time Reversal Technique, it takes 1 blue screen

, and the reversal time is 10 minutes!' There is no need for the Blue Bottle to use the healing skill infinitely!Fang Xiaoqiao was secretly happy, this stealth and time reversal technique was not used now, but there was no hurry, there would always be a place for it in the future, she thought to herself. At the moment, the most important thing is the stats and gold.

Fortunately, the tasks are quite simple, as long as she uses her brain a little, she can easily solve it, but according to the plot after this, the martial arts value is not higher, I'm afraid it will be difficult, she thought to herself, so she added the newly obtained reward value:

intelligence value 100, sensory value 300, light power value 700, force value 700, luck value 100, charm value 999, internal force value 600.

Now it's okay, she feels that the current attribute value except for Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua, she should be able to deal with it casually, and it is estimated that it is almost the level that her brother Fang Fang has enlightened in the later stage of his illness.

When the internal force value reaches 999, then it will be able to relieve the poison of Bicha for Li Lianhua, and there is no need to rush now.

So she started checking on the next new task, [Debunking the False Breastplate].

Fake breastplate! That should refer to the one worn on the fake corpse of Shan Gudao! Fang Xiaoqiao continued to recall the plot, it should be at the end of the bride case of Cailianzhuang, Li Lianhua thought that she had found the body of her senior brother Shan Gudao!

She paused and glanced at Li Lianhua, who was meditating, and silently felt a trace of pity in her heart.

Since this is the case, she must follow these three people to Cailian Village next, it is not difficult to dismantle the armor is fake, but it is the mood of the person concerned. Then, that means that my little weak is also the daughter of this big villain?!

A scream echoed in the system, Fang Xiaoqiao had been involved as an outsider, and now she was about to face her own father's corpse, although it was fake, she couldn't accept it.

At that moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Mr. Lee. "It's Qiao Wanmian.

"Miss Joe. Li Lianhua stood up when she heard this.

Qiao Wanmian stepped forward and handed over an envelope, saying, "Last time Mr. Li asked me to check the whereabouts of the lion soul, I found some clues, when we let him go ten years ago, he wrote a letter to thank him, it was from Xue Yuzhen Cailianzhuang, but this was also ten years ago.

"This person is in a vast sea, and it is not easy to get some subtle clues, thank you Miss Qiao." As Li Lianhua spoke, she saw Fang Xiaowan's dishonesty in probing her brain in the back.

"Mr. Li doesn't have to be polite, in fact, I have another matter today. Qiao Wanmian continued, not noticing that Fang Xiaoqiao was also there.

"Miss Joe, you say. Li Lianhua replied.

"Yesterday's sachet..."Qiao Wanmian only hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth to mention the sachet.

Li Lianhua smiled and took out an empty sachet from her cuff and said: "Don't you say that I forgot, Xiao Daxia took you away in a hurry yesterday, so I put it away, this is Miss Qiao's old friend, and it should be returned to you." With that, he handed the sachet over.

Qiao Wanmian refused to take it for a long time, and tears were in her eyes.

Fang Xiaowan couldn't stand her procrastination, so he stepped forward and grabbed the sachet and stuffed it into Qiao Wanmian's hand, which startled Qiao Wanmian a lot, and her tears were held back.

The sadness of the previous second disappeared, and was replaced by a stomach full of anger: "Fang, Fang Xiaoweak, I didn't expect you to like to eavesdrop on others!" Qiao

Wanmian began to be yin and yang weird again, Fang Xiaowan wanted to laugh in her heart, it was quite simple to cure her problem of crying at every turn, she was just angry...

Li Lianhua also wanted to laugh, thinking exactly the same as Fang Xiaoweak.

"Miss Qiao, don't get me wrong, I've been staying in this house since just now, and it's inconvenient for you to step in one step and not ask Mr. Li first.

Qiao Wanmian raised her eyes to look at Li Lianhua, surprised and aggrieved.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm... Convenient. Li Lianhua really can't think of any inconvenient reason, and she can't tell people that I was meditating here just now, and Fang Xiaoqiao was resting on the other side, which sounds a little unusual

Qiao Wanmian glanced at Fang Xiaowan, as if to say, look, Mr. Li didn't say anything about what you are blind!

She looked down at the sachet in her hand, and her eyes turned red again in an instant, and Li Lianhua had to admire her crying skills.

"I made this sachet for him with my own hands. It's been ten years, and I've been waiting for ten years with this thought.

Two lines of tears slipped down Qiao Wanmian's face, it was the feelings and memories that had been hidden in her heart for ten years, and she was saying goodbye.

Although he had thought about it a long time ago, in fact, his delay in coming back was the answer. It's just that, although I was prepared in my heart, I really heard that he had something to do with death, and I still... I'm still..."

Qiao Wanmian smiled bitterly, and Li Lianhua decisively interrupted her: "Miss Qiao, the Si people are gone, so don't be too sad." "

Mr. Li, I, I once had some ridiculous thoughts for a moment, but I couldn't accept the reality and deceived myself. Now, it's time for me to wake up. It's his personal belongings, so let him go.

Qiao Wanmian paced to the fireplace.

"Qiao Wanmian, you finally have come to your senses, it's not too bad.

Fang Xiaowan said a word of affirmation and praise at this time, which really made Qiao Wanmian crazy, and she couldn't pick her thorns, which made her feel that she couldn't escape the clutches of this woman.

The original sad and beautiful style of painting changed all of a sudden.

Qiao Wanmian had an iron face: "I don't need you to evaluate!" She didn't have to look back, and the sachet was also thrown into the furnace by her, and it was burned like this.

A few drops of sweat on Li Lianhua's head dripped silently, thinking to herself, this is better than crying all the time.

Looking at the crackling and burning sachets, Qiao Wanmian couldn't help but say in the end: "The ten years of waiting are over." "

Since he is an old man, let him stay in the story, and Miss Qiao should move forward with peace of mind. Li Lianhua finally comforted by the way.

"Thank you, Mr. Li. Qiao Wan gave birth and quickly left the room.

Fang Xiaowan was still chasing after him and shouted: "What about me? Qiao Wanmian! Why don't you thank me? I also saved your life! Qiao~Wan~Mian~?".

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