Li Lianhua looked at Yun Biqiu, who had a hypocritical expression, and had no choice but to smile and say, "Then thank you Yun Courtyard Master." He turned around and ordered: "Little brother, you leave me here, I'll drink it later!"

Unexpectedly, the little brother looked at a loss, and did not dare to put down the tray, but asked several courtyard masters for instructions with his eyes.

The master of the White Courtyard and the master of the Ji Courtyard were so embarrassed that they were silent, it was still Yun Biqiu, everything is practice makes perfect, isn't it the same with this poisoning, and said to Li Lianhua in a fake polite manner: "If this peanut porridge is cold, it will live up to my Yun's kindness."

"Let's drink it while it's hot. The White Courtyard Master looked at the ground with his eyes, and his mouth also pushed it, while the Ji Courtyard Master lowered his head weakly.

The atmosphere has come to this, and seeing that Li Lianhua has no way out, Fang Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the side, raised Erlang's legs and spoke: "Ahem, I said."

Everyone raised their heads in unison, trembling and frightened, what happened to the eldest lady.

"I've been hungry all night, why didn't you prepare something delicious for me?" Master Yun Academy, Master Bai Academy, Master Ji Academy?"

Fang Xiaowan called names one after another, as if the teacher on the podium and the students below who couldn't answer the questions were frowning and didn't dare to raise their heads, if anyone raised their heads, their eyes would be met again, and they would be called to the podium to hang the blackboard.

"Eh, uh, I, we..." The master of the White Courtyard hmmmm

"Fang, Miss Fang, it's true that we didn't greet well, this, only prepared a bowl... Otherwise, I'll ask Pingchuan to buy another bowl right away, what do you think?" Yun Biqiu asked with courage.

"I can't wait, Miss Ben wants this bowl, will you give it to you?" Fang Xiaoqiao beat the rhythm with his toes, and his whole body exuded an aura of 'Are you beating me?'.

The three courtyard masters looked at each other, and the white courtyard master and the Ji courtyard master seemed to have basically lost the consciousness of continuing to probe, and there was only one Yun Biqiu left.

After a moment of silence, the master of the White Courtyard hurriedly stepped forward to play a round game: "Divine Doctor Li, why don't you give this bowl of porridge to Miss Fang first?"

"No, no, I'm not hungry or tired. Miss Fang wants to drink it, so let her drink it. A bland sentence was spoken by Li Lianhua in a gentle and elegant manner.

Yun Biqiu was still unwilling, and wanted to speak again, but was stopped by the sweaty Ji Yuan Master stretching out his hand.

Fang Xiaoqiao happily stretched out his hand to take the peanut porridge, and drank it while blowing it cold, and in an instant, the strong fragrance of the rice porridge spread out in the air, mixed with the taste of peanuts.

"It's really worthy of its reputation," Fang Xiaowan held the bowl and praised while eating: "This peanut is crispy and soft, fragrant and sweet, the entrance is oily but not greasy,

and it is refreshing!" Several courtyard masters swallowed their saliva while sweating and nodding and laughing.

"Cloud Courtyard Master. Fang Xiaoqiao suddenly ordered.

"Miss Fang, what's the matter?" Yun Biqiu still looked unwilling.

"Don't be so stingy, just buy one bowl, let so many people in the house watch me eat alone, I'm embarrassed, why don't you let Pingchuan buy two more bowls, let's all drink this peanut porridge together?" Fang Xiaowan looked back at Li Lianhua and said, "Doctor Li, what do you think?" "

Of course, of course, this peanut porridge is full of aroma, and I want to taste it when I smell it." Li Lianhua smiled and agreed.

"This..."Yun Biqiu saw that it was an opportunity, and he didn't dare to say yes immediately, he looked back at the Bai Courtyard Master and the Ji Courtyard Master, and after getting the acquiescence, he said, "Okay, Pingchuan, go buy four more bowls of peanut porridge!"

"Yes." Hirakawa retreated.

Fang Xiaowan smiled, put down the bowl in his hand, saw that the time was almost ripe, entered the system mall, and spent 60 gold coins to buy three bottles of [Pipi Itch] in advance, and did not forget to feel sorry for the balance after buying, only 201 gold coins were left.

A few people waited in the house for Hirakawa to come back, and no one spoke again.

Li Lianhua meditated quietly, Fang Xiaowan burped after drinking the porridge, and the three courtyard masters discussed and stared at the floor together to think about things.

Not for a while.

"Master Yunyuan!" Pingchuan came back with four bowls of peanut porridge.

Yun Biqiu immediately stood up, took the tray and said, "You go down."

The first bowl was naturally for the guest Li Lianhua, Fang Xiaoqiao knew that Li Lianhua at this time had already been inviolent, so he no longer stopped it, closed his eyes and waited for Li Lianhua to drink.

"Well, you're welcome. Li Lianhua took the peanut porridge: "Well, I wanted to drink it when I smelled this fragrance just now, it's good at first glance!" After

speaking, Li Lianhua began to gulp down the porridge, and several courtyard masters calmly observed on the side, not waiting for Li Lianhua's allergy, but waiting for Fang Xiaoweak's voice.

"A few courtyard masters, do you like to watch others drink porridge? Don't stay there with the pestle! There are three bowls, you can also drink together~" As he spoke, Fang Xiao opened the system and waited for them to enter the peanut porridge.

"Hey, hey, okay, come to Biqiu, Master Ji, we also drink, and we drink. Seeing that Li Lianhua did not have an allergic reaction, the master of the White Courtyard was still drinking porridge, and the burden in his heart seemed to be put down, and he smiled and pulled the two people next to him to drink porridge together.

The three of them sat down at the same time, picked up the bowl and prepared to drink, Fang Xiaoqiao gave it with a big smile, and then [Pipi Itch] also used it.

After a few seconds, the three courtyard masters had just swallowed the first mouthful of peanut porridge, and the white courtyard master struck his head, twisting unconsciously like a break dance. First scratching the neck, around the collar, then on the chest and behind the chest, then on the stomach, legs, feet, and finally even the exposed skin is faintly visible red spots.

Fang Xiaowan was the first to jump up and exaggerate and shouted: "Cloud Courtyard Master, White Courtyard Master, Ji Courtyard Master?!, What's wrong with you?"

"Itchy... Why did your whole body suddenly start to itch!" The master of the white courtyard jumped while scratching, his face was red, and he looked a bit like a toad from a distance...

Fang Xiaowan held back a smile:

"Master Ji, are you itching too?" "I, I, too, itchy!" Ji

Yuan's words are incomplete, you can imagine how disturbing this must be, tsk, it's so miserable, Fang Xiaoqiao is crying and fake compassion.

Looking at Yun Biqiu again, he was already pulling his clothes there, and his long hair was scattered, Fang Xiaoqiao was stunned, could it be that this scalp was also

itchy? She really couldn't help it, took out the lines prepared in advance, and explained: "I, I said you, is it allergic to peanuts? Hahahahaha" "I

heard that this peanut allergy, yes, it is a kind of contact continuous itching! You can't let anything touch the skin, otherwise it will be extremely itchy!"

Fang Xiaowan finished saying two sentences with difficulty, and tears burst into laughter.

Li Lianhua also walked over with a smile, looked at the three people, and then looked at Fang Xiaoweak, thinking, this peanut allergy shouldn't be like this, what's wrong with these three people?

But even if it is, he Li Lianhua is too lazy to care.

Yun Biqiu saw Li Lianhua coming over, grabbed him and said, "Li, Divine Doctor Li, you save me! What the hell is going on!?"

Before he could finish speaking, he quickly let go of his hand, and when he touched Li Lianhua's palm, it began to itch very strangely, which felt like thousands of small insects wriggling on his body, each of which wanted to drill into the skin, and couldn't shake it off.

"This itching is the first time I've seen it in the next place, and it's quite peculiar. It's really allergic to something, I don't know if it's a peanut, but it seems that this itch is getting more and more itchy the more you scratch, it's best to calm down and don't move, hurry back to the room, take off your clothes, don't let anything touch the skin, and finally you can only resist it again. The

White Courtyard Lord and Yun Biqiu had already scratched the blood marks with the naked eye, and when they heard Li Lianhua's words, they began to take off their clothes desperately.

Frightened, Fang Xiaoqiao shouted on the side: "Wait! Don't take it off yet! Oops! Hot eyes!" She covered her eyes and showed a slit to see the joke, and was blocked by Li Lianhua's big hand.

The master of the Ji courtyard seemed to be the most tolerant, and he didn't wait for anyone to come, so he took the lead in grabbing the door and disappeared, followed by the master of the white courtyard and Yun Biqiu who were also helped out of the door one after another, and they could still hear their itchy screams when they walked away.

When she couldn't see the figure, Li Lianhua turned around and asked Fang Xiaoweak: "This, is it really an allergy caused by peanuts?"

Fang Xiaoqiao was still laughing: "Doctor Li, you are the divine doctor, you come to ask me?"

Li Lianhua looked at the back of this girl with a smile, and shook her head helplessly.

After all, it was an old man who used to look around, and it was pitiful, but in Li Lianhua's heart, it seemed that she was distressed for three seconds.

After a long time, there is still a rumor up and down the door of Baichuan Courtyard, and the master of the Sigu Gate Ji Yuan, the master of the White Courtyard, and the master of the Cloud Courtyard, who have been showing people with the word majesty, somehow one day, they all stripped naked and meditated in the room, and there were blood marks all over the body that were caught, and everyone who saw them was sealed, and the four gates no longer allowed 'peanuts' to enter in any form.

"It's not going crazy, is it?" someone speculated.

"No, I heard that it only lasted for a stick of incense, and suddenly it calmed down again. Another person with insider knowledge revealed.

"I heard that I was poisoned by peanuts. "

Peanuts?Can you still be poisoned??Why are

I okay if I eat them?""I'm okay if I eat them..."

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