"Humph!!! You want to use my attack to bite me back? Wishful thinking!! Even though you are extremely powerful, I am the Lord of the Sun. Everyone calls me the Sun God. How can I be hurt by my own moves? Emperor Hongkun said.

How could he know that this move was different from the one he had used.

After playing around in Darles' hands, was he really sending it back without any change?

Seeing Emperor Hongkun open his arms and directly accept the power of the supernova bombardment, it was as if he was absorbing the power that was originally released. The rich golden flames burned his body, causing the originally red flames on his body to turn golden.

"Are you really not going to get hurt?!" Dales sneered.

But the next second, Di Hongkun discovered something was wrong.

"Wait, how is this possible?! You...what on earth did you do?!! This is not the supernova bombardment I sent out!!!"Di Hongkun began to struggle in the golden flames.

Absorption became a problem.

Logically speaking, he should be able to completely absorb and assimilate this power.

But now, he simply can't do it.

It's like his whole body is isolated and has lost that ability.

He was too arrogant and careless, and he fell into his own trap.

It can be said that he reaped what he sowed!

"I didn't do anything! I just increased the power of your moves a little bit."Dales smiled faintly. He didn't understand such a simple truth. He is the main god of the sun.

What a bullshit sun god. He can't even resist his own attack. How can he be worthy of this title?!

"No!! You… who are you?! You are not from our universe!! You are from an unknown universe, you are the ultimate fear of the sub-biological universe?!!"Di Hongkun screamed miserably.

Under the burning of the intense high-temperature flames, his body had problems.

The surface of his skin could no longer be kept from being burned.

The tough shell burned from the outside to the inside, turning Di Hongkun into a fire man.

In the distance, Di Lena saw this and was very anxious.

She wanted to step forward to prevent the tragedy from happening, but her ability was not enough to resist such a degree of flame, let alone dispel it.

"Grandpa...Grandpa……"Helpless, she could only yell.

She looked at Darius again, hoping that he would show mercy.

At this point, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that her grandfather was no match for him.

Moreover, he was most likely the ultimate fear that her grandfather mentioned.

That unknown existence that the greatest evil in the universe, the demon queen Morgana, always talked about.

"Is that the end? How boring. I haven't even used one percent of my strength yet, and you're already exhausted."Shaking his head helplessly, Darles raised his hand again.

A strong red light suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Seeing you in such pain, I will send you off."The strong red light, with a terrible murderous intent, was frightening.

Whether it was Tianji Wang Hexi, Sun Wukong, or Di Lena

"Stop! Stop!!"Dilena screamed desperately.

She wanted to save him, but she found herself so fragile and incompetent.

She couldn't even make the other party look at her seriously.

She had no choice but to look at He Xi for help.

But the answer she got was ruthless silence. This was Lieyang's fate.

Even if Kaisha came in person, or even the most powerful beings in the entire known universe gathered together, it could not change

"Those who kill will be killed! Pay for your stupidity, pay for your arrogance, pay for your self-righteousness!"

"No matter what kind of world it is, the law of the jungle will never change. If you are strong, you dominate everything. If the enemy is strong, then you can only go with the flow or be annihilated."

After the voice fell, Darles's ruthless red roar wave burst out.

It looked like a blood-red beam of light, which directly engulfed the location of Emperor Hongkun.

The rich energy not only engulfed the golden flames in an instant, but also suppressed Emperor Hongkun's body and soul to death, and he no longer existed.


What a shocking blow of terror.

The pressure that threatens the destruction of the soul makes He Xi feel terrified, and so does Sun Wukong.

The gap is too big, they know that Darles is much more powerful than they know.

Even Di Hongkun, who is beyond the king level, was turned into nothingness by such a move.

He Xi finally understood why Kaisha made such a choice.

It was not that she wanted to, but she had no choice.

If Darles continued to stay in the Angel Nebula, God knows what kind of disaster would be caused.

Now the Lieyang civilization has suffered a devastating blow. Without Di Hongkun and Pan Zhen, it is equivalent to withdrawing from the stage of history.

Unless Dilena has unparalleled power to revive Lieyang!

Otherwise, Lieyang will be a joke.


Live broadcast room.

Chat interface.

Because Emperor Hongkun was destroyed, the atmosphere of the union became more active.

It was undoubtedly a satire on the fragility of the Lord of the Sun.

If such beings are worthy of being called gods, then some of them are also gods, aren't they?

Of course, except for the Death God Aizen.

He is a different kind of god.


In the square, Sun Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, the battle was over.

He came to Lieyang Tiandao this time just to get an answer and justice.

Although it was solved by force, at least Lieyang is no longer a threat to the earth.

After solving the invasion of Taotie on the earth, he can also retire.

Sun Wukong almost fell to the ground due to his injuries and excessive consumption of strength.

Fortunately, his faith was still there, otherwise, he would have fainted.

Seeing him like this, Darles admired him for a while.

No matter what, he is the Monkey King Sun Wukong.

Even if the Sun Wukong in the super god world may be a clone, or an alternative existence.

But it must be said that he is still Sun Wukong.

"Eat this bean, it can heal your injuries and restore your strength."Taking out a Senzu bean from the belt around his waist, Darles threw it to Sun Wukong without saying a word.

This was prepared in advance.

A total of three beans were placed in the belt in case of emergency.

He couldn't use it. After all, from the time he came to this world until now, it was He Xi's King's Sword that cut his skin, and that little damage had already self-repaired.

The appearance of the Senzu beans instantly caused the union chat interface to explode again.

This is another magical item in the Dragon Ball world.

No matter how serious the injury is, no matter what kind of injury it is, one bean will definitely work.

Moreover, it can restore strength, and it can reach its peak state from a weak state in a short moment.


Staring at the magic beans in his hand, Sun Wukong looked at Darles in surprise, very puzzled.

He didn't know how to ask, so he didn't say a word and just stood there in a daze.

"What? Are you afraid that I will hurt you? Don't worry, this is Senzu Beans! I give it to you because of your pride. I admire your unwillingness to admit defeat."

"Since I was born, I have rarely admired someone. You are one of them."

"Moreover, I am very interested in the power in your body. Because in this world, you may be the only opponent who is qualified to fight me. I don't mind helping you to open the seal in your body later and let you return to your peak period."

After that, Darles ignored him.

Some things are enough to say once.

Now he said this to let Sun Wukong put away his fear and no longer doubt him.


His eyes shifted to the other side.

Dales's eyes were on Pan Zhen, who had fallen to the ground and seemed to be dead.

Half of his body had been repaired without anyone noticing.

It was amazing.

Although half of his body had been smashed by Sun Wukong's golden hoop, he seemed to be safe and sound now.

The only difference he could feel was that his breath was fragile.

"Pan Zhen, you are not dead!!!"Sun Wukong saw Pan Zhen get up, and the war in his eyes broke out again. He was still a little hesitant at first, but stimulated by anger, he ate the magic beans. He also experienced the benefits of the magic beans.

His body was recovering rapidly, and his strength was stronger and greater than before!!

Shocked eyes were focused on Darles. Sun Wukong didn't know who Darles was and what he was going to do?!

Giving him such a precious treasure to eat should not be free!!

On the side, seeing Sun Wukong recover, He Xi was shocked again.

She was relatively familiar with Sun Wukong's situation because her insight eyes could see clearly.

However, at that moment, Sun Wukong not only recovered, but also became stronger.

Is this because of that little bean?!?!

Too It was amazing.

With his strength and injuries restored, Sun Wukong stepped forward.

His target was undoubtedly Pan Zhen.

Since the fight had come to this point, there was no way he could leave anyone alive!

This was Sun Wukong's understanding and his decision.

Darles just looked at him without stopping him.

It was at this moment.

Something no one expected happened.

Dilena, who had fallen into despair and lost hope for the future, exploded after seeing Pan Zhen stand up.

She is the bloodline of the sun god Di Hongkun!

Naturally, she has the power of the sun in her body.

In the past, she couldn't exert much power. But now, because of Di Hongkun's death, she was deeply stimulated, and the shackles that had always existed on her were broken.

Her strength suddenly increased from a third-generation warrior to a king level!!

"Sun Wukong!! I won't allow you to cause any more damage to Lieyang Star!! Pan Zhen is my Lieyang Star.���Alien! I am the Lord God of Lieyang Star!!! Even if he is wrong, I, the Lord God, should punish him!!!" Di Lena's domineering words worked for the first time.

This was inevitable.

No one paid attention to her before because she was too weak.

Now she has reached the king level! Who dares to underestimate her existence!

Seeing this, Pan Zhen grabbed a life-saving straw:"Lena...……"


PS: I was delayed in updating today because of something. But I still have 8,000 words today. I want to say sorry to everyone here.

In addition, the plot of Super God World is about to end. If you want to read other stories, you can leave a message in the comment section.

People say that I am not good enough, but I really don’t want to be good enough. If I wanted to be good enough, I could write dozens of chapters, haha.

Of course, if no one wants to continue reading Super God plot. I will start the main storyline, just as I expected at the beginning, more than 300,000 words, and officially start the Dragon Ball rampage mode.

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