""Go ahead! Don't make me wait too long!" Dales kept his arms crossed and sneered.

His meaning was clear: please start your show.

Di Hongkun was stimulated again and his eyes turned cold.

He didn't go berserk, but this was more terrifying than going berserk.

His murderous intent was already there and would not dissipate easily.

"You are looking for death! Then don't blame me! This god has given the angel enough face. Even if Kaisha takes the initiative to come and ask for peace today, it cannot reverse this god's decision!!"As soon as the words fell, blazing flames emerged from Di Hongkun's body.

The terrifying high temperature seemed to be able to melt everything. Even the indestructible body of Vajra might not be able to resist it.

This is the temperature of the sun!

The power of the sun caused the strength of the Lord of the Sun, Di Hongkun, to increase dramatically.

On the other side, Di Lena felt the huge pressure coming from her grandfather and couldn't help but take a breath.

She knew that her grandfather was very powerful and was one of the best in the universe.

But she had never felt how powerful her grandfather's real strength was.

Today, she has learned a lot.

Under such power , who can compare with him? ?

Even if the Sun Wukong was at his peak, he might not be able to withstand a round.

That unknown arrogant human, trying to find a sense of existence in the scorching sun, and wanting to pick a fight at this time, is completely wrong.

Of course, all this is just her self-righteousness.

How could she know how powerful Darles's existence is?! How could she know that she is just a frog in the well.

Including all the lives in this world, they are just frogs in the well.

They will never know how big the world is and what is outside the world?!

""You are so long-winded!" Darles said with disdain. He was not afraid of the high temperature of the flames.

The air had already formed a thin film covering his body.

""Looking for death!!!" Emperor Hongkun shouted loudly, and raised his hand to summon endless flames and heat waves, surging like a tsunami.

This trick is indeed useful against ordinary beings.

It's a pity to use it against Darles.


"That's it? ?"

With a wave of his hand, Darles burst out with extreme combat power, and his strong body, with the help of the explosion of Qi, rolled out a hurricane and raged.


【Damn it!! Who is this human being?! Could it be... the Ultimate Terror?!! 】Di Hongkun forced himself to stabilize his body, the flames kept burning, and he did not lose the reputation of the Lord of the Fiery Sun.

It was a pity that his aura had fluctuated, no longer as sharp as before, and he had restrained himself.

In fact, his own strength had already surpassed the king level.

He himself knew that even when facing a king-level Kaisha, he could easily suppress her.

But there was a gap between his surpassing the king level and Darles' surpassing the king level.

The king levels were not equal, there were weak kings and strong kings!

So surpassing the king level might be surpassing 1 unit, might be surpassing 10 units, and more likely surpassing 100 units.

Di Hongkun only surpassed the level of 1.

There was an essential difference between him and Darles.

"What's wrong? Is that all you have? ? I didn't see you so weak when I dealt with the monkey before."Continuing to cross his arms, Dales once again turned on the taunting mode.

Taunting and provoking are always the most direct and fastest means to make the enemy explode.

Di Hongkun really couldn't accept it, gnashing his teeth.

"I admit that you are indeed powerful. But even if you surpass the king level, so what?!! As the Lord of the Sun, the Sun God, I also have power beyond the king level?!!! Look at me burning you to ashes!!!"Emperor Hongkun shouted angrily, and a ball of dense flames condensed in his hand.

This is no longer the ordinary energy from before.

It is a special substance with extremely destructive power. It is similar to nuclear weapons, but it is many levels higher than nuclear weapons.

"A power that can instantly detonate the sun, I want to see if you can handle it!!"With a wave of his hand, Di Hongkun swung out the energy ball.

His attack shocked Di Lena, because she knew what it was.

Once this thing is not controlled well, the entire Lieyang Star will be blown up.

Angel Hexi straightened her posture, and the sword of the king's destiny in her hand gathered her strength, ready to take action at any time.

As the king of Tianji, one of the kings of angels.

Of course, she knew how powerful this trick was.

Even if she went to meet it head-on, she would be hurt! Even if she was hit without any defense, even the fourth-generation divine body would fall apart.

Sun Wukong, who was behind Darles, had a fighting instinct that told him what kind of attack they were going to face.

In the past, he always thought that Di Hongkun was nothing great.

Because he had never fought with Di Hongkun.

Now he knows that Di Hongkun is not the old man who can only play power games as he imagined, but a really powerful existence.

This also made him scared. If it was Di Hongkun who came to the earth 1,400 years ago, could he defend the land of China? ?

Obviously, he knew it was impossible!

"How are you going to deal with it?"Sun Wukong was in a heavy mood, and even prepared to fight to the death.

His words reached Dales' ears, but Dales didn't care.

In this world, this level of attack is indeed amazing.

But the power of this energy concentration attack is only that level.

"If your strength is as strong as your nonsense, I will think more highly of you. But with just this little power, you are so confident that you can kill me?! It's really funny!"Raising his hand, Darles grasped the energy shot by Di Hongkun in his hand without hesitation.

The supernova bombardment condensed by the power of the sun is naturally impossible for others to resist, let alone control.

But in Darles' hands, this so-called supernova bombardment is like an infinitely reduced version of the supernova energy bomb and planetary destruction bomb mastered by the Frozen Demon Clan.

In terms of power, it is naturally much smaller.


"How is it possible?!! Who are you?!!" His full-strength attack was easily caught by the enemy and played with in his hands. Di Hongkun could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and his speech became stupid.

Not only him, but also Di Lena, He Xi and Sun Wukong who were present were all shocked by this scene.

This scene was really too incredible.

The chat interface of the live broadcast room was filled with shocking voices.

Of course, they were talking about Darles being awesome. The one who was most shocked was Holy Kesha.

She was also in the live broadcast room.

As the king of the gods in this world, she had once competed with Di Hongkun.

As a former experiencer of this move, she was sure that no one in this world could do it like Darles, taking it with bare hands and curbing the explosion of energy.

This is the strong man from another world!

This is the existence she threatened to kill before!

The fear made her sweat coldly and shiver.

If it weren't for the union president to come forward, I'm afraid that not only her, but also the angel civilization would be suppressed by Darles like the current Lieyang civilization, and even be annihilated.


On the Fiery Sun Star,

Darles stared at the golden flame energy sphere spinning on his fingertips, with a sneer on his lips.

Using his perception of energy and his observation Haki, Darles roughly analyzed the internal structure.

"Have you ever tasted your own attack? ?"The sneer turned into a playful expression, and Darles flicked his finger, and the golden flame energy bullet flew out.

This scene shocked everyone.

Turning the enemy's attack into his own attack.

Especially Sun Wukong was dumbfounded, because Darles's trick was a bit similar to his Dou Zhuan Xing Yi magical power.

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