In the darkness, Darens felt the biting cold.

It was as if in the midst of an incomparably hot flame.

It’s hard to describe this pain, it’s uncomfortable.

Up and down, it is like being climbed, gnawed, and grabbed by countless ants.

This is the effect of divine water, which is also equivalent to deadly poisonous water.

With his eyes wide open, even if he couldn’t see any light, Dales remained awake at all times.

He tried his best to perceive, to experience the changes in his body, and he was also using his own power to absorb the power of super-divine water as much as possible.

Don’t you need to breathe, you ask??

At least the current Dales, even if he shields his breath for a while, will not endanger his life.

[Power… In the continuous improvement…] unconsciously, the combat power has exceeded 10 billion, this effect made Dalles marvel.

The combat power of tens of billions shows that his normal combat power has reached at least 200 million stages, otherwise, it is impossible to improve so quickly.


This is the moment.

All corners of the planet.

Among the mountains near Bunzi Mountain.

Sun Wukong, Vic Ke and Sun Gohan were originally in sparring practice.

They are cultivating.

For the artificial man incident three years later.

This also confirms that even if the butterfly of Dalles changes the original plot of this world, the trajectory has not changed.

At this moment, they were looking up at the sky, and their expressions of disbelief revealed shock and worry.

“This qi is the anger of the eldest brother. Unexpectedly, it is so powerful…” Sun Wukong muttered, expressing his mood in a tone of amazement.

Previously, he was still thinking about constantly cultivating and working harder to improve his strength, so as to catch up with Darens.

But now I look at it, it’s pure foolishness.

“I didn’t expect it to be so strong!! The strength shown by Dales was just a drop in the bucket! Vic answered to himself, his heart full of shock.

He and Sun Wukong’s ideas are the same, so they can come together.

Now the thinking is even more consistent.

To use a simple metaphor.

Just like when they were still on Earth participating in the world’s first martial arts conference, they encountered a super existence like Friesha.

Clenched his fists.

Although unwilling, what can be done ??

Sun Wuhan on the side was puzzled, although he had extremely huge potential lurking, it could be said that the cultivation of strength and qi was far from home.


Kamesen Island.

Since Klin’s return yesterday, he has entered a state of penance.

Even though he knew that even if his strength could be improved, he would not be as good as Vic and Sun Wukong, but he still did not let go of his cultivation.

At this moment, he was already stunned.

Together with his master, the Turtle Immortal, they were all scared out of a cold sweat.

Nadares, it’s terrible.


Somewhere in the southern continent of the earth, deep mountains and old forests.

‘Haa!!!!a A cry disturbed the birds in the forest.

‘lbs!!!!!!!! ‘ with a bang.

A small mountain was engulfed by a powerful gas and exploded.

Tianjin rice and dumplings, right here.

And what caused this damage was Tianjin Rice.

“Abominable!!!!!” A punch slammed into the ten-meter boulder in front of him.

The huge force instantly disintegrated the boulder into pieces.

Seeing that he was stimulated, Dumpling comforted by the side, not knowing what to do.

“Could it be that Saiyans really can’t surpass it?! After cultivating hard for so many years, in the end, it was not as good as in case… Joke?!! Tianjin Fan gritted his teeth and said angrily.

It was because he felt the breath of Darens that could not be surpassed, which caused him to fall into despair.

It was a powerful force that he could not even imagine.

Even he wondered if it was his own delusion, because that kind of power, is it really possible?

“Tianjin, don’t be angry, as long as we continue to cultivate, we will definitely become stronger.” Compared with Tianjin rice, the mentality of dumplings is more balanced.

To put it bluntly, dumplings have not really practiced since the Saiyan incident, and even if they have cultivation, they cannot be compared to other warriors.

His limit is really reached.

And because of his physique, it is impossible for him to make much breakthrough in combat power.

This also led to him becoming a dragon set in the later stages of the original work.

Even if he is still the follower of Tianjin Rice, but I have to say that he has retreated to the third line, or even the fourth line, even the turtle immortal is not as good as …



Inside a gym.

Yamucha is using fitness equipment for training.

He is really simple-minded and has developed limbs.

At the same time, I want to be satisfied by vanity.

Indeed, vanity is satisfied, because he is the kind of superman in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, he also indirectly wasted it.

He should have gone further, but he wasted a lot of time.

By the time he really reflects, by then it will be too late…



Bulma’s home.

Vegeta is training 300x gravity inside the spacecraft.

Since yesterday until now, he has not stopped for a moment.

Originally, his body had already reached its limit, but just now, he really sensed Dales’ qi!

Let him know better how horrific the horror of that Dales is.

He can’t continue to waste time, nor can he keep himself behind.

He wants to progress, and his dignity as a Saiyan prince pushes him to push beyond his limits.

“Abominable bastard!! Sooner or later, I will surpass you and surpass everyone!! I’m the strongest Saiyan!! Gritting his teeth, no matter how hard his body hits, no matter how hard his body has already arrived, he doesn’t care.

What he wants, pursues, is a greater power.


Source of darkness.

The depths of the Chao God Pool.

Dales finally broke out after undergoing the baptism of the I Ching without dead ends in the whole body of the super divine water.

In the darkness, it is like a dazzling golden flower.

Appears in a short period of time, disappears in a short time.

It’s short-lived, fleeting.

The golden flower disappeared for a moment, and the pitch-black Chaoshen pool was rendered, and the entire pool was shining with golden brilliance, and the refracted water surface was crystal clear.

This scene frightened the god in the pool to float his whole body above the water.

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can clearly see his appearance.

Unexpectedly, it was a huge stone man…

God in the pool: “You actually survived the pool of supergods… You, exactly, who are you…”

When the words fell, the surface of the pool rippled, and the waves rolled in all directions, and the figure of Darenes emerged from the pool.

The Dales at this time is no longer the Dales of the past.

Super Saiyan Tier 1 Full Power!!

With the help of the I Ching cleansing of the Chao Shen Pool, the potential development, he has already achieved!

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