‘Click~~~~~!! ’

‘Click~~~~~!! ’

‘Click~~~~~!! ’


The Super Saiyan’s power increased greatly, and Dales used almost all his strength to destroy this space.

Since you don’t want to give a face, you don’t need to give it again.

“Good fellow, don’t you want to show up until now?! I underestimated you!! But the more you do, the more interested I become. ”

“You should be testing my strength, right? You don’t believe that this special space will be really destroyed by me!! ”

“Huh~~! It’s a pity that not only do I really have that kind of power, but my power is far from being as terrible as you can imagine!! ”

After saying that, Dales clenched his fists and tied his horse.

The forehead is exposed with bruises, and the muscles of the whole body are swollen.

Beyond the power of Super Saiyan, the second form of Super Saiyan First Order.

Darens never took the initiative to break through, but after fighting Kakarot yesterday, he felt that he had broken through.

Transformation, although a little difficult, but Dalles does not need to shout and vent his emotions.

The magnitude of the qi was raised, and the power soared.

500 million boosts!

1 billion boost!!

2 billion !!!

The combat effectiveness exceeded 9 billion, reaching a node of nearly 9.3 billion.

This data is very accurate, Darens can be sure.

This is also the same as he expected, the second form of the first order of the Super Saiyan, the combat effectiveness has increased by 60 times that of the norm.

He had read a novel before, which said that the first form of the first order increased the normal by 50 times, the first order and the second form increased the normal by 60 times, the first order and the third form increased the normal by 70 times, and the first order of full power increased the normal by 80 times.

At the second stage, it is 100 times more normal.

Now according to his power improvement, it is indeed similar.

He can also continue to improve, and even directly reach the third form of the first order of Super Saiyan.

But there is no need for that.

The weakness of the third form is too obvious, and instead of transforming, it is better to study the full power directly.

Just now, this space is already shattered.

Hidden in the guardian spirit, the god of water, can no longer sit still.

A long voice came from invisibly: “Stop, continue, not only will the space be completely destroyed, but the super divine water you want will also be destroyed.” ”

Hearing this, Dales, who was still erupting momentum, twitched the corners of his mouth and said disdainfully: “Isn’t it over if you come out early?” I also need to prove my strength! But I can also see that you guy hidden in the dark has a good strength. ”

There is an estimate in mind.

The hidden guardian god of water, the strength is probably not only as simple as ten thousand, I am afraid that it has reached 100 million units.

Earth, unexpectedly hiding such a boss …


The picture changes.

The illusion of the northern polar region disappeared, and Dales entered darkness.

This is the core of this space.

It is also where the Chao God Pool is located.

With his domineering probing of perception and sight, Dales saw a dark shadow in the middle of the pool.

There is no doubt that he is the master here.

It’s just strange that this guy’s strength doesn’t seem to be very good.

Ten thousand levels??


How can this guy’s strength have 10,000-level combat power units, I’m afraid at most, and there will be a few thousand combat power, right? ?

Moreover, he has no entity, it should be a spirit body!!

“Ever since a few years ago there was a person here who drank the Super God Water and left alive, I guessed that more people would come… So many years have passed, and there is no waiting for the appearance of new people … I thought that kind of thing would not happen again, but unexpectedly, you came. The god of the pool said.

The voice is as loud as Hong Zhong, but it is very hoarse, and the real voice cannot be heard.


With a soft snort, Dales did not answer, and the unique golden aura of the Super Saiyan began to glow, illuminating this darkness.

“Your power is indeed ridiculously powerful. However, it is impossible to illuminate the source of darkness. The god of the pool said.

He believed in the power of Dhares, but he was still a principled God, and he just didn’t want to believe in something that was impossible to achieve.

Only the next scene made him dumbfounded.

This source of darkness, which has not been light for ten thousand years, is completely illuminated today, revealing all the scenes.

“…”The god of the pool.”

“Don’t use your knowledge to judge whether it’s possible or not! Frankly, in my eyes you are just an ant. Even if the Realm King God is in front of me, I may not take him seriously. And even more so you!! Let you witness my power with your own eyes, and not destroy this space, one is for the super divine water, and the other is to open your eyes, don’t be too presumptuous. Dalles said dismissively.

Invite him in well at the beginning, and he will talk in a harmonious voice, but now, there is no need.

Isn’t he trying to pretend? Then he pretends to be even bigger!!

See who’s capable!

The god of the pool was speechless.

After a long silence, he said, “Chao Shen Water, it’s on that table, if you want to drink it, take it and drink it.” Presumably, the side effects are already known to you and do not need to be explained. ”

“I’m still curious, since you have such a powerful power, the world should be invincible, why do you disdain to pursue, or even give up your life?”

Dalles said, “That’s not what you should ask.” If only my pursuit could be known, I wouldn’t have to live. ”

“In addition, the super divine water in this pot is not enough for me to drink, I want to enter the pool!!”

With a step, Darens maintained his Super Saiyan form, ready to step into the pool.

The God of the Pool: “You are really dead…”

“I said, don’t look at everything with your eyes! I, will not die!!! Because, I am Dales!!! ”

Dismissive, Darres stepped into the pool.

This pool of water is all super divine water, as soon as Darenes was contaminated, the whole person was like falling into the abyss, and he couldn’t see his five fingers.

At this time, even the light released by the Super Saiyan energy was engulfed.

It was as if it had completely disappeared and vanished.

The god of the pool saw this scene and sighed: “Greedy human beings. Drinking a cup of Super God Water is enough to develop potential and gain stronger power. But he went into the pool… I don’t know how many people have drowned in this pool of water, so far, no one has ever been able to come out alive…”

Without light, the source of darkness turned into darkness again, but the god of the pool was always above the surface of the water and did not sink.

He was also waiting, waiting for the impossible that Darenes said to become possible.

Early years ago, a human successfully drank super-divine water and lived.

This gave him a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of possibility.

Until now…

He had never encountered an existence as powerful as Darens.

Perhaps, it’s really possible…

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