In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3810: 3 Old Protoss Powers

Another few days passed.

Three mysterious and powerful ancient gods who are powerful and overpowering the world have come.

They are the power of the cosmic **** race, the power of the cosmic **** of casting, and the power of the cosmic **** hunter.

The Cosmos God Race, also known as the race of the conquerors of the universe, the red alien race, the big head and the small eyes are their characteristics, the inner evil, the desire to conquer is very strong, very jealous of which civilization is higher than their other civilizations, once tried to think To occupy the universe, the Great Conquest of the Great Dao of Talent is required.

Cosmic Casting Protoss, also known as Cosmic Casting Clan, they are giant spirits, more than nine meters tall, with a human-like appearance, golden skin, super-high IQ, and a very developed civilization. They are a group of kind-hearted alien species. , Because they are a family of giant spirits, there are fewer ethnic groups, they are very yearning for peace, and they are gifted with great casting techniques.

The cosmic **** hunters, also known as the cosmic hunters, some of them look like animals, but are extremely intelligent, some are good at flying, and some live underground. It looks very strange, very similar to a cyan mole, has a flexible response, is relatively smart, and has a talent for the great hunting technique.

The three ancient gods of the ancient gods appeared majestically outside the forbidden area of ​​the Primal Chaos Origin Cave, and after exploring for a while, they turned around to look at Ji Haotian, Arvasa Shishen, and Yanyong Gongjun, who were sitting under the shade of the trees present.

In the end, the eyes of the three ancient gods were all focused on Ji Haotian, a man of peerless beauty.

Among them, the great master of the God Race from the universe said indifferently to Ji Haotian, "Boy, what's your name?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Is something wrong?"

He was very disgusted with these three ancient gods, and even had murderous intentions, because his supreme heavenly eye had already seen that these three ancient gods were full of evil and sinful, they were all poisonous to the common people, killing people like numbness The cosmic tumor!

The Supreme Eye of Heaven: The first eye of the universe, the eye of the ultimate first cause, the image is a supreme, holy, mysterious human vertical eye.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye ranks first in the universe's "Three Thousand Different Eyes List". It is the most powerful super magical eye. It can see through the past, present, and future of all the infinite omnipotent universes; it can see through time, space, and matter. , energy, spirit, destiny, cause and effect, essence, laws and everything; can see through the hearts and minds of all living beings; can identify all things in the universe, distinguish between good and evil and true and false, all things in the universe and reality In the eyes of the Supreme Heaven, there is no way to escape.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye can turn anyone's imagination into reality, and can realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of him, because it can modify and manipulate them at will.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye can copy all physical superpowers and make its own physical attack and defense capabilities invincible; the Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye can enter the thinking of other people, and can also make all fantasy, Dreams and thoughts enter his brain, it can enhance spiritual power and increase spiritual ability, and can simultaneously enter into the mind of all existing things, control, modify, manipulate, and erase.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye can see through, see through, and see through all existence and non-existence in a blink of an eye, and destroy billions of creatures in the universe with a blink of an eye. It is the eye of the ultimate destiny, the eye of the ultimate cause and effect, and the eye of the ultimate judgment. , is the eye of the strongest and ultimate first cause in the universe dominated by the Heavenly Dao.

The Supreme Heavenly Daoyan has rights that even the author does not have. Whether it is a pure text novel or any setting, concept, or character in a comic, it has no meaning to it. Just like the author, it can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strength and weakness are manipulated at will (for example, it thinks that everything in the work is higher than Brahma, or that all the indefinable and all beyond the causal logic disappear, then it will be established. Because analysis has no meaning to it, only how it thinks itself how will it work).

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye can trigger a chain reaction that human beings can never understand, destroy everything in the universe, including all cause and effect, world, logic, time, thinking, dimension, non-material, matter, and space, plus it can be created at will.

The unsurpassed heavenly eye is not non-existent, non-non-existent, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, indescribable, incomprehensible, wandering in nothingness, walking outside logic , walking in the formless, listening to the voiceless, seeing the intangible, that is, no attribute, no difference, no limit and no restrictions and descriptions of any conditions and objects.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Eye does not have any difference, inside or outside, or part, nor does it have any attribute, movement, or change. It transcends both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as the experience categories of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. The absolute reality, the most powerful beings, the most powerful concepts all end in the eyes of the Supreme Heaven.

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