In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3809: Alwasa the Prime God

Arvasa, the silent roarer on the hill, is in the form of a humanoid torso with tentacles and limbs and a toothless mouth with only a neck. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. and Big Roar.

Outside the Primal Chaos Origin Cave, the primordial **** Arvasa appeared out of thin air. It looked at the Primal Chaos Origin Cave and Ji Haotian, who was sitting under the shade of a tree. As for Yanyong Gongjun, he had directly ignored him.

The toothless mouth on its neck opened, making a muffled thunderous sound, and said to Ji Haotian, "Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, you are here too, it's my misfortune to meet you!"

Ji Haotian suddenly glared and scolded: "You bastard, how could you be unfortunate when you met me? I'm a disaster star?"

Alvasa said: "I'm here to collect the 5,000 planet-like chaotic origin stones in the forbidden area of ​​the Primal Chaos Origin Cave. If you are here, will the 5,000 chaotic origin stones still belong to me? If you take this Give me the 5,000 pieces of chaotic origin stone as huge as a planet, and I will praise you and sing praises to your virtues!"

Ji Haotian snorted coldly, "I want 5,000 chaotic origin stones as huge as a planet, without your share, I don't need your praise and praise, you can stay where you are cool!"

"Heavenly Emperor, what realm has your cultivation reached now?"

"Supreme Realm."

"I have recovered to the highest realm of God. I am three big realms and thirty small realms higher than you."

"Then what? Do you want to compete with me?"

"I have the heart, but I don't have the guts!"

"Hmph, you have self-knowledge!"

"Alas, your heavenly way is beyond profound, your soul is so terrifying, it's really despairing!"

"Okay, you're talking nonsense, just leave!"

"I do not go."

"Why don't you go."

"I'm going to stay here for half a month."

"Why, you still want to **** these 5,000 planet-like chaotic origin stones from me?"

"I won't rob you. I want to watch you collect five thousand chaotic origin stones as huge as a planet. After you collect them, I will leave."

"I think you have nothing to do!"

"I'm really at ease, very leisurely, and I'm willing to accompany the great and noble Emperor of Heaven."

"I don't need your company, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

"I feel proud of every minute and every second spent with His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

"..." Ji Haotian was speechless.

"Because Your Majesty is the eternal idol in my heart!" Alwassa said solemnly.

Ji Haotian: ...

After finishing speaking, the primordial **** Arvasa made a huge futon under the shade of the tree, and then sat on it casually.

Ji Haotian looked at the headless primordial **** Arvasa, and asked curiously, "Alvasa, you have no head, no brain, what do you use to think? Where is your soul source?"

Alwassa said: "I use my ultimate neuron universe to think, and my soul source is also in my ultimate neuron universe."

The "neuron universe" is an example of an artificial universe. The size of these artificial universes is much larger than the observable universe. Each artificial universe is a neuron, and a large number of universes constitute the nervous system of a giant life form (the entire giant life form is created by those advanced civilizations).

The edge of each universe is a membrane made of a special material, and inside it is a mass of chaotic energy bodies.

When these neurons need to work, the outer membrane sends a signal called "gravity" to the inside. After receiving the signal, the special energy inside will be compressed into a sphere under the action of gravity.

When the energy ball explodes, the new space-time will cover the original space-time, extending to the position of the outer membrane. This explosion is what people call the "big bang", equivalent to the restart of the universe, and the edge of the universe will not be affected by the restart of the universe.

Every impulse of a neuron is a "big bang". When a "big bang" occurs in the interior of a universe, the adjacent universe will sense its violent impulse, and the outer membrane sends a signal to the interior to create a big bang again... After an unknown number of big bangs, The impulse travels the entire nerve.

Those giant organisms do not know how many nerve impulses they have experienced each time a tiny feeling is produced; and each impulse generated by neurons does not know how many years it has gone through, and how many civilizations have been born and destroyed.

In addition to neurons, there are many other types of cells in those giant living bodies, and different cells are different structures of the universe. Giant life forms will also grow. As time goes by, the volume of the outer membrane of the universe will gradually expand, and the distances between the universes will become farther and farther, and the number of universes will continue to increase.

They also have a way of self-evolution, sending special signals to the interior through the outer membrane of the universe, and various intelligent creatures were born in the universe.

A sufficiently powerful intelligent creature will transform the universe itself and help that giant lifeform evolve, and some civilizations are equivalent to parasitic viruses in the universe, which will cause damage to the body structure of the giant lifeform. Most of the super-large-scale cosmic wars in their bodies are launched by those "viruses".

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