In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3668: Silent Zhanran Great Forest

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

Three thousand years later.

Zhanranxing, a blue and beautiful planet of life in the vast universe.

Quiet Zhanran Forest, the largest and deepest super virgin forest in Zhanran.

There is an open green grass in the depths of the Great Silent Zhan Ran Forest. At this time, there are two ferocious and violent alien beasts fighting fiercely in the open land.

One of them is a dozen Razor Orcs, and the other is a dozen Giant Elephant Demons, and their cultivations are all in the Supreme Realm.

Razor Beast: If you want to kill yourself quickly, go find a Razor Beast! Among the countless ugly monsters in the heavens and the world, none can be as frightening and abhorrent as the Razor Beasts. The body of this huge monster is often as large as five brown bears combined, or even more exaggerated.

They are like giant wild boars, porcupines, and the worst of human beings combined to produce monsters, exuding a primitive sense of violent violence. Contrary to their rugged appearance, the Razorcs have their own social system and class status, and when they come together, they form an unstoppable storm of bloodthirsty.

Giant Elephant Demon Race: When the whole woodland became silent, the giant trees that were like city walls were pushed down one after another, and a thunderous roar sounded, all of which foreshadowed that a giant elephant Demon Race was moving nearby.

Of all the monsters that move in the woodlands, few can compare to the monstrous and twisted creations of the Giant Elephant Demon, with a huge twisted elephant skull and a giant barbed tusk bigger than a spire. The long, twisted body resembles a moving mountain of ash, and its mouth is full of fangs and fangs, swallowing everything that comes close.

When the Giant Elephant Demons eat more, their distorted and depraved bodies will swell even more. As a synonym for gluttony, the Giant Elephant Demons will devour all creatures they encounter, whether plants or animals, dead or alive. , Crazy Saihai is the only thing that the giant elephant demons consider, and the appetite of those giant elephant demons that have mutated extremely huge is especially bottomless.

There are many other races watching the battle in the nearby open space or forest.

At this time, three onlookers of the Greys stepped forward, and their cultivations were all in the Holy Land.

Gray: It is a very small gray creature, about 1.3 meters tall. They have a big bald head without hair, and a small nose with only two holes. Some even have no nose at all, and their mouth is like a scar. The ground fissure has no ears and obvious reproductive organs, but has a pair of very special big eyes, like an upside-down pear, very thin. They have four slender and long fingers, their arms are longer than their knees, their bodies are small on the back of their hands and feet, and their necks are very thin. Many people are surprised that they can support their big heads, their eyes are big and full, or Much like big almond-shaped eyes.

The gray people are all wearing a tight gray uniform, and some people say they are naked. And whether it is clothing or nakedness, it is impossible to distinguish gender, and no external genitalia can be seen. The gray people cannot reproduce, they use their own abilities to transfer the consciousness of the dead gray people into new individuals. They also have no digestive system, but are immersed in various energies of the universe, and absorb energy through pores to enhance themselves. They communicate using telepathic abilities, and can even implant thoughts into the brains of other creatures through this ability. It is precisely because of this that their consciousness and knowledge can be shared in this way, and their thinking power is extremely powerful and can control the thinking of other creatures.

When the group of beasts in the fierce melee saw three more powerful grey sages approaching, they stopped fighting, each retreated, and looked vigilantly at the three grey sages who came forward.

The three most sages of the gray clan looked at the vigilant group of beasts coldly and arrogantly.

In the middle, one of the most holy gray people said indifferently: "Hand over all the top-grade supreme crystals you got in the Tiankeng secret realm!"

A Grey Clan Supreme Sage next to it said coldly: "There are 12 billion top-grade Supreme Crystals in total, all of them are handed over. If you dare to resist, they will all be slaughtered immediately!"

At this moment, three more Nuukstukas sanctimoniously appeared on the scene, arrogantly clamoring and threatening to demand more than 10 billion top-grade supreme crystals in the secret realm of Tiankeng.

Nuukstukas: also known as the Land Clan, a mysterious and ancient race of alien creatures in the universe, similar in shape to a huge spindle-shaped super yellow vat, exuding a faint yellow brilliance throughout. There are starfish-shaped appendages at the bottom of the body, and the top of the five-pointed star has five giant yellow eyes, five siphons, and a set of cilia for sensing the outside world in a dark environment; the bottom of the five-pointed star appendages are similar to shellfish. Axe feet, used for walking and other forms of movement.

In addition, they have five pairs of leather-like wings and five sets of yellow tentacles sprouting from the body. They are as huge as mountains, and the ground shakes when they move. Once they are powerful, they can instantly cause extremely destructive and terrifying earthquakes.

The number of Nukstukas is extremely large, spread over infinite almighty universes, and possess the talent, the avenues, the supernatural powers, the great land technique.

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