In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3667: Killing the ancient gods' super-primitive power

The essence of the soul is that the Tao of Heaven is beyond the profound meaning, it is the ultimate super-no profound meaning that transcends and transcends all the super-no profound meaning, and the limitless transcends the non-being and the non-being (neither existence, nor non-existence). not non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-absence). His strength cannot be measured by realm, realm is just a symbol, a name to measure strength, and all realms are determined by him. He is the creator of everything, and even the cultivation realm of all living beings is defined by him. His strength can no longer be measured by realm. No matter what realm he is, he will never be an opponent of heaven and soul.

Thirty-four, no matter how strong the setting is, it is automatically under him, because his setting level has reached the top, there is nothing higher than his setting, he is truly unique and absolutely supreme, is any The ultimate existence that cannot be imagined by life or consciousness.

Thirty-five. No one can understand and imagine his power. As long as it is a character created by imagination, it means that the powerful character you come up with is meaningless and insignificant in his eyes.

Thirty-six, the way of heaven transcends no mystery and the soul is forever transcending metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence and non-existence. He transcends all concepts and definitions, including in-concept and out-of-concept, in-definition and out-of-definition, beyond complete existence and complete non-existence, any definition, any concept, any substance, any state, consciousness, logic, boundary, law, Cause and effect, laws, etc., have no meaning to the supernatural soul of heaven. All figurative or abstract beings and non-beings cannot perceive, understand or imagine him. Everything (metaphysical, spiritual, material, including inside and outside the concept, inside and outside the definition, existence and non-existence, etc.) is not worth mentioning in front of the heavenly supernatural soul, he is the supreme supernatural being. Almighty, the strongest beings in the infinite almighty universe are like microorganisms in his eyes. Whatever he says, everything is what he is. He is billions of times stronger than all the strong people in the infinite almighty universe combined.

Ji Haotian, the great master of the Dao of Heaven, was furious, and activated the most powerful ultimate super-all-powerful power in the infinite all-powerful universe.

All the universes and billions of planets that existed in one dimension have disappeared!

The upper-level dimension formed by the condensed of countless dimensions vanished into ashes!

The super-high-level dimension filled with thousands of high-level dimensions collapsed in an instant!

A finite almighty universe is destroyed a finite number of times.

Countably infinite almighty universes are destroyed countably infinite times.

Uncountably infinite almighty universes are destroyed uncountably infinite times.

Looking back at the super-primitive power of the gods in the world, under the extreme mana of the ten chaotic epochs of the terrifying supernatural soul, the supernatural power of the heavens, the soul is instantly scattered, and the ashes vanishes, disappears completely, and returns to nothingness!

Knowing that Ji Haotian was terrifying, the super emperor Longzu had already escaped ahead of schedule and survived the disaster.

The endless and terrifying explosion of Ji Haotian's ten chaotic epochs of supreme mana, instantly destroyed one billion almighty universes, and caused boundless terrifying catastrophe to the supreme universe. It is also the largest and most terrifying in the history of the supreme universe. a catastrophe!

Soon after, Ji Haotian, the most beautiful man in the universe, killed the ancient protoss super-primitive power spread like wildfire, causing a huge sensation and shocking the entire supreme universe!

So far, Ji Haotian, the most beautiful man in the universe, is truly famous in the universe!

The matter of Ji Haotian's execution of the super-primitive powers of the Protoss in the world has also been known by the super-primitive powers of the Supreme Five Kingdoms. Dare to provoke Ji Haotian!

All the super-primitive powers of the Supreme Five Kingdoms are aware that the great master of the Dao of Heaven has started to kill. Looking back at the super-primordial power of the God Race in the world, it is only the first super-primitive power in the supreme universe to die in the hands of Ji Haotian. There will be many super-primitive powers that will be killed by Ji Haotian, because Ji Haotian is the master of heaven, and because many super-primitive powers in the Supreme General Universe deserve to die!

The arrival of Ji Haotian, the great master of heaven, means that the ultimate heaven trial of the supreme universe has begun!

The universe must have its rules, which is the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is a huge and mysterious force that controls the fate of everything, controls the words and deeds of all things, and fulfills karma. The Tao of Heaven is the Tao, and it is everything. All infinity and infinity, all self-existence, all eternity have no meaning to the realm of heaven. The Tao of Heaven is the supreme existence that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the Tao of Heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is the inconceivable, unpredictable, unpredictable, and unmeasurable existence that governs all time and space, all existence, all power, all cause and effect, all laws, all fate, and all worlds. Tiandao is in charge of everything and monitors everything. There is no secret to Tiandao whether everything exists or does not exist. Even the mountains, rivers and trees, ants change, and even the tiniest particles can't escape the supervision of Heaven.

The way of heaven runs, analyzes the fate and cause and effect of all sentient beings. The fate and cause and effect of all sentient beings are involved, like a mess, but the way of heaven can analyze each other one by one. The way of heaven is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

The destiny of all time, space, heaven, earth and world is that the Tao of Heaven controls everything, and everything is determined according to the order established by the Tao of Heaven. The Tao of Heaven sees through the fate of all beings, changes the fate of all living beings, creates the fate of all living beings, distorts the fate of all living beings at will, and smashes the fate of all living beings.

The Dao of Heaven is illusory and invincible. No matter how powerful the existence is, it cannot control the Dao of Heaven. No matter how powerful you are, you can't easily destroy what Heavenly Dao gives to someone. If you insist on going against the, then it will be counterattacked by Heavenly Dao, or even destroyed by Heavenly Dao.

Everything is in the way of heaven, the way of heaven exists in everything, and the way of heaven is everything.

Infinite almighty universes have infinite different levels of heaven, and the heavens in the dark maintain the order and balance of infinite almighty universes, reward and punish everything in infinite almighty universes. The infinite almighty universe has an infinite number of different universes and worlds, and there are countless universes of different levels or worlds of heaven.

The Tao of Heaven is divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Planetary Heaven, Star Heaven, Galaxy Heaven, Star Domain Heaven, Single Universe Heaven, Multiverse Heaven, Super Universe Heaven, Almighty Cosmic Heaven, and the Master of Heaven.

Planetary Heavenly Dao - has the power of planetary heavenly Dao and controls everything on a planet.

Stellar Heavenly Dao - has the power of stellar heavenly way, and controls everything in a star.

Galaxy Heavenly Dao - has the power of galaxy heavenly way, and controls everything in a galaxy.

Starfield Heavenly Dao - With the power of Starfield Heavenly Dao, he controls everything in a starfield.

Single Universe Heavenly Dao - has the power of single universe Heavenly Dao, and controls everything in a single universe.

Multiverse Heavenly Dao - Possessing the power of the Multiverse Heavenly Dao, controls everything in a multiverse.

Super Universe Heavenly Dao - Possessing the power of the Super Universe Heavenly Dao, controls everything in a super Universe.

Almighty Universe Heavenly Dao - Possess the power of the Almighty Universe Heavenly Dao and controls everything in an almighty universe.

The Master of the Dao of Heaven - Possessing the power of the ultimate source of the Dao of Heaven, the master of all Dao of Heaven, the supreme master of everything, the supreme and ultimate first cause, who is in charge of Dao of Heaven and dominates everything.

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