In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3661: Honghuang 12 Dragon Ancestor (1)

Ji Haotian's use of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mystery Technique not only controlled the supreme **** of the Agrios, but even the unpredictable Jue Fuli Tiangong was instantly controlled by his spiritual consciousness.

As a result, Jue Yibuli Tiangong and the supreme **** of Agrius sang the song "You Will Win if You Love Fighting" to Ji Haotian.

I can't help but sigh when I lose my mind for a while

I can't help but feel terrified

even if you lose hope

Drunk every day

Soulless body is like a scarecrow

Life is like waves on the sea

sometimes ups and downs

Good luck and bad luck

Three points of the sky are destined to be seven points by hard work

Love to fight will win

I can't help but sigh when I lose my mind for a while

I can't help but feel terrified

Even if I lose hope

Drunk every day

Soulless body is like a scarecrow

Life is like waves on the sea

sometimes ups and downs

Good luck and bad luck

Three points of the sky are destined to be seven points by hard work

Love to fight will win

Life is like waves on the sea

sometimes ups and downs

Good luck and bad luck

Three points of the sky are destined to be seven points by hard work

Love to fight will win


One person and one blame were singing enthusiastically, and Ji Haotian was not idle. He performed the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Righteous Technique and quickly and unwittingly removed the nine planet-like gigantic fragments of the Primordial Treasure in the multiverse of the God of Heaven. Twelve planet-like chaotic origin stones were all stripped out and stored in the multiverse of his body.

Twelve chaotic origin stones as huge as planets can make other people's cultivation level rise three small realms in a row, but for Ji Haotian, it can make his cultivation level rise two small realms at most.

For Ji Haotian, it was not bad to be able to rise to two small realms in a row. His breakthrough was too difficult!

Suddenly, a Nightmare Demon Clan and a Giant Elephant Demon Clan rushed over, the demon might be mighty and mighty.

Nightmare Demon Race: The image is a crow's wings that cover the sky, twisted and strong limbs, eyes full of hatred burning and constantly releasing magical energy, and a terrifying and grotesque head, all of which constitute the brutal shape of this group of big demon races. . The Nightmare Demons are almost omnipotent and know everything. From any angle, the powerful magical energy in their bodies is no less than that of any other great demon.

When a Nightmare Demon descends to the mortal world, its gigantic body that twists and incarnates will be at least as tall as thousands of tens of thousands of miles, and it can completely block all sunlight just by spreading its wings. And emits a shriek that is creepy to any living creature. Rather than using extraordinary power to kill, the Nightmare Demons are more willing to indirectly create terror. They rarely use power directly, but use illusions to evoke the most primitive fear in the hearts of mortals or distort the shape of creatures into terrifying creatures. Shape to scare the rest of his kind, etc. to create fear.

Giant Elephant Demon Race: When the whole woodland became silent, the giant trees that were like city walls were pushed down one after another, and a thunderous roar sounded, all of which foreshadowed that a giant elephant Demon Race was moving nearby.

Of all the monsters that move in the woodlands, few can compare to the monstrous and twisted creations of the Giant Elephant Demon, with a huge twisted elephant skull and a giant barbed tusk bigger than a spire. The long, twisted body resembles a moving mountain of ash, and its mouth is full of fangs and fangs, swallowing everything that comes close.

When the Giant Elephant Demons eat more, their distorted and depraved bodies will swell even more. As a synonym for gluttony, the Giant Elephant Demons will devour all creatures they encounter, whether plants or animals, dead or alive. , Crazy Saihai is the only thing that the giant elephant demons consider, and the appetite of those giant elephant demons that have mutated extremely huge is especially bottomless.

Before the mighty Nightmare Demons and Giant Elephant Demons could unleash their magical powers, Ji Haotian suddenly kicked them all out of Ziguangxing with his feet.

Ji Haotian was about to leave when suddenly, the space was Chaodi Longzu, one of the twelve dragon ancestors in the prehistoric times, flashed out. Now Chaodi Longzu has transformed into a human being, a mighty and domineering man. The man in the golden robe of the human race, the dragon is mighty and mighty, overwhelming the world.

The Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation: The twelve presidents of the Shiguo Elders Association (the highest legislative body of the Shiguo), twelve super-primitive powers and super-spacers who existed in forty-eight chaotic ages, from the twelve primitive primordial ancestors. All students have the soul of Taiyi.

The Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Wilderness all have strong limbs or giant claws, long tails and huge bodies like mountains. Some of them have huge wings like mountains. They are extremely mysterious, ancient, terrifying, huge and tyrannical. Their brains Afterwards, there are silver halos of wisdom and various visions.

Not only are they incomparably huge, but they are also infinitely powerful. They possess absolutely incomparable power, and can absolutely break through all spells with one force. All magical powers and obstacles can be broken with incomparable power.

In order to facilitate walking, cultivation or other things, they usually change into creatures of other races. The human race is the largest race in the universe, and they usually like to walk or cultivate in the multiverse by changing into the appearance of humans.

The Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Wilderness have twelve almighty treasures, all of them possessing twin emperor-level talent Dao supernatural powers, one of which is the great prehistoric technique that represents their common original prehistoric origin, and the other is the talent Dao supernatural power that represents their respective innate origins , the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation are:

1. Super Emperor Dragon Ancestor, the ancestor of the Super Emperor Dragon Clan, the Dragon of the Universe, the Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Powers Great Harvest Technique and Great Universe Technique.

2. The ancestor of the super-thorn dragon, the ancestor of the super-thorn dragon family, the dragon of all things, the twin talents, the supernatural powers of the great flood and the great all things.

3. Ancestor of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the ancestor of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dragon of Power, Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Powers Great Harvest Technique and Great Power Technique.

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