In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3660: Supreme God of Agrius

Ziguang Star, Ziyun Mountain, the ancient Zixia Cave Mansion.

Outside the enchantment of the ancient Zixia Cave Mansion, Ji Haotian, the great ruler of heaven and one of the Ten Great Laws of the Universe, Jue Yibu Li Tiangong met unexpectedly.

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong looked at Ji Haotian who was standing proudly, and smiled lightly: "Ji Haotian, the most beautiful man in the universe, I didn't expect you to find me so soon!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Little Lizi, are you happy to see your brother and me?"

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong said with a black face: "Don't call me Xiao Lizi, I'm not a eunuch! You are not a brother, you are a younger brother, because you have not grown up yet, you belong to a human cub, belong to a younger brother! See you and me Not happy, ghosts are happy!"

Ji Haotian suddenly threw a space ring to Jue Yibuli Tiangong.

After reading it, Jue Yibu Li nodded with satisfaction: "10 billion top-grade high-grade crystals, yes, I saw your intentions, thank you for your greeting, I accept it!"

After he finished speaking, he unceremoniously put away the 10 billion top-grade high-grade crystals.

Ji Haotian said, "This is not a gift to meet and greet, it is used to buy your nine pieces of the great treasure as large as a planet. Now that you have received the money, give me your nine pieces of the great treasure of Hongmeng!"

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong shook his head and said, "If you want beauty, don't give it!"

Ji Haotian looked at the ancient Zixia Cave Mansion, and then looked at Jue Yibuli Tiangong, and said indifferently: "There are twelve chaotic origin stones as huge as planets in the cave of the ancient Zixia Cave Mansion. Have you taken them all?"

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong proudly said: "Yes, twelve chaotic origin stones as huge as planets are all mine!"

Ji Haotian threw a space ring to Jue Yibuli Tiangong again.

After reading it, Jue Yibu Li Tiangong said in surprise: "1.2 billion top-grade high-grade crystal? Why did you give me 1.2 billion top-grade top-grade high-grade crystal?"

Ji Haotian said: "These 1.2 billion top-grade high-grade crystals are used to buy your twelve giant chaotic source stones like planets. I devoured and refined these chaotic source stones, and my cultivation base will inevitably increase greatly, so these twelve I want a huge chaotic source stone like a planet. Okay, no nonsense, Xiao Lizi, give me all nine pieces of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure and twelve chaotic source stones!"

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong pouted and sneered: "Ji Haotian, don't be delusional, you won't get anything from me. If you dare to do it, I will fight with you to the end!"

Ji Haotian called out impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, okay? Hurry up, give me what I want, I have to go home quickly, my mother is waiting for me to come home for dinner, hurry up!"

"Uh..." Jue Yibu Li Tiangong staggered, his head was covered with black lines, and he was speechless.

Suddenly, a strange ray of light appeared in the towering jungle in the distance, shot in front of the enchantment of the cave, and turned into an evil and terrifying Agrius **** clan whose cultivation was in the supreme **** realm.

Agrios God Race: Also known as Aro Venus extra-dimensional evil race, it is an ultimate alien monster with a strange and terrifying shape. In the endless nothingness, staring at huge and evil colored giant eyes, its shape looks undulating , constantly changing within seconds, rising like a gum to great heights, then sinking and expanding, extending forward with long, slimy colored tentacles. The entire surface of the colored gelatinous skin was covered with a layer of filthy pus, which was firmly adhered to the surface, and seemed to be secreted from the huge leather-like surface hole... In the approximate center of this rancid colored giant, there was a The big hole of saliva was inhaling and exhaling in odious rhythms, looking like a huge, terrifying mouth.

The supreme **** of the gods of Agrios (the supreme **** is called the supreme god) stared at Jueyibuli Tiangong and said with a devilish voice: "You entered the ancient Zixia cave? Twelve pieces of the cave in the cave What about the giant Chaos Originium like a planet? Did you get it?"

Jue Yibuli raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, I got it, how come, do you want it?"

The supreme **** of Agrius said arrogantly: "If you are a wise boy, come out, give it to me, give it all to me!"

Jue Yibu Li Tiangong ignored it and said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, I heard that you like to hear different races sing to you?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "Yes, Xiao Lizi, do you want to sing for me?"

Jue Yi is not right: "Have you ever heard the Agrios sing?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Jue Yi didn't stand up for justice: "Will you let this supreme **** of the Agrios sing? Let's listen to the song and relax."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Okay, listen to the song."

As soon as he finished his words, his thoughts moved, and he instantly displayed the profound and infinite spiritual power of heaven.

Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mystery Gong: Also known as the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Super-Almighty Magical Art, it has the origin of the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mysterious Gong and the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mysterious Spiritual Art. The source of power is the most powerful spiritual force in the infinite multiverse, which can create, transform and transcend any complex emotional pattern or dense thought-form. It creates and controls all the spiritual forces of the infinite multiverse - such as will, emotion, cause and effect, karma, karma, soul, etc. It is because of her existence that all spiritual powers can exist and manifest themselves in specific ways such as creativity, destruction, energy, matter, and power.

The Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mystery Gong is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers can only be successfully cultivated by possessing the body of heaven and comprehending the existence of heaven. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

The Heavenly Dao Spiritual Mystery Gong is the connection point of the spiritual minds of all existing or future existences in the entire countless multiverses, and the creator and source of all existing or future spiritual powers in the entire countless multiverses. That is, the spiritual connection point and the source of energy of all things in the universe and space within all time lines. It can cover and link infinite multiverses, that is, the whole nature, including infinite dimensions. It can cut or regenerate any part of the multiverse, or even destroy it completely - this is called "the verdict of the spiritual power of heaven".

All energy, spiritual consciousness and life from the infinite multiverse are strictly possible and even must be part of its It can modify any event on the time axis, and can control and manipulate the space dimension The coordinates and any coordinates on the timeline can delay the timeline to destroy any space-time coordinates on the timeline. No matter if this coordinate is material or immaterial, or even this space-time coordinate itself. It is also possible to completely delete one or some parallel universes in a certain dimension. Can manipulate multiverse energies and use the power reserved for future generations to deny their existence. As the linking point for all psychic energies, it possesses psychic abilities on a natural scale, including telepathy and teleportation with a high level of cosmic awareness and precognition. It also has the ability to reverse the laws of causality, such as reverse timelines, to modify or delete history by destroying the time-space coordinates of history.

The Spiritual Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao represents the concretization of the sum of the spiritual profoundness of the Heavenly Dao in the entire universe. It is the master of all the spiritual profoundness of the Heavenly Dao. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts that were born when infinite almighty universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

It can arbitrarily manipulate the spiritual mysteries of the infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the spiritual mysteries of the heavens. Any insignificant point in its infinite spiritual avatars of the Tao of Heaven is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Spiritual Profound Truth is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is at the super-almighty universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and inestimable power of the Heavenly Dao spiritual profound meaning. A single thought produces and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the spiritual mysteries of the Tao of Heaven, and the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

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