In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3650: Mysterious and infinite heaven creates profound meaning

"Boom!" An earth-shattering bang!

Incomparably terrifying, the infinitely powerful Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Righteous Gong instantly suppressed the Infinite Heavenly Lord to the ground!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian quickly performed the Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Righteousness, forcibly depriving him of the nine planet-like gigantic Hongmeng treasure fragments and a cosmic crystal ball in the multiverse of Yuanyuan Tiangong's body.

It's not over yet. Ji Haotian, who succeeded, didn't stop immediately, but he beat the Origin Boundless Heavenly Master who was suppressed to the ground with a violent and stormy beating!

The Infinite God of Origin turned into Ji Haotian to rob the treasury of the Almighty Universe of Truth and framed Ji Haotian. Ji Haotian said he didn't care, but in fact he was already angry, so he wouldn't let the God of Origin Boundless easily!

As a result, the origin of the endless source of heaven is tragic!

Under the shocked and terrified gazes of countless people in the cosmic crystal ball trading area, Ji Haotian beat the Origin Boundless Heavenly Lord, his clothes were tattered and bruised all over the place, which was horrible to watch!

In the end, the fierce and violent Ji Haotian beat Benyuan Boundless Heaven to death!

After Ji Haotian killed the Genesis Boundless Heavenly Lord, he suddenly performed the Heavenly Dao Creation and Profound Righteous Power. The endless and mysterious power of the Heavenly Dao's creation and creation and the Profound Truth instantly resurrected the Origin Boundless Heavenly Master!

The Profound Righteousness Technique of the Creation of the Way of Heaven: Also known as the Super Almighty Divine Technique of Creation of the Way of Heaven Supreme, supreme transcendence, it is an absolute level of omniscience and omnipotence. As this absolute level, it has no opposition between subject and object, neither inner wisdom nor outer wisdom nor inner and outer wisdom nor pure wisdom, neither wisdom nor non-intelligence; neither cause nor effect, unthinkable, Unwritten, unintelligible, uncountable, uncountable, undefinable, unintelligible, undocumented, immeasurable, intangible, unspeakable, unobtainable, unapproachable, inconceivable, unnamed, self-existent, annihilating Drama, silence, ease, non-duality.

The Profound Righteousness Technique of the Creation of the Way of Heaven is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine technique (a divine technique is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of the innate supernatural powers, only those who possess the heavenly body and understand the existence of the heavenly way can successfully cultivate. That is to say, only the master of the heavenly way can control the heavenly way and create the profound righteousness, and its power is worthy of More than the omnipotent, omnipotent and self-existing almighty treasure.

The inexhaustible power of the Heavenly Dao Creation Profound Truth can instantly swept through infinite almighty universes, and can instantly create, transform, dominate, nourish, heal, change, and revive everything in infinite omnipotent universes, including creation or creation. Restart infinite almighty universes, heal or resurrect all beings in the universe. Because of the existence of the Profound Righteous Art of Creation and Generation by the Way of Heaven, the owner of the Profound Righteousness Art of Creation and Creation by the Way of Heaven is absolutely immortal. No matter how much damage, it cannot completely destroy him.

At the beginning of the universe, before the birth of all heaven, there was the Profound Truth of Creation and Creation of Heaven. Inside and outside, everything that cannot be defined is one of its infinite dreams.

The power of Heaven's Creation Mystery is full of all infinite multiple realities, multiple dimensions, multiple levels, spiral narratives, narratives, hyperspace structures, plane quadrants, setting blank sheets, final core, ultimate realm, above the dome The so-called fantasy and cosmic singularity, time and space torrents, reality and virtuality, inner narrative, outer narrative, superimposed boxes, etc., are just small stones that can be played at will in front of it.

The Profound Truth of the Creation of the Dao of Heaven represents the concretization of the sum of the Profound Truth of the Creation of the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Heaven. It is the master of all the Profound Truth of Creation and Generation of the Dao of Heaven. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine power that was born when infinite almighty universes were created. The source, creator and manipulator of Creation Mystery.

Can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite omnipotent universe (infinite dimensions) of the Profound Truth Line of the Creation of Heaven and create new branches. Any trivial point in its infinite avatars of Heaven's Dao Creation Profound Truth is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Profound Truth of Heaven’s Way of Creation is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is of super-almighty universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and inestimable power of Heaven’s Way of Creation and Profound Truth. A single thought produces and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (restarting the universe). > create the universe > destroy the universe). It is the ultimate truth of the creation and profound meaning of heaven, and it is the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

The resurrected Primordial Boundless Heavenly Justice was about to go mad again, Ji Haotian suddenly beat him frantically again, and beat him to death again!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian once again performed the profound and profound art of the creation and creation of the Heavenly Dao to resurrect the Infinite Heavenly God. After being resurrected, he was killed again. After being killed, he was resurrected again.

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