In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3649: Ultimate Universe Crystal Ball

After reading the space ring, God of Infinite Origin said in surprise: "Ten billion top-grade high-grade crystals? Give ten billion top-grade top-grade high-grade crystals when you meet, so polite? Thank you!"

As he said, he had already collected the 10 billion top-grade to Gaojing.

Ji Haotian said, "You have already collected my 10 billion top-grade high-grade crystals, and give me your nine pieces of the gigantic treasure of Hongmeng like a planet, right?"

The Infinite God of Origin shook his head and said, "I didn't say that the 10 billion top-grade Supreme High Crystal sold you nine pieces of the Supreme Treasure of Hongmeng. You think too much."

Ji Haotian said, "But you have already received my 10 billion top-grade high-grade crystals."

The source is endless: "That's the gift you gave me, I've already thanked it."

"There are two ultimate crystal **** in the multiverse in your body. Did you get them when you robbed the treasury of the Almighty Universe of Truth?"

"That's right, these two ultimate cosmic crystal **** come from the treasury of the Almighty Universe Kingdom of Truth."

"You put the blame on me, and you should compensate me."

"What compensation do you want?"

"Give me a cosmic crystal ball of the ultimate supreme device."

"You think it's beautiful."

"You will rob, and I will rob too!"

"I've already guarded against you, you can never succeed!"

"I can't guard against you, but you can't guard against me."

"You can try!"

"The origin is endless. You pretend to be me to rob the treasury of the Almighty Universe of Truth, and I won't hold you accountable, but you must give me nine pieces of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, and I also need a crystal ball of the Ultimate Supreme Cosmos." Ji Haotian said seriously.

"Dreaming, wishful thinking, no way!" The source of the infinite heaven said with disdain.

"The origin is endless, you are going to be unlucky, no one in the heavens and the world can save you!" Ji Haotian threatened.

The God of Infinite Source suddenly slammed his palm out, and the boundless source power instantly erupted, swept across Ji Haotian like a raging wave!

At the same time, Ji Haotian suddenly had a thought, and instantly performed one of the Thirty-six Profound Justice Techniques of Heavenly Dao Judgment!

The inexhaustible power of heaven's judgment and profound meaning exploded in an instant, judging the heavens and the world, and destroying the eight wastes of the universe!

The Profound Truth of the Judgment of the Heavenly Dao: Also known as the Super-Almighty Divine Technique of the Judgment of the Dao of Heaven, it has the origin of the Profound Justice of the Judgment of the Dao of Heaven and the congenital spirit of the Profound Justice of the Judgment of the Dao of Heaven. It has the dual ability of creation and destruction. It can create in addition to destruction. It is the source of judgment in the boundless three thousand great thousand worlds. A trace of its power already exists before the birth of chaos. , Every bacterium is impersonal and non-concept. It is the experience of the infinite dharma world that transcends substance, causality, logic, etc. and presents various strange and grotesque infinite dharmas, mainly including terror, tenderness, true god, three-faced, The king of dance, the master of Liga, and the master of half-girls are all in disguise.

The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers, only those who possess the heavenly body and comprehend the existence of the heavenly way can successfully cultivate. That is to say, only the master of the heavenly way can control the profound justice of the heavenly judgement, and its power is comparable to the omnipotence and omnipotence. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

The most basic judgment power of the Profound Justice of Heavenly Judgment is the ability to send out the fire of judgment of the heavens that destroys the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds. As a profundity force of judgment with infinite laws, it has more than 30,333,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 profundities of chaotic judgment, and each profundity force of judgment has an infinite number of super power branches that surpass all concepts and all universes. The unparalleled ultimate judgment of all beings in the heavens contains infinite chaos.

The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth is the omniscient and omnipotent "God"-like superpower that supervises and maintains the balance of all realities. The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth has infinite power, which can control and judge the entire infinite almighty universe, representing the supreme judgment law of the universe. Above the sum of the super raw power.

The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Law is the supreme law of the infinite omnipotent universe, which controls all the realities of the entire infinite omnipotent universe, and can easily turn the super-primitive power and all existence and non-existence into useless waste. It is the supreme power of the entire infinite omnipotent universe, the ultimate abstract existence that transcends all dimensions, and it is above the timeline that is above all parallel universes, and it is the creator of all material worlds. Before the emergence of all infinite dimensions of time and space, a solitary, supreme, and extremely huge abstract force that was not bound by the concept of time and space was Profound Law of Heaven's Judgment is the Supreme Law , also known as the "power of God", is an omniscient and omnipotent ultimate power in the infinite omnipotent universe, maintaining and supervising the order and laws of the entire infinite omnipotent universe, and absolutely supervising and maintaining all the reality of the infinite omnipotent universe.

The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth can control everything in infinite almighty universes. It sets random rules for the origin of infinite almighty universes, supervises all almighty universes, adjudicates on various events, and is committed to maintaining the balance of everything and managing everything. Law can also be called the power of God in the material world. It only appears when needed, and its judgments can affect the entire infinite dimensional universe. At the same time, it can restart, repair, and destroy the omniverse or multiverse that has been damaged or has no meaning.

The Profound Justice of the Judgment of the Heavenly Dao represents the concretization of the sum of the Profound Justice of the Judgment of the Dao of Heaven in the entire universe. It is the master of all the Profound Justice of the Judgment of the Dao of Heaven. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine power born when the infinite omnipotent universe was created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) of the Profound Line of Judgment of Heaven's Dao and create new branches on the Profound Line of Judgment of Heaven's Dao. Any trivial point in its infinite Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth clone is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is super-universal universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and immeasurable power of the Heavenly Dao Judgment Profound Truth. A single thought produces and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the divine justice of the judgment, and is the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

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