In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3612: Top 10 Creation Holy Sites (1)

"Boom!" A loud bang that annihilated the universe starry sky!

The two were each shaken back by a zhang, and they were evenly matched, regardless of strength.

On the summit of the giant peak shrouded in clouds and mist, the two confronted each other.

The huge thunderous noise quickly attracted a person. The person who was attracted was an old acquaintance of Ji Haotian. He was the Tianyi Holy King, one of the ten great creation holy places.

The Holy King of Tianyi, also known as the Holy King of Destiny Source Nuclear, the God of Destiny and Source Nucleus, the master of Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain, one of the top ten sacred places of creation, who rules the universe of the extra dimension of Destiny. The young genius of creation, the image is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the almighty treasure, the source of destiny, the holy rod.

The Ten Holy Lands of Creation: Also known as the Ten Ultimate Holy Lands, they are the top ten extra-dimensional holy sites in the infinite omnipotent universe. They are located in ten extremely mysterious and vast final extra-dimensional universes, ruling the ten ultimate extra-dimensional universes. The dimensional universe (each ultimate extra-dimensional universe contains infinite multiverses), with ten creation legions, is ten extremely mysterious, ancient, powerful and incredible ultimate forces of the human race of the universe.

The extra dimension is not far from the universe, it can even be said to be close at hand. It's just that they are hidden so well that living creatures can't see them. The extra dimension may be so tiny that it is invisible to the naked eye, shrinking so tightly that living beings can never effectively observe and perceive it, or it may be deformed, twisted, and stretched endlessly, but it is still difficult to see and discover. A super extra dimension can hide a galaxy, a single universe, a multiverse, or even an infinite multiverse, which is extremely mysterious and incredible.

There are countless extra-dimensional universes in the total creation universe, and each extra-dimensional universe has its own forces that rule it. Most of the forces that rule these extra-dimensional universes are extremely mysterious, powerful and incredible.

In the vast majority of cases, these mysterious and powerful extra-dimensional cosmic forces are unable to reach a single piece. But in order to maintain the balance between good and evil, these extra-dimensional cosmic forces maintain a fragile and delicate peace, and try not to solve problems by force unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, these extra-dimensional cosmic forces will also get together from time to time, and there are many reasons for getting together, but to sum up, it is nothing more than the damage to the common interests, or because of something that they are all interested in attracting to meet them, or hold a trade fair in an extra-dimensional universe.

The most powerful of the countless extra-dimensional cosmic forces in the total creation universe are the top ten holy places of creation. These ten holy places of creation are also the top ten ultimate forces of the human race in the total creation universe. They rule the extremely mysterious ten ultimate extras. Dimensional universe (each ultimate extra-dimensional universe contains infinite multiverses), with extremely powerful ten creation legions, each holy place has several mysterious ancient and powerful super-primitive powers and numerous cosmic giants. Powerful people, in front of the Ten Great Creation Holy Lands, those cosmic superpowers in the infinite omnipotent universe are just trivial illusions.

Although the Ten Great Creation Holy Lands are the ten ultimate forces of the universe, if they are united, these forces will be so powerful that they can compete with the ultimate forces that surpass the ultimate forces.

Cosmic forces are divided into nine levels, from low to high: low-level forces, primary forces, intermediate forces, high-level forces, top-level forces, super-level forces, super-powerful powers, and ultimate powers (with one to ten super-primitive powers) ), the ultimate power (the power with more than ten super-primitive powers can be called the ultimate power).

Top ten holy kings of creation: the supreme master of ten holy places of creation, ten absolute masters of ten ultimate extra-dimensional universes (each ultimate extra-dimensional universe contains infinite multiverses), and has ten creation legions under his command , they are all reincarnations of super-primitive powers who have spent sixty chaotic ages, and they are all extremely mysterious and powerful young creation-level geniuses.

The images of the top ten holy kings of creation are ten young and beautiful men of the human race with different skin colors. They are tall, handsome, majestic and domineering. They have silver halos of wisdom and various visions behind their heads. ,They are:

The Holy King of Tianyi, also known as the Holy King of Destiny Source Nucleus, the God of Destiny and the Source Nucleus, the master of Destiny Source Nucleus Mountain, the ruler of the extra-dimensional universe of Destiny, the one billion Destiny Source Nucleus Corps under his command, the young creation genius with the Dao Body of Destiny, the image He is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the almighty treasure of destiny source nuclear holy rod.

The Holy King of Tianyu, also known as the Holy King of Karma and the Other Side, the God of Karma and the Other Side, the Master of Karma and the Other Side of the Sea, the ruler of the extra-dimensional universe of Karma, under the command of one billion Karma Other Side Corps, a young creation genius with Karma Tao body, the image is a human race blue race A beautiful man with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head, the almighty holy rod of cause and effect.

King Tianrui, also known as the Holy King of Wish Fulfillment, the God of Wish and Fulfillment, the Master of the Wish Fulfillment World, the Ruler of the Extra-Dimensional Universe of Wishes, the One Billion Wish Fulfillment Legion under His Command, and the Young Creation Genius with Wish Dao ~The image is a beautiful man of the human race, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The Holy King of Tianwei, also known as the Holy King of Reincarnation Sequence, the God of Reincarnation and Sequence, the Master of Reincarnation Sequence Garden, who rules the extra-dimensional universe of Reincarnation. A beautiful man, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, the almighty holy rod of reincarnation sequence.

Saint King Caikun, also known as the Saint King of Creation and Cycle, the God of Creation and Cycle, the Master of Creation and Cycle, who rules and creates extra-dimensional universe, has a billion army of Creation Cycle under his command, has a young genius of creation who creates Taoism, and is depicted as a human race yellow race A beautiful man with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head, the Almighty Treasure created the Circular Scepter.

King Wangdi, also known as the Holy King of Destruction and Folding, the God of Destruction and Folding, the Master of Destruction and Folding Land, who rules and destroys the extra-dimensional universe, has a billion Destruction and Folding Legion under his command, and is a young creation genius with the destruction of Taoism. The image is the orange race of the human race A beautiful man with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the almighty treasure destroys the folding holy rod.

King Zaiwen, also known as the Holy King of Time Infinite, the God of Time and Infinite, the Master of Time Infinite Domain, the ruler of the extra-dimensional universe of Time, the one billion Time Infinite Legion under his command, the young genius of creation with the Time Dao body, the image is the red race of the human race A beautiful man with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, the almighty holy rod of infinite time.

The Holy King of Fancheng, also known as the Holy King of Space Concept, the God of Space and Concept, the Master of Space Concept Forest, who rules the extra-dimensional universe of space, has a billion Space Concept Corps under his command, and is a young genius of creation with a space Tao body, whose image is the brown race of human race A beautiful man with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the almighty holy rod of space concept.

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