In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3611: god of flight rules

In front of the swaying money tree, Ji Haotian looked at the swaying money tree with golden branches and jade leaves, and then called out to the swaying money tree, "Little Hanzi, you brother, I'm here, get out and kneel to welcome you!"

As his voice fell, a golden light suddenly shot out from the thick trunk of the swaying cash cow, turning into the flying general Wang Yanfei Jinhan, one of the forty-nine generals of Tianyan.

Yanfei Jinhan: King of flying generals, the **** of flight rules, possessing the godhead of flight rules, the innate underworld power in charge of flight rules, an abstract **** born when infinite omnipotent universes were created, representing the flight rules of the entire universe The visualization of the sum. It can arbitrarily create and manipulate all the flight rules of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions), and is the source and master of all flight rules of infinite almighty universes.

Yanfei Jinhan's personified image is a beautiful man of the blue race of the human race. He wears a blue-gold crown and a blue royal robe. He holds the magic spear of flying rules, the treasure of Hongmeng.

The Great Magical Technique of Flying the Clouds and Driving the Fog, also known as Feitong, the Great Way of Flying, is the first flying technique in the universe, which can travel hundreds of millions of miles in an instant. You can roam the universe and starry sky, travel through the heavens and the world, teleport between the stars, jump in space, go to the sky and enter the earth, come and go without a trace. Note: "The supreme supernatural power of flight."

The flying general Wang Yanfei and Jin Han arrogantly shouted at Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, if you don't leave in heaven, if there is no door in hell, you come by yourself. Today you are dead!"

Ji Haotian pouted and said disdainfully, "You bastard, you dare to threaten me! Let me ask you, what are you doing here?"

Yanfei Jinhan said, "Why am I here? It's none of your business?"

Ji Haotian sneered: "Do you think I don't know, you are avoiding Goddess Indoya's pursuit! Goddess Indoya first discovered the innate antimatter energy field, but you later took the lead. You took the innate antimatter energy field first. The eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones derived from it were all stolen, and the goddess Indoya was mad. The angry goddess Indoya began to chase you all over the universe. You are like a lost dog, hiding everywhere. Avoid the pursuit of Goddess Indoya!"

Yanfei Jinhan stubbornly said, "Why, it's none of your business?"

Ji Haotian said: "My Heavenly Dao is beyond limitless and boundless calamity. If you devour and refine your eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones, you will be able to break through to level one hundred and six, so I am here to get you Give me all the eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones!"

Yanfei Jinhan's body suddenly turned into a golden sun, and the golden light that destroyed everything instantly exploded, shooting at Ji Haotian!

At the same time, Ji Haotian's thoughts moved, and he quickly performed one of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the omniscient and omnipotent divine art!

The omniscient and almighty divine art that endlessly suppressed the heaven and earth, and shattered the cosmos, swept out like a raging sea in an instant!

Omniscient and Almighty Great Divine Art, also known as Almighty Pass, is one of the forty-nine Divine Art of Tianyan. It is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; it is the art of creation of all things, the art of governing the universe, the art of revelation of truth, the art of salvation of all souls, and the art of judgment of sin.

Omniscient and Almighty Magic is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It is above all spells and above all cosmic forces and abstract entities. It is a transcendent and absolutely supreme almighty technique, and everything is just a thought, an idea of ​​the omniscient and almighty magic. It can create everything with a single thought, and can also erase everything with a single thought. Omniscient Almighty Magic is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends and transcends everything, all this also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, causality, logic, laws, eternity, origin, boundaries , imaginary numbers, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc. Omniscient and Almighty Magic can do everything, including creating stones that cannot be lifted by themselves and lifting them, One punch is really omnipotent, etc.; all brain holes, imaginations, associations, fantasies, delusions, conjectures, idealism, materialism, mathematics, works, film and television works, works of art, scientific research, scientific theories, scientific conjectures, etc. etc. to be visualized. As long as he wants, everything can be realized, whether it is absurd or not, whether it is true or not. Regardless of whether it is a logical paradox, unreasonable, etc., the omniscience and omnipotence can do it.

Omniscient and Almighty Divine Art is an absolute omnipotent power that cannot be touched to the end by all the spirits of the universe. Absolutely everything you can imagine, absolutely everything you can't imagine, absolutely everything you think is possible, absolutely everything you think is impossible... All are contained in the omnipotent and omnipotent magic, which literally means - omniscient and omnipotent!

Omniscient and Almighty Magic is the greatest freedom that is not limited by any object or condition, and presents an absolute omnipotent power that can be devoid of subject and object. All things beyond cause and effect, logic, and definition are meaningless to it, and it is omnipotent in the true sense. , it can arbitrarily manipulate all the space-time, atoms, logic, concepts, causality, and laws of the whole dimension at will, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite universe at will, and in each quark there are countless final consciousnesses beyond logic ( It is called one universe per quark, or countless universes per quark).

The ultimate ability of omnipotent and omnipotent magic - do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, you can change whatever you want, transcend and surpass everything, ignore all existence and non-existence, absolutely omniscient, omniscient can not.

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