In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1992: Battle of Sigismund

Great Brahma King Sigismund was sitting cross-legged in the super green lotus flower with his eyes closed and cultivating when Ji Haotian strode in leisurely.

The Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, tall and handsome, with a peerless wind spirit, is an extremely beautiful man. He is over 1.9 meters tall, and his beautiful and delicate facial features like flowers make everyone and everything in the world pale in front of him.

Between his eyebrows there is a supreme, holy, magical and mysterious vertical eye, which is the eye of the ultimate first cause; a pair of colorful and splendid nine-colored divine wings on his back, which can travel through time and space and teleport between the stars. Tiandaoyi; behind his head there is a shining and beautiful nine-colored halo of wisdom, behind him there are endless magical visions such as the black and yellow of heaven and earth, the prehistoric universe, the heavens and the world, and the universe.

He is extraordinary and arrogant, cold and indifferent, gentle and jade-like, and the wind is light and clear. Fairy and elegant, lonely and cold, with long hair like a waterfall, eyes falling into the stars, and her elegant demeanor is peerless.

He wears the white gold Kowloon Crown - Juntian Crown, and wears the white Kowloon Emperor Robe - Cangtian Robe. His slender body is straight and straight. Unattainable, down to dust.

He is tall and jade-like, extremely handsome, with no hostility in his eyes. He just casts a faint gaze towards this place, as if he had fallen to this place. He is aloof, transcendent, and inviolable.

Under the shade of the tree, the Great Brahma King Sigismund in the green lotus flower sensed someone was coming, and slowly opened his eyes, the golden light flowing in his eyes, and countless divine patterns intertwined, like an immortal god.

When he saw Ji Haotian, he was surprised at first, but quickly returned to calm and indifferent, and said with a blank face: "You should be the one who repaired the Hunyuan Sanyu Emperor and the Eternal Tribulation Ten Universe King so badly. Master, the Emperor of Heaven, Ji Haotian!"

Ji Haotian walked up to the Great Brahma King Sigismund and smiled indifferently: "It is this seat, Great Brahma King Sigismund, hello, nice to meet you."

The Brahma King Sigismund said indifferently: "You are not good, I am very unhappy to meet you."

Ji Haotian said, "Why are you so upset when you meet me? Are you stupid? You should be flattered and honored to see me!"

The Brahma King Sigismund said indifferently: "Ji Haotian, you are talking too much! What are you doing here?"

Ji Haotian said: "The three thousand primordial chaos caves in the forbidden area are endless primordial chaos, which has nurtured three thousand primordial primordial chaos cores, which will soon form the true three thousand primordial chaos cores. If my three thousand almighty universe Dao souls swallow it After refining three thousand primordial chaos cores, you can upgrade to three thousand super almighty cosmic dao souls, and definitely upgrade from almighty dao souls to super almighty dao souls. Three thousand primordial chaos cores are my great luck.”

Sigismund said: "No, the three thousand primordial chaos cores are my great fortune."

Ji Haotian suddenly used his supernatural powers to swallow the super blue lotus flower that Sigismund was sitting on!

"Boom!" After he swallowed and refined the super green lotus flower that contained huge energy, a muffled sound came from his body, and his cultivation level directly broke through the first-order, reaching the fourth-order galaxy realm.

The cultivation of super-dimensional people is divided into ten major realms, from low to high, they are:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm).

The super-energy green lotus was gone, and Sigismund sat on the grass by surprise.

He stood up, not angry, but said indifferently: "As expected, he is a bandit, despicable, insidious, cunning, really hard to guard against!"

Ji Haotian said, "Thank you for your compliment. Your energy green lotus flower is a gift from you!"

Sigsmond said, "If that's the case, shouldn't you also give me a gift?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "You're right, the greeting I give you is a punch!"

He said a 3,000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist and slammed into Sigismund!

Sigismund slammed a giant golden fist with a golden light on it!

"Bang!" An earth-shattering thunder boom!

The two took three steps back each, and they were evenly matched, regardless of strength!

Although Ji Haotian has an absolute three thousand times the combat power, Sigismund's cultivation is one big realm and twenty small realms higher than him. He still has a thousand dantian, a thousand inner universes, a thousand The double combat power surpasses the genius, so the first confrontation between the two is evenly matched, regardless of strength.

Ji Hao's weather was like a rainbow, and he said domineeringly: "If we fight here, we will destroy this planet. Let's go to outer space to fight a battle. The defeated must not touch the three thousand primordial Chaos Core!"

Sigismund didn't talk nonsense, he directly flew into the sky, Ji Haotian also flew up at the same time, the two left the planet, fought in space, and fought fiercely in a world-shattering battle!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"


The void shattered, the space collapsed, the stars collapsed, and the starry sky was completely annihilated by two peerless geniuses and returned to nothingness!

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