In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1991: Sigismund the Brahma

Twelve all-powerful treasures of the Heavenly Dao and twelve swords form the ultimate Heavenly Dao Judgment Array. With the power of thunder, they suppressed the might of the ages, and violently and violently suppressed Taiyutian to the ground in an instant!

Ji Haotian made a quick move and used the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Technique to forcibly deprive Tai Yutian of the seeds of the Great Divine Art of Flying Body and Trace, and took it as his own. Then he took back the twelve swords of the Heavenly Dao, and smashed the Heavenly Dao Zilian to travel through time and space, and flew away!

So far, Ji Haotian has possessed twenty of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, which are:

The great magic of flying body and trace, the great magic of nine breaths and convincing, the great magic of deriving Yuanyang, the great magic of subduing dragons and tigers, the great magic of mending the sky and bathing the sun, the great magic of pushing mountains and filling the sea, the great magic of turning stones into gold, the great magic of standing upright without shadows, the great magic of fetuses The Great Magic of Transforming Shapes, the Great Magic of Big and Small Ruyi, the Great Magic of Flower Blossoms in a Moment, the Great Magic of Wandering Spirits and Controlling Qi, the Great Magic of Seeing Through the Walls, the Great Magic of Returning the Wind and Returning Fire, the Great Magic of Mastering the Five Thunders, the Great Magic of Hidden Abyss and Shrinking the Earth, The great magic of flying sand and moving stones, the great magic of relying on mountains and super seas, the great magic of throwing beans and turning into soldiers, and the great magic of nailing the head and seven arrows.

Taiyutian got up from the ground in embarrassment, his seven orifices were so angry, he jumped like thunder, and roared up to the sky...

decades later.

Tisselius, a super-life planet in the vast universe.

The life planets of the extra-dimensional universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level life planet, primary life planet, intermediate life planet, high-level life planet, top-level life planet, super life planet, super life planet, ultimate life planet, and ultimate life planet (exist only in legends).

The Postyumes Mountains, a super-primitive mountain range in the Tisselius star, stands out with strange mountains, continuous mountains, green and steep, surrounded by clouds and fog.

There is a deep valley with dense virgin forests in the depths of the mountains. There is a mysterious and terrifying ancient cave in a mountain deep in the valley. The gray-black chaotic vortex in the cave slowly rotates, like a terrifying cosmic black hole, swallowing everything and tearing it apart. everything.

This ancient chaotic cave is the famous terrifying forbidden place - the Three Thousand Primal Chaos Cave.

There is a huge super purple lotus flower in the shade of a tree not far outside the Chaos Cave of the Three Thousand Primal Chaos. Inside the lotus sits a blond, blue-eyed human race Caucasian handsome man with four arms and silver wisdom behind his head. Auras and all kinds of visions.

He is dressed in the crown of a king, with a slender figure, fair complexion, and unparalleled beauty. He wears gems, holy threads and thick garlands on his body. He holds a conch, a divine plate, a divine pestle and a lotus in his four arms. , high above, overlooking the common people, sacred and inviolable.

This person is impressively Sigismund, the master of the Great Brahma Palace, one of the nine ultimate forbidden places, a very mysterious and ancient reincarnation of the super-primitive power.

Sigismund, the Great Brahma King, the master of the Great Brahma Palace, one of the nine ultimate forbidden places, is a beautiful blond human race Caucasian man with four arms, a silver halo of wisdom and various anomaly. He is usually dressed as a king, with a slender figure, fair complexion, and extraordinary beauty. He wears precious stones, holy threads and thick garlands on his body, and holds a conch, a divine plate, a divine pestle and a lotus flower in his four arms. He sometimes sits on a green lotus, sometimes lies on a thousand-headed serpent, and sometimes rides on a golden-winged Dapeng bird.

Sigismund is the reincarnation of the super-primitive power beyond the genius level. He possesses the omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing and eternal soul of nothingness. Seventy-two chaotic generations are sealed in his nothingness. His cultivation is only It is to take back the power that belongs to you.

Sigismund is a young transcendental genius with a transcendent nihilistic body and a Taoist soul of 2,999 births in the palace of the Great Brahma. There are a thousand dantians and a thousand dantian universes in his body, and he has a thousand times as much. Combat power; he has the twin transcendent talents, the Dao, the supernatural power, the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Nothingness, the Dabra Divine Thunder and the Dabra Immeasurable Calamity, the almighty treasure Dabra Divine Bow, and the Dafan who dominates one of the nine ultimate forbidden places. The palace, under his command, has many super-primitive powerful assistants, mysterious and unpredictable.

The Great Brahma Palace, also known as the Super-Brahma Palace, is one of the nine ultimate forbidden places. The Brahma is the highest and the first existence. The only one is the Dao, and the only one is the truth. This is the Super Brahma. The image of the Dafan Palace (Supershang Dafan Palace) is an infinitely high and infinite super golden cosmic palace, like an infinite golden sun, which exists in the depths of the invisible and infinite void. In the unimaginable infinity of absolute nothingness, it radiates endless golden brilliance, going to the heavens and the world, illuminating the universe.

The inner space of the Great Brahma Palace has no beginning and no end, and is boundless, containing countless multiverses, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, roots, civilization..., all incomprehensible and incomprehensible categories is an infinite fraction of it.

The Great Brahma Palace is the origin of all things, the truth of all things, the palace of creation and creation, the palace of omniscience, omnipotence and self-existence. It flows out of and sustains life because of it.

The Great Brahman Palace truly exists in all things, and all things are Great Brahman, but nothing can be equal to Great Brahman. The way of existence of the Great Brahma Palace is unique. It is hidden in all things without being visible, and it cannot be felt but exists. All things are born in me, all things exist in me, and all things disappear in me. Eternal, pervasive, pervasive, extremely subtle, this is the Great Brahma Palace.

The Great Brahma Palace is the origin and noumenon that determines all things in the universe. It is infinitely high and infinite, so it is a formless existence. It is essentially absolute, invisible and infinite. It is not reflected in external objects. , not short, not long, not red, not moist, no shadow, no wind, no space, no attachment, no taste, no smell, no eyes, no ears, no words, no mind, no heat, no breath, no mouth, no limit , without inner, without outer, excluding the attributes of all specific things, it is the true nature of asexuality, the nature of the whole, and the infinite inclusiveness.

The Great Brahma Palace is the most real and fundamental existence. The existence of all things originates from it. It not only creates the world, but also enters into it. The Great Brahma Palace is inconceivably infinite, an absolute existence that transcends time and space, and a supreme will that cannot be understood or imagined by any thought.

The Great Brahma Palace is absolutely omnipotent and omnipotent. It transcends logic, transcends absolute omnipotence, annihilates cause and effect, transcends concepts, cannot be defined, and has no concept far beyond absolute "nothing", uncountable, unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable , beyond all things in the real real world, "strong" is its infinite incarnation. In front of it, the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds, the immeasurable ultimate space, all the most advanced concepts, the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions, the immeasurable multiverse, all the seas of Hua Zang worlds, the immeasurable ultimate chaos world, etc., all sum up like a quark, insignificant.

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