In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1953: Seeing the Great Divine Technique

One of the ten kings of the eternal robbery, the king of death, flew to the front of the first queen and the second concubine, looked at them unscrupulously, and sighed: "I didn't expect the legendary three female founders to be so magnificent, beautiful and noble. But... your cultivation is too low, right? It's only the Nebula Realm, I am a powerful Star Realm Realm, which is two big realms and twenty small realms higher than yours!"

The cultivation of super-dimensional people is divided into ten major realms, from low to high, they are:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm).

The super-dimensional devices used by super-dimensional users are divided into nine grades, from low to high:

Low-level super-dimensional device, primary super-dimensional device, intermediate super-dimensional device, advanced super-dimensional device, top-level super-dimensional device, super-dimensional super-device, super super-dimensional device, ultimate super-dimensional device, and ultimate super-dimensional device.

Feng Ehuang suddenly scolded with a cold face: "You bastard, how dare you look at us so unscrupulously, this is contempt and offense to our first and second concubines, are you a **** who has no mother to teach you? Go away. !"

The King of Death Zhou Li curled his lips and smiled contemptuously: "Look at you? Are you still afraid to see it? My cultivation is two realms higher than yours, so what if I despise you? What if I offend you? What if I don't get out?"

Aglaia said coldly: "It seems that I have to teach you a lesson, so that you realize that the creator of the world is sacred and inviolable!"

The King of the Dead Zhou Di Li suddenly made a huge soft bed at the scene.

The second concubine was stunned when she saw this.

Pan Tianchan asked, "Why did you make a big bed?"

The King of Death Zhou said with a wicked smile, "Aren't your beautiful and noble first and second concubines trying to teach me a lesson? Come to bed and teach me!"

When the first and second concubines heard the words, their faces became cold, and the bastard, the King of the Dead, was naked and molested!

Pan Tianchan said to the two sisters around him: "Haotian is collecting the seeds of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan. The soul source of the dead Eternal King hides the seeds of the great divine arts of Geyuan Insight. Let's beat him. Then grab the seeds of the Great Divine Technique from Geyuan Dongjian and give it to Haotian, Haotian will definitely be very happy."

Aglaia nodded and said, "Haotian always gave the three sisters good things, and we didn't give him anything. Haotian must like this seed of great magic, so we grabbed it and gave it to Haotian."

The King of Death Eternally sneered with disdain: "You three little girls in the Nebula Realm still want to rob me of the seeds of the Great Divine Technique of Geyuan Insight? It's really over-comprehensive and self-humiliating! By the way, what is Haotian? Who is it? Your adulterer? Concubine? Lover? Soft-faced man? Face?"

Pan Tianchan snorted coldly: "The dog can't spit out ivory, so he should be beaten! Sisters, beat him!"

The three sisters shot at the same time and quickly attacked the Death King Zhou Dili.

The two sides fought fiercely in the ruins.

The King of Death Zhou Dili continued to perform the great magic of Geyuan Insight, and all the magical powers and combat skills of the three sisters were seen through by his great magic of Insight. Insight into the great divine art with ease, without panic or confusion.

The great magic of seeing through the walls, also known as clairvoyance, can see through obstacles or even see through the source, and can see through everything at one glance at will, including through time, through space, through matter, through spirit, through energy, through fantasy, and through perspective. Thinking, penetrating consciousness, penetrating meaning, and penetrating everything; being able to see through the hole, see the ten directions, heaven and earth, without obstacles, six-in-one, inside and outside, ghosts and gods, figures, big and small, all of which can’t be clearly distinguished. Note: "Perspective and insight into all the great magic of the universe."

The first and second concubines saw the death of the king of death, and they could easily compete with them with the great insight of the wall and the powerful cultivation. For a time, if they didn't know how to use their trump cards to suppress the king of death, it would be very difficult.

Pan Tianchan didn't have the time to spend it, and called to the two sisters, "He also has the almighty treasure, we will use the creation treasure to suppress him in one fell swoop!"

The three sisters suddenly burned a large amount of ultra-dimensional crystals as the original force at the same time, and created three treasures of creation - the destiny disk, the causal chain, and the creation pillar!

Treasure: Born in the chaos of Hongmeng, it transcends and surpasses all weapons and treasures in the multiverse.

The treasures are divided into five levels, from high to low, they are: Transcendence, Creation, Almighty, Hongmeng, and Chaos.

Eighty-one chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch is six trillion years old), legend has it that there were five transcendence treasures, ten creation treasures, three thousand almighty treasures, three thousand Hongmeng treasures, and three thousand Chaos treasures. .

According to legend, the five supreme treasures of transcendence are the supreme treasures associated with the five supreme masters of transcendence, and the ten great treasures of creation are the peerless treasures associated with the ten great masters of creation.

The five great treasures of transcendence were born in the "Tao" Qi, the ten great treasures of creation were born in the super nothingness, the almighty treasures were born in nothingness, the treasures of Hongmeng were born in Hongmeng, and the treasures of chaos were born in chaos.

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