In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1952: Eikyu Sora Kazu Eikyu 10 Soraou

9. The Eternal Tribulation Universe, also known as the Ultimate Universe of Eternity, exists in the depths of the invisible and boundless void, in an infinite extra dimension beyond time and space that is unimaginable. It is the infinite and ultimate eternal universe, the most mysterious, ancient, and powerful universe of all time and space. The universe, time and space, nothingness, vacuum, origin, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible categories are an infinite fraction of the eternal universe; There is no decay and no change, incredible, and it lasts forever, so it is called the universe of eternal robbery, also known as the ultimate universe that will never end.

The Eternal Tribulation Universe is the ultimate universe that is omniscient, omnipotent, and has its own eternal existence. It is the root of everything and the ultimate truth. Its purest thoughts flow out from the depths of its own body with infinite wisdom, and it accompanies all things. chanting, the ancient melody sounded in the ripples of the void. Its creation was bathed in the stalwart gaze that exudes endless divine power, and it was baptized by the divine gaze. Its projection that transcends the cycle of life and death in the universe is the source of all things, and its infinitely grand body is the end of all concepts.

The infinite will of the Eternal Tribulation Universe has penetrated into every corner of the creation, and all living beings are its incarnations, and it is also outside all living beings. It gives them life and leads them into old age; it gives them love and joy and it gives them hate and sadness. All dreams that dissipate in the void and all souls lost in reincarnation will pass through the last "fog" and be sent into the forgotten "abyss" by it.

Eternal Tribulation Universe is an all-knowing and almighty existence. It can turn your imagined cosmology into a real universe. Just like the author of a novel treats the universe depicted in his own work, you can freely modify the settings, control the development of the plot, and give the creatures in these universes. Divide countless realms. It can also arbitrarily create infinite-level cosmology that includes infinite-level cosmology, and let them nest within each other in an infinite loop. Each universe is an independent field, and they overlap with each other. The Eternal Tribulation Universe can construct an infinitely high plane in it at will, and embed an infinite number of infinitely high planes in each of the lowest-level concepts of all infinitely high planes, and then Repeated loops; every basic unit in it is infinitely expanded, and every tiniest loop can grow endlessly at an insane speed... After this picture is unfolded, there are more and more grand loops model.

Eternal Tribulation Universe is the true omnipotence and omnipotence. The "Omniscient and Almighty" of the low-level universe is just an illusion in front of Eternal Tribulation Universe. The "Omniscient and Almighty" in the universe at the same level is also divided into infinite levels. "Omniscient and omnipotent" means omniscient and omnipotent, and the "everything" of the low-level universe is not equal to the "everything" of the Eternal Tribulation Universe. Eternal Tribulation Universe can subvert all laws in countless universes with a single thought, transcend time and space cause and effect, countless concepts and countless higher-level things outside time and space, destroy and create all universes, and let the works created by those creatures in countless universes Everything in these works becomes part of their own domain. No matter how powerful the characters in those works are, they are limited within the scope of the "universal level" they are in, and they cannot touch the Eternal Tribulation Universe at all. They can completely ignore their universe...and countless other things that are even more beyond the insignificant cognition of all races in the universe.

The operation of all universes and everything in them is a small part of the reflection of the Eternal Tribulation Universe in the water. Even the multiverse is just a tree in the Eternal Tribulation Universe. All logical thinking and conceptual systems are flowing in its tree. A part of the juice, it is the sum total of all dimensions and reality, the origin of all things, from which all creations and old gods were born.

Eternal Tribulation Ten Universe Kings, one of the nine ultimate forbidden places, the ten masters of the Eternal Tribulation Universe, ten starry sky giant men and women with creation-level Dao bodies, ten young creation geniuses from the starry sky giant clan, extremely mysterious. Measured and powerful.

Eternal Tribulation and Ten Universe Kings are all super-primitive power reincarnations who have spent seventy chaotic generations. They have omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing Taiyi souls. Their Taiyi souls are sealed with seventy chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. Cultivation is nothing but taking back the power that belongs to you.

Eternal Tribulation and Ten Universe Kings are ten young starry sky giants, men and women, all of which are as huge as super planets. However, for the convenience of walking in various multiverses, they usually become smaller to normal human heights. There is not much difference, very few creatures can see their planet-like giant starry sky.

The Eternal Tribulation Ten Universe King comes from the starry sky giants. He is a young creation genius with ten creation-level Dao bodies. All of them have twin creation-level talents and supernatural powers, and they hold ten almighty treasures.

Destiny Zhou Wang Mingxiao - a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a purple-golden horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great destiny and great karma, almighty treasure Destiny Universe ~www.wuxiamtl .com~ The King of Cause and Effect, Yin Cheng - a beautiful man of the blue race with blue hair and blue eyes, with a blue-gold horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent, the Dao, the supernatural power, the Great Karma Technique and the Great Wish Technique, the almighty treasure Karma Universe Clothes.

Wish King Zhou Yaoyao - a beautiful man of red race with red hair and red eyes, with a red-golden horn on his head, twin creation-level talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great wish and great reincarnation, and the all-powerful treasure wish cosmic clothing.

Lunxuan, the king of reincarnation, is a beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a gray-gold horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent, the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Creation Technique, and the almighty treasure Samsara Uniform.

The Queen of Creation, Chuangxi, a beautiful woman with colorful hair and colorful eyes, with a colorful golden horn on her head, twin creation-level talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great creation and great destruction, and the almighty treasure to create the universe.

Destroy the Universe King Zhuangyu - a beautiful white-haired, white-eyed man with a white-gold horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent, the Great Destruction Technique and the Great Time Technique, and the almighty treasure to destroy the Universe Clothes.

Time Eternal King Shiran - a beautiful man of yellow race with yellow hair and yellow eyes, with a golden horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent Dao supernatural power big time technique and big space technique, and the almighty treasure time uniform.

Space Eternal King Konglin - Blue-haired and blue-eyed blue-skinned beautiful man with a blue-gold horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent, avenue, supernatural powers, great space technique and great life technique, and almighty treasure space cosmos.

Shengyao, the Queen of Life, is a beautiful woman of green race with green hair and green eyes, with a green-gold horn on her head, twin creation-level talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great life and great death, and the almighty treasure of life.

The King of Death is standing dead - a beautiful black man with black hair and black eyes, with a black and golden horn on his head, a twin creation-level talent Dao supernatural power death technique and great life technique, and the almighty treasure Death Coat.

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